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Sorry for my long silence

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Hi All,

Just a quick note to let everyone know that I am thinking about all

of you and keeping you in my prayers. I have been off the computer

lately. Back has been bothering me, so Alan has been printing the

messages for me as I just haven't felt up to sitting here writing to

anyone, other than quick short notes.

Want to express a big " Thank you " to all who have sent in your money

for the exercise group for the 2nd session. It ended the last of

August. Anyone who would like to participate is MOST welcome. We

just put some change in a jar and send it off to or Heidi at

the end of each three month period. Squeek mentioned to me that

with 200 members in the group if we each sent in $10.00 every three

months that this would really mount up quickly, and add up to

$8000.00 a year!!!! That would really help considerably with

research for RP which ultimately will benefit all of us and those to

come. If you don't want to exercise, then just drop your change

from the grocery store, etc., into a jar and save it up for the RP

exercise group research fund. I have continued to go for my walks

(when I can), and I feel it is SO very important to try and get in

some form of exercise. They say walking is good for those of us with

back problems, knee problems, etc, etc, etc.

Look at Jack Lalane, he's 88 years old and still going strong. He

can do a heck of alot more than I can.

Love to all, Marilyn

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Marilyn, so good to hear from you. I knew something had to be wrong. I hope

you get to feeling better soon. DARN RP!!! Squeek had a great idea....

Gosh that would be wonderful. Even if we just sent in $2 that would help

out. That would be over $400 or $4,800 a year in exercise money alone..

Okay, you guys, we can do this... Just dig down in that old purse or pair of

pants and find that change. Change is all we need to make a difference.

Look what Jerry's Kids bring in from change. We need the research to find a

CURE!! There are more and more young ones getting diagnosed with RP, we

don't want them to suffer. So, let this be the year of " CHANGE " in more ways

than one.


<< Squeek mentioned to me that

with 200 members in the group if we each sent in $10.00 every three

months that this would really mount up quickly, and add up to

$8000.00 a year!!!! That would really help considerably with

research for RP which ultimately will benefit all of us and those to

come. If you don't want to exercise, then just >>

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