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My flare

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Went to the rheumy this afternoon & he was upset that I didn't come in right away when this flare started. I told him I thought that if I just took it easy it would go away. Not. I never really had a what I will call a mild flare before, they were always major so I didn't no any better. I do now. I am to call him Monday & he will decided when he wants to see me. He asked if I called my PCP & I said no because she would have just had me call him. So he went to let her know & she came back with him & explained all that has happened in the past. Some she was part of & some was before but she knew all about it. She must have really checked out my chart thoroughly. She also reprimanded me & so did the rheumy's nurse. It is such a good feeling to know that they really care about me. Once we get this levelled out he will start me on the Imuran. He was afraid that this would happen when I got down to 5 mg of the MTX, but he doesn't want me to go back up on that because of the elevated liver enzymes. Well, going to rest, it's been a busy day. I'll keep you posted. Luv ya, Susiecue

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