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blue speaks w/o rhymes!

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You may know by now that I'm a 'MacAddict. " I try NOT to flaunt it

to my PC/Windoz friends. Mac's by word slogan is " THINK

DIFFERENT!' You can see why I relate. My head is screwed on

all right, but at a slight angle. Being creative and insane are two

sides of a coin! I am graphics oriented, having been trained

along those lines. Won't go into it now. Read my book!

I said all that to say, I'm not a geek, but I have learned some stuff

along the way and would like to pass it on. Many computers

today are still not all that " user friendly! " Stuff gets goofed up

sometimes. The machine is just that! It's a tool. It can't think for

itself. Your input determines the output! Just that simple.

Many of you will find the daily digests an easy way to keep track

of what's important to you without getting bogged down in e-mail.

I find it works best for me if I work on messages off-line.

Sometimes I compose and post on-lie directly as well. Maybe

you would like to try a copy/paste method similar to this:

1.) Go on-line to get your mail.

2.) Copy and paste the whole digest to your word processor.

•On my iMac the process is:

Select All - Copy - open a new word processing document

(mine is AppleWorks /WP) yours may be Ms Word or Works or?)

Paste -Save As. (I name it using the digest #. )

3.) THEN I read the messages editing as I read; using color

codes, notes to myself, ideas about rhymes, etc. What ever

works for you.

4.) When I'm ready to write (usually later)

It's all there. I'm ready to go! Don't have to remember nada.

5.) I can then just go on-line and post any time.

The process is the same. Select All - Copy - Paste to Reply or to

Post. Sometimes I use Outlook Express and send directly.

I post to several sites and because of my living situation, this

works well.

Try it! You might like it.

I'm learning more about about the capabilities of my computer

daily. It really is a wonderful way to communicate!

To You... blue©

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