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First of all I want to thank everyone for the precious teddy bear

that surprised me in the mail. I feel so guilty because I know that

they are lots of you who are worse off than me and not just letting

anyone know. But then I just feel so special and love you all for

the thoughts and prayers and friendship. I promise to stay out of

the hospitals......... I have named her POLLY for POLYCHODRITIS and

she will stay with me from now on and get me through the hard times.

I havent seen Kim yet but she is home and I just finished talking to

her. She thinks I am nuts for worring about her and involving ever

one else. Oh well thats probably why I have this stupid disease to

begin with. STRESS is my middle name.

Okay My rhuemmy visit went okay. He said that the cytoxan isnt doing

its job since the flares wont go away. So he wants me to try ENBREL

Has anyone tried this besides Squeek?

I don't know if my insurance will pay for it or even if I can get it.

They are going to let me know then I have to go to a class to learn

about it and how to give the shots. He said that I have

polychondritis and probably will always just be the chronic kind but

we need to get it to respond to something. You would know my luck.

The GYN is waiting for blood test to see how my hormone level is

Then he dont know what kind or if I can even take estrogen with this

disease especially if I have heart problems also.

SO we are back to more test. I have to have a bone density next week


So I am still waiting to see if it is the heart, hormones, or RP

causing all the problems or a mixture of all 3.

I am going to try to read some posts and catch up.

love and hugs to all,

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Hi !

I am going to be going on Enbrel, also! I've heard good things about

it. I hope it works for us!


> Okay My rhuemmy visit went okay. He said that the cytoxan isnt


> its job since the flares wont go away. So he wants me to try ENBREL

> Has anyone tried this besides Squeek?

> I don't know if my insurance will pay for it or even if I can get


> They are going to let me know then I have to go to a class to learn

> about it and how to give the shots. He said that I have

> polychondritis and probably will always just be the chronic kind


> we need to get it to respond to something. You

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, it's good to hear from you again. How are you doing? I'm coming to your neck or the woods today. I'll be in Mt View today and have an appt at Stanford tomrrow. Maybe someday we can arrange to meet.

Hope you are doing okay and are having a nice weekend.


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