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This is from a friend of mine who has alot of experience in Aspartame. I dont think that Email was a HOAX

Carol A

AOL Search: Search Results for "aspartame"

Here is the results of just an aol search. The web site I sent was the second one listed. (DORway) Let me clue you in about the hoax sites. Our great Gov. hides alot of information from us for their own gains. Some of those so called hoax sites could very well be of their making. I would want to see it to see if I know who is putting out the info. Mayo Clinic called Dr. Brown a quake for his antibiotic treatment for connective tissue diseases. If I hadn't use it and stay on it I would of been in a wheel chair and dead by now. To many people are nothing but sheeple that think our Gov. is doing everything to protect us when actually they are using us.

Read this web site and see how our military has been used for testing our biological warfare. Don't think they haven't tested the american puplic as they have.

American Gulfwar Veterans Association Even my doctor will testify to what is going on as many other doctors who are involved in helping people not killing them.


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You said that very will Liz HA HA HA

I agree with you. Only think I wanted to get across is that if people are drinking alot of Diet Products and they have problems, that they should try not drinking any of that and see if there syptoms subside.

Thanks for your imput

Carol A

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I seem to have stirred up a firestorm about aspartame! Sorry

about that but I hate to see this kind of misinformation being

sent round & round. As a librarian I was trained to look at

sources. Glenda & others are right in saying that it can cause

headaches but the other claims are hogwash..

This woman [she doesn't even use her real name] claims that

diet soda & aspartame cause: MS, lupus, Parkinson's, Alzheimers,

brain tumors, diabetes, blindness, deafness, chronic fatigue

syndrome,and on & on, all this with no medical testing to back it

up. Now if she were right there would have been a huge jump in

these diseases since the use of aspartame. We should have about

a hundred million cases of MS by now!

If anyone is interested look at my favorite hoax web site

www.snopes2.com. There is a lot of information there. And

thank you, Roy, for confirming that this is a hoax. Don't we

have enough to deal with without these hoax people worrying us



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Dear Carol,

God Bless you for the info on the Aspartame. I called my mom 5 days ago and asked her to stop using aspartame. Today she said that she feels much better and she was able to bend over and pick up an item that she had dropped. We both believe it was the aspartame.

Thank you again and have a nice day!

>From: Kenocarol@... >Reply-To: Rpolychondritis >To: Rpolychondritis >Subject: Fwd: Aspartame >Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 20:40:13 EDT > >This is from a friend of mine who has alot of experience in Aspartame. I dont >think that Email was a HOAX > >Carol A ><< message5.txt >> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Click Here

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