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Methotrexate and children: benjamin & coralie

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Hi all, I need some information.

(12 year's old) has been on metho(12 mg/w) and immuran(100mg/d) since april 2002. and since a week a flare has began .It seem to be a " big one" the DR. decided to make a biopsy before increasing pred from 5 mg to 40 mg.

we did it yesterday.

I'm a bit disapointed , I had lot of hope in metho and immuran . Coralie in spite of the same traitment had to stop to go to school in NOvember because of major flares. Now has also flaring.

What does it mean ?

I'm really down.

I have to work because of my divoce, i have to look after this §§§§§ RP with my 3 children. I have to fight even again the dr. who don't really know a lot of about RP

I have to find most infomations about RP and médication, and give all to the dr.

Well, now i need a sucessfull therapy LOL.

Somebody can help us ? Or explain how long it'll take for my children to be out of flare.


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I'm very sorry to hear that your kids are having such a hard time. I

have been on Metho since January of 2001 and it just wasn't doing the

trick, so Dr Buckner added Enbral (Etanercept) and it seems to be

doing quite a bit better as an addition to the metho. I've never

been on Immuran, but I know that everyone responds to different

medications differently. Maybe it's time to add another medication,

or to try a different one than the Immuran. I don't know much about

Immuran, so I don't know how long it takes, but I'm sure it's had a

substantial chance to kick in since April.

Take care, I know you must be so very frustrated! You and the

children are in my thoughts.


> Hi all, I need some information.

> (12 year's old) has been on metho(12 mg/w) and immuran


> since april 2002. and since a week a flare has began .It seem to

be a "

> big one " the DR. decided to make a biopsy before increasing pred

from 5 mg to

> 40 mg.

> we did it yesterday.

> I'm a bit disapointed , I had lot of hope in metho and immuran .

Coralie in

> spite of the same traitment had to stop to go to school in NOvember


> of major flares. Now has also flaring.

> What does it mean ?

> I'm really down.

> I have to work because of my divoce, i have to look after this

§§§§§ RP with

> my 3 children. I have to fight even again the dr. who don't really

know a lot

> of about RP

> I have to find most infomations about RP and médication, and give

all to the

> dr.

> Well, now i need a sucessfull therapy LOL.


> Somebody can help us ? Or explain how long it'll take for my

children to be

> out of flare.

> Marie-pia

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Pia de Mari, je suis si désolé d'entendre parler des enfants. Je me souhaite étais là pour vous dépanner. Je sais ceci est un moment très difficile pour vous. Je manque nos conversations. Faites-moi savoir quand vous êtes à la maison et j'essayerai de vous donner un appel autrefois. Autrefois il aides justes à parler. J'ai vraiment eu plaisir à entendre votre voix la fois passée. Je suis désolé que j'aie aucun pour conseiller de donner. Si vous avez besoin de n'importe quelles informations sur n'importe quoi, laissez-juste moi savent et j'essayerai de le trouver pour vous. Donnez à tous les enfants une étreinte pour moi et GRAND spécial pour vous-même. Connaissez-moi vous maintiens tout dans mes prières. Aimez et des étreintes à vous toutes,

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Oh I so know how you feel. has been on 30mg of prednisone and 5o mg

of Methaltresate for weeks and he is in a major flare it dies down then comes

right back he was started on cyclosporin 10 days ago they are hoping to

lowere his immune system enough to stop this flare he has not had complete

remission for over a year now.

It appears to me not all the drugs help each person the same

We are going to Mayo clinic in 2 weeks I will write you send you all the info

I get there

I'll be praying for you and the children


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