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Heidi here NOT Rp related

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Heidi, You have FUN on that cruise. I have already sent them a warning not to let you EVEN SEE a cleaning aparatus. LOL No, you can't mop, sweep, or dust. And forget cleaning the portholes. LOL

You both deserve this trip and you will have a wonderful time.


PS. I'm so glad Don got a good report. I know he will keep up the good work, you won't let him do other wise. lOL

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Ok guess what we got here in Okieland ?? LOL Yup, time to go sledding.

Now the only problem I have with this we don't have a mountain to do it on. .So I guess I take what little snow we got and go to Virginia

to 's House or Dawn's house. Or how about back to Germany ?? Ja that sounds good then I could Pig out on all the X mass goodies too. LOL Hey the got some mountains. LOL Yup, I want to be a kid again. LOL Dang how we used to do that all day long and never felled cold either. LOL Oklahoma does not get to much snow here.

Hey the cant handle that let me tell you. LOL

When we get 6 to 10 inches of that stuff everything shuts down !!!! Most of time the shut down our electric too when we get that much. LOL Heck we have a heck of a time then. Since we on well water we don't have water either. But look at the bright side of that

talking about snuggle time !! LOL Yup that keeps you warm. Yup that is when Mr. Ornery learns a lot of German too. LOL Ja you are so right gosh that guy is spoiled rotten. But you know lets face it it is

a side affect from RP. LOL Ja I went yesterday and paid for our Cruise the 18 of Feb. You know I think Ornery is going to drown me then. LOL because on that cruise we also going in U boot mmm what's it called in English aaaa Submarine ?? Ja he is going to show me the bottom of the Ocean !!! Dang I don't even want to be on top of the Ocean !!!

Hey I cant walk on water you know. LOL

!!! Now I just hope that our ship does not

have all the Health problems the all seams to have right now. Dang we been practicing for 20 years for our Honeymoon and don't want anything to screw that up. That would really tick me off. And the sure dont want a mad German let me tell you. !! Maybe I need to take my cleaning stuff with me huh ??

LOL Well talking about cleaning I think I close for now and start right here. But one more thing first. Ja here it comes. LOL

PLEASE take your Meds and Vitamins ON TIME like you should so you also can get this RP back in it's sleeping mood. Have Faith it will work for you too.

Ok now I shut up till later be good and enjoy your day as much as you can.BUT NO PAINS OK !!!!

Love you all

Mrs. Ornery herself

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I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!!! Snow ,I would love to have some. The rest of

the world would have to be frozen over for us to get any in my part

of Texas. I would love to build me a snowman. They are my favorite.

Go outside and make a snowball for me okay. I have never been

sledding and it sounds like so much fun. When I go to Okieland we

will have to go outside and push each other around on the ground


I am so happy for Don on doing so well. It just has to be all the

tender loving care he gets. Did I hear right ? Did you say also its

because of PEANUT BUTTER. I read where you said that PEANUT BUTTER

makes RPers feel better. I am so glad to know that. I guess I will

have to start eating some. haha.

Now how in the world are you going on a submarine? You need to go

where they had that oil spill so you can help clean it up. If you go

to the bottom of the ocean then we wont have to worry about our

ocean floors ever again. They have never been cleaned.HAHAHA

Guees what I am getting my recipes ready. Now I just have to figure

out how to type them. But the problem is I usually dont have the

right ingredients. Its usually a pinch of this and oh did I forget

that or let me taste yep it needs a smidgen more of this.HAHA so

good luck who ever tries mine. No I think I can find some right ones.

Have fun in your snow for me okay.

luv ya,

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you said that PEANUT BUTTER

> makes RPers feel better. I am so glad to know that. I guess I will

> have to start eating some. haha.

NO !!! NO !!!! you read it wrong !!!

Gosh do I need to come down there and teach you how to read English with a

German Accent ??? LOl All Rp'ers have that one in common " You eat Peanut

Butter " Yucky !!! !!

See I am a good I do not eat that bad stuff.

Now if you believe that about me being a good

girl LOL I can sale you some Ocean front Property here in Broken Arrow.

!!! Think about that LOL Aint I right ? But I still love you

even thru you eat that stuff. Just don't love anyone right after the eat it.


Heidi the LOL



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