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Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas, hope you had a good year. Things here have been rather exciting. We bought a new house, I started a new job and is in her final year at school.

We are enjoying the new house although we had a little trouble when the sewer line collapsed and flooded the basement. The insurance company finally came through and is covering it, but it is still not complete. The new floor is down and the tile has been installed. Hopefully things will be back in place by Christmas.

The job is going well and I am enjoying it very much. My contract has been renewed for next year until the end of August when hopefully the new one will start. I'm working for an organization that helps unemployed people and it's so nice when you can help someone obtain their goals. I was one of their clients and am very happy to work for them. They even hired another client for part time work. She was working while one of the girls was on sick leave and we all liked her so much that they decided that we could use someone else part time.

My health has been pretty good this year except for recently. We were trying to get some of the medications down but weren't successful and had to put them back up. Now that the weather is cold it seems that my disease is more active. I've been to the pain clinic at our local hospital and will be going for Physiotherapy first before they try anything else. I'm hoping that it will provide some relief.

is doing well, still working at Budget Rent a Car. They had a few lay-offs this year but he wasn't one. He's been there six years now. Every year they throw a wonderful Christmas party where they raffle all kinds of donations and raise money for the food bank. It's this Saturday and I can hardly wait. He's also been busy in the basement getting everything moved around so that the carpet can be put back down this week. I'm sure he'll be glad when the basement is finally done.

is doing well and is volunteering at Bella's Fabric shop, which she's enjoying very much. She's writing articles for the school newspaper and worked this summer making jewellery and selling it at the Farmer's Market. She's become a hockey fan since the Bulldogs have come to town and goes to at least one game a week. She's doing fairly well at school, still trying to get used to the semester system. She has only three classes a day that are over an hour long. Pretty intense but I guess it's getting them ready for College. She won a $225 scholarship for being on the president's roll the first term. She is getting her applications ready for College but I think it will be Kwantlen unless she takes another year to get her math 12.

The kitty cats are well. Yes I said cat's, we have a new one. He's a pure white male called Ask'em. (He came with that name) He was left behind by the people who lived next door, they did come to get him but he was back the next day and they never came backagain. Sometimes he stays at the house two doors down, they call him Bunkers, but he spends most of his time here. Jade, our first cat, is not too fond of him but they are getting better at ignoring each other.

Well that's about all I can think of right now, so I hope you have a Wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Lots of Love,

Elaine, , and the kitties.

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