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Morning All 11-30-02

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Morning All

Gish I have had three days off and now I can't remember what day it is!LOL I think it is Saturday. Wow it has been like having a mini vacation. I can't believe they haven't called me once from work. The boss must have told them I needed the time away or they must have realized it! Not that I was getting grumpy or anything!LOL

Well where to start or where to end.LOL I had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We talked to our son who lives in Mich. on Wed. night and then again last night. On Thur. our daughter from Hawaii called so I have heard from both ends of the country about. The are all doing well and I think kind of home sick for Mom's turkey dinner.LOL

We had a quiet meal with just the 3 of us, my sister and a friend from work. It was nice. We had to hurry to get it done at a certain time but after that we just layed low. In fact we all took a nap after the friend left to go to work.

Yah I am a slave driver.LOL Make everybody else work so I can have my time off. Not! I haven't had a vacation since Okieland trip. That was a while back let me tell you. My crew know I have worked many a holiday and missed my vacation due to others. I never make them do anything that I don't or haven't done. Heck I used to think I would be lucky to have a boss like me. Now I do!

I hope you are still resting and reading. I know you feel like that is all you have been doing lately but your body really needs it to get back to 100%. As always good thoughts and prayers are going your way.

Squeek glad to hear that the Holiday wasn't spoiled with no oven. I always knew you were inventive. If I lived closer you could have used my oven. Or if I was thinking I would have sent you my roaster. That is all I ever use anymore. I bought a Nesco roast air oven several years about. We wont cook turkey any other way now. It only takes 3 to 4 hours to cook one in it. Cooks in half the time as an oven and the bird stays moist. You get after that Maytag man for sure. Gish that is awful for it being so new. As for the PCP you were seeing yes you need to find a new one. I have a great one now and just love him. I was telling my rheumies nurse about him and she said he was her PCP too. Hadn't went to him but was going to after hearing my raves about him. I love a dr. who will take time with you and make you feel like you are the only patient he has. Thanks for the update on . Think I will have to call her soon.

W. It is always so good to see posts from you. Hope you, Mike and the family had a great Thanksgiving. Oh I miss you too girlfriend! Boo Hoo! I always have wonderful thoughts of the great times we had in Okieland! Gish don't think I can wait until the 2004 reunion in Oregon to see you all! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend!

it is always hard for our loved ones to understand us. It is hard for us to give up things that we have always been able to do before. Your hubby will learn to do what is best for him even if he has to learn the hard way like most of us have had to do. If he decides that he is going to keep doing the drain thing...he will just have to take better precautions. Like gloves, and maybe a face shield. Is his dr. going to put him on something other that the pred. Pred just keeps the inflammation down and keeps the damage to a minimum. Remember I am no dr. but am speaking from experience. I was on pred. at first too but they found I needed something more. If he is newly diagnosed the dr. will work with him I am sure. Keep posting we love to hear from you all. We really do care!

Heidi I think I look a lot like Don. Gish why do we eat so much on Turkey day? I didn't even eat as much as I usually do but didn't feel like eating the rest of the day. Gish Mikie did though. They finished off a couple of pies!LOL We ate left overs yesterday and will again today. I love turkey left overs! Glad you were treated like a king and queen you both deserve it!

Susiecue sorry to hear that you wore yourself out on Turkey day! I was worth it I am sure. Now just take it easy and rest a few and you will be as good as new! Sounds like you had a busy and exciting day of it anyway. I wish I could get Mikie out to do the lights today maybe I will put a bug in his ear!LOL The lights are my most favorite part of the Holiday. Just ask my neighbors!LOL I keep telling Mikie he needs to put in another circuit breaker for me!LOL

Liz gish how do you keep up with yourself? You just got back here and now you are leaving again. Bundle up for the cold and hope you get to feeling better soon. You leave the dust there for the cold! Have a safe trip if I don't post you before you go!

Well I best shut up for now. I just wanted each of you all to know how truly Thankful I am for each of you. You have made a big difference in my life. Just ask my hubby or anyone else who knows me. They hear all about you whether the want to or not. I know my Sister sure thinks you are all pretty special.

Have a great weekend! Hope it is as restful and peaceful as mine has been.

Lots of LoveGlenda

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