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Re: Glenda and NANCY

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Thanks and glenda, i joined this group because my family dosent understand and I dont like to scare them. I have a sister

who is a RN that thinks the doc are nuts so she is no help???? I have lived in Michigan all my life,i have been married 27 yeaes next month to a great man We have two kids Tonja and Josh both gone on to there own lives but not far away and a grandson who is 4. MY MOM just drives me nuts with all her questions that I cant answer??

My farther will not even talk about it we are very close, i work with him and on bad days he will say maybe you should go home but not say a word that I have RP. Some days I think the Doc are wrong and then some days I KNOW they are right?? I think my mom tells everone she sees so they will feel sorry for her????? I just need more information for my self so I can understand RP and learn to live with it. So thanks for being so nice to me I'am just learning........

lol sherrie

-- Re: Sherrie/RP/Welcome!!!

Hi Sherrie,WELCOME TO THE GROUP!!!!I don't know what I would have done if I had not found this great group of people. They are full of knowledge about RP but more than that they are full of love and support. No matter what is going on in your life they are there for you. SO jump right in and feel right at home. I have been here a year but feel like I am new because I still don't have any answer that seem to help.My name is and I am 48 and live in Texas. I was diagnosed in 2001. I have ear, nose and throat pain. My throat has hurt for over a year. Sometimes I feel like if I push on my neck it is going to crack it in half.haha I am on cytoxan right now. I have been in a constant flare since last year but I have faith that one day soon I will find the right meds and go into remission. Most of the group has flares that come and go . Just hang in there and you will find the right Dr.s and meds soon. Just ask all the questions you want, they have put up with me for over a year asking the dumbest ones and they havent ran me off yet.HAHA opps better not talk to soon,hahaSending hugs, and prayers from in TexasAND AT THE BASE OF MY THORAT BY MY RIB CAGE IT HURT TO TOUCH. THAN BY AFERNOON IT GETS BETTER?????

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Sherrie, my sister in law is an RN and she won't even acknowledge that I'm sick. In fact, she doesn't understand much of anything. LOL

Sooo don't feel alone. I have lost friends over being ill. My sister is in denial. I know it's a hard thing for people to understand.

I'm glad you found us. We have all kinds of situations and we can all share them here if we choose. The more you ask the more educated you will be and the better you will be able to answer not only your moms questions, but you will be able to educate the drs. too. AND your sister maybe. LOL

Just please don't ever think there is a dumb or stupid question. It might be the one none of us have ever thought of or asked and it might just open a way to find a cure. Maybe a common denominator or something.

I think we all still go through the circle of " denial, anger, grief, acceptance" and then it starts all over again. But it does get better and with this group, they won't let you stay down for long. And the love that is shared here is unbelievable.

I'm so glad you have found us..


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