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Re: Digest Number 2776/Carol and CA test

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Hi Carol,

I had a hysterectomy in 1992 and they left my ovaries and 2 weeks later I knew something was wrong it hurt to walk, I went back in and they did the blood test CA-125. I will never forget he called me at home on Christmas Eve to tell me it was elevated and it probably was ovarian cancer but my number was not extremely high. When they opened me back up and did the surgery, everything was fine and no cancer but if I had waited at all. I would have been in trouble.

The only thing they use this test as a marker to see how the cancer is progressing, they also use it for colon cancer. But it's no harm in asking for the test, I have done so many times since my surgery just to be sure its not elevated. So, instead of asking him, just tell him you want him to run the test on you, just because you want it. We have that right we are the patient paying them to take care of us. I hope this helps.



I have heard of that before. I told my Dr about it. Gave him the Email on this and he said Its not really worth taking......

He said there are so many other things that can show up by taking that test that it would be inconcusive.

I need to find out more about this test.

This was my OBGYN that said that. I trust him so much. Have gone to him for 29 yrs!!!!

I go again in March, Will bring it up again.

Anyone else that ask there Dr's Let us know what they say.



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