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The dentist from hell

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Hey everyone

I had a dentist appointment this past Friday and wanted to share

what I went through. I was due to have a tooth removed which had to

be put off for several months until my Pred had been lowered.

Rather than try and explain what I went through I figured I would

share the letter I am mailing out Monday to my ex dentist. Needless

to say I'm still rather upset over the whole thing. Read below and

tell me what you think about all of this...



September 14, 2002

Dear Dr. :

I am writing to you because of the ugly situation that happened in

your office this past Friday when I came in to have a tooth pulled.

Which I will add is close to becoming abscessed.

I fully understand how frustrated you were that day as I too was and

perhaps I am more frustrated and upset than you. Please allow me to

explain and maybe you will see what has happened more clearly.

First, I was told upon my last visit with you after you had talked

to Dr. that it was his desire for me not to have anything done

with my teeth until the Prednisone that he has me on was lowered. I

was also told that I should be put on antibiotic for a full 10

days. This was back the end of April of this year. I didn't

question what I was charged for a visit that consisted of a two

second so-called buffing of my teeth to the toon of $85.00. This

charge was not accepted by my insurance due to the coding and what I

am allowed by AFLAC. Needless to say that really isn't important.

Dr. had finally found the right dose of medication required to

control and put my RP in remission thus allowing him to lower the

Prednisone I am on to approx. 7 ½ mgs. During my last visit with

you I was " told " to have Dr. prescribe antibiotics to

me when

the time came I could have this tooth removed. So let me tell you

what happened with that one.

I called Dr. 's office requesting a prescription for

antibiotics for when I could have this tooth pulled. I was told by

his office it wasn't up to him, but it was up to my PCP to


the needed antibiotics for the tooth pulling. I then called my PCP

who said it wasn't up to her, but was up to Dr. because he


the one who said it was necessary, but she would go ahead and

prescribe the antibiotics this time, but the next time it was up to

Dr. . She prescribe Amoxicillin 500mg to be taken twice daily

for 10 days. This is what I was under the impression that Dr.

had told you I needed to have to have the tooth pulled.

Okay, I did what I was told even though I felt like I was in the

middle of a power War between two doctors. My PCP and Dr. .

After getting this taken care of it was time to wait to see how much

Dr. would be lowering the Prednisone…I know you understand

this, but when lower the dose of Prednisone it must be done


Okay, so I'm now down to 7 ½ mg…which is a " very "

low dose. This

took a couple of months. In the mean time my hip, which has been

very painful for over a year began to worsen. My hip is now bone on

bone and the pain is almost overwhelming at times. This is when I

was sent to Dr. Lane, an Orthopedic Surgeon. We discussed a hip

replacement, however he gave me six weeks to think about it and do

some research on it. Needless to say not only the pain has gotten

worse, but has also made me know that now is the time to have a hip

replacement. Seeing Dr. Lane the second time confirmed this and the

scheduling for the surgery began. Knowing that any work on my teeth

should be completed at least " 6 weeks " prior to this surgery


called your office and talked to your wife. An appointment was all

set up before Labor Day and I was reminded to begin taking the

antibiotics that I had gotten from Dr. Lim my PCP, at least three

days before the extraction of the tooth. I then got a call to

cancel that appointment and was rescheduled again thus pushing the

extraction much closer to the cut off time prior to my hip


In the mean time Dr. Lane my Orthopedic Surgeon mailed me the

attached…The same information I gave your people at the office.


did see Dr. a couple of weeks ago and it was then he told me I

really didn't have to worry about this antibiotic thing because I

was on a low dose of the medication to control the RP. I figured

what the heck; I would just go ahead and begin taking the

Amoxicillin three days prior to seeing you this past Friday. Your

office even called me several days prior to my scheduled appointment

to remind me to take the antibiotics as well as again that morning

when my appointment was changed " again " .

Then you jump on me which shock me. You became enraged and would

not even listen to me when I wanted to tell you what went on in the

first place regarding the prescription as well as what Dr. had

told me in his office that prior week. I also tried to tell you

that what you wanted to do about writing a prescription for

antibiotics what not only unnecessary, but time had run out for me

to have dental work due to my upcoming hip surgery on the 24th of

October. You left ranting and raving and telling me to

" leave " .

I don't understand your actions or your manner since you have


presented yourself as a quiet understanding and caring doctor.

Unfortunately with your actions you have managed to put the fear of

God into me of dentist again as well as upsetting me to a point that

can cause me physical illness. Your comment about you not wanting

to be responsible for my life was " way " out of line. Let me


you Dr. I " DO NOT " have a heart condition or anything


like that which would warrant a comment like this from you. I

realize that the human mouth is dirty and that should an infection

begin in the mouth it " will " go directly to the heart. If I

were in

that much danger let me assure you that not only I would be informed

of this by my doctor, but I am sure you would have been informed by

my doctor as well or " you " would have made sure in the first


prior to me arriving to an appointment which was made close to a

month in advance.

Your actions were uncalled for as well as very unprofessional. If

you were having a bad day then I am sorry for that, but a

professional like yourself should never act like you did.


Sharyn L. Noakes

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Wow!! I would be furious! I'm sorry you had to deal with his

unprofessional behavior, especially after having his office cancel on

you so many times. I am so nervous with dentist appointments also,

that this would be all I needed to say, " Never again! " (Until

another of my teeth infected all the way to my gums, as has happened

in the past. You kind of don't have a choice at that point!)

I'm glad you're writing a letter to him, and you might want to think

about filing a complaint with the state ethics board.

Take care and don't play around with the tooth that needs care. Find

another dentist that is recommended by a friend.


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I was really more in shock at first...then I cried and now I'm

really pissed. I mean all of this was nothing like he has been for

the past three years I have been going to him. I don't know if it's

because of this 9/11 thing or what...He's from India. I have always

treated him very nicely and he was the first dentist in many years

that was able to calm my fear of dentist. Now it seems I'm back to

square one.

I need to get this tooth taken care of, but being so close to my hip

replacement I may have to wait since they don't want you to to have

any dental work done within six weeks of the surgery.

Oh...I haven't finish with just that letter to him...I had already

planned to go further upon finding out just who I should contact. I

mean , he was like a crazy man jumping up and heading back

to his office telling me to leave and ranting about he wasn't going

to be responsible for my life. Good God...I know I'm bad having

this RP, but to be honest I'm not that bad and my Rheumy even told

me he felt it wasn't necessary for me to take the antibiotics...go


Anyway, thanks for your input, I really appreciate it.



> Sharyn,

> Wow!! I would be furious! I'm sorry you had to deal with his

> unprofessional behavior, especially after having his office cancel


> you so many times. I am so nervous with dentist appointments


> that this would be all I needed to say, " Never again! " (Until

> another of my teeth infected all the way to my gums, as has


> in the past. You kind of don't have a choice at that point!)

> I'm glad you're writing a letter to him, and you might want to


> about filing a complaint with the state ethics board.

> Take care and don't play around with the tooth that needs care.


> another dentist that is recommended by a friend.

> M

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Sharyn, you have every right to be mad. That man does not deserve to be a

dentist. I remember what you had told me happened on your last visit. For

this to happen twice I would say it is the man, and not just a bad day.

Please send the letter and I would also write to the Dental Association.

They need to be notified on how this man acts.

Please do not let him do anything to your teeth. I know you are running out

of time or have already, but he is not the one to be working on your teeth.

I have heard from Hobb and she wrote a bit on dental health. If I find

her post I will send it to the group.

I was told to get all my dental work done before my surgery, but they didn't

give me a time frame. So I had my teeth cleaned and took my antibiotics.

The day before the surgery they were worried that they couldn't do it because

it was within a month that I had the work done. SO...everyone... it IS

important to have dental work done at least a month before any surgery.

(maybe 6 weeks would be better) . I was lucky and didn't have any problems.

But please get all the info and be sure to just ask.

Remember asking questions is the best way to inform yourself and make the

drs., dentists, pharmacists, etc AWARE!! ) I found this out just last week.

My dr gave me a prescription for oral fungal infection. But when I asked if

it could be taken with coumadin.. he had to check and the answer was NO!!!

With coumadin there is a HUGE list of meds and foods you can't take. So...

just always to remember, there is NO dumb question... ASK!!!

Okay, I'm off the bandstand for tonight. LOL Love ya all bunches.


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Letter is in the mail and I plan on contacting whoever regarding

this display of a so-called doctor. I'm really pissed now.

I also have a call into my Rheumy to find out for sure about this

antibiotic thing....I have my appt with the ortho surgeon tomorrow

and I will ask him since I am now at 6 weeks before surgery and want

to make sure that at least this tooth is taken care of once and for

all without the fear of having it done to late..the antibiotic is

the big issue right now.

With my total fear of dentist this is going to be very dificult for

me right now. I wonder if I can sue the jerk for putting me through

all of this as well as reinforcing my fear of dentist even more so.

Am trying to keep my stress level under control because I know what

it can do to me and I sure don't need to start flaring over all of


Thanks for the advise and I'll try again to call you. Hope you are

feeling better too.



> Sharyn, you have every right to be mad. That man does not deserve

to be a

> dentist. I remember what you had told me happened on your last

visit. For

> this to happen twice I would say it is the man, and not just a bad



> Please send the letter and I would also write to the Dental


> They need to be notified on how this man acts.


> Please do not let him do anything to your teeth. I know you are

running out

> of time or have already, but he is not the one to be working on

your teeth.

> I have heard from Hobb and she wrote a bit on dental

health. If I find

> her post I will send it to the group.


> I was told to get all my dental work done before my surgery, but

they didn't

> give me a time frame. So I had my teeth cleaned and took my


> The day before the surgery they were worried that they couldn't do

it because

> it was within a month that I had the work done. SO...everyone...

it IS

> important to have dental work done at least a month before any


> (maybe 6 weeks would be better) . I was lucky and didn't have any


> But please get all the info and be sure to just ask.


> Remember asking questions is the best way to inform yourself and

make the

> drs., dentists, pharmacists, etc AWARE!! ) I found this out just

last week.

> My dr gave me a prescription for oral fungal infection. But when

I asked if

> it could be taken with coumadin.. he had to check and the answer

was NO!!!

> With coumadin there is a HUGE list of meds and foods you can't

take. So...

> just always to remember, there is NO dumb question... ASK!!!


> Okay, I'm off the bandstand for tonight. LOL Love ya all



> hugs


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