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Hello everyone, isn`t Roy`s news exciting? I am

envious of his acheivement, it represents a lot of

hard work, I am sure!!

This is the fist time I left LA. I am in an internet

cafe in Paris, and it is very difficult because the

French keyboard is different and I usually go by touch

and this is slowing me down. The a,z,w,m,q are in

different places, and ALL the punctuation is

different!! Never mind, I will survive.

The last few days have been really intense, the flight

is always tiring, then there is jet lag, then there is

the dogs jet lag which is different from mine, i.e. at

different times. She seems to need to go out at 2.00

am , we are on the 8th floor of the hotel Concorde

LaFayette, she woofs, I throw on a track suit, hurry

to the elevator, fortunately there are a lot, cross

the vast expanse of marble foyer, rush round the

corner where there is a tiny patch of grass, on which

she gratefully relieves herself! Then of course I go

back and try to go back to sleep........Fortunately in

Frqnce no one ever objects to dogs, in hotels,

restaurants so it is fairly easy. The second day we

zere here there was some talk of Reem and I coming

back, so I packed my bags, having just unpacked!!! but

now we are here for the week.

However Reem and I are coming back in a week, there is

a course she wants to do at UCLA, and it looks like it

is going to happen.

I am enjoying Paris, though, just walking from the

hotel to the house is a pleasure. The trees are still

very green, big trees, horse chestnuts, etc, The

streets in Paris are very wide and tree lined, you

pass beautiful old builings, with wrought iron

balconies, filled with window boxes of bright

geraniums, it really is a feast for the eyes, and the

temperature is perfect for walking. My flare is over,

but I am still on a slightly higher dose of pred than

formerly, and I feel so well, I will stay at that dose

for the time being!!

I have not had time to read all the mail, so hope you

are all doing well. Take cqre, love Liz


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