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Liz, thanks sweetie. I have thought about the patch and if they can come up

with nothing else, I think I will have to go that way. I just don't like to

not be able to function. LOL Hopefully today they will be able to at least

start with an answer to this. We are all thinking Interstitial Cystitis and

if I'm not mistaken there is not cure for that one. LOl Sound familiar.???

LOL Just one more thing to live with. I can do it when it has a name I

guess and I have no other choice. LOL I am going to go to the dr and then

to rehab and then just going to relax and enjoy the day. Hope you are still

having fun in Paris. Thinking of you all the time.



Oh, , I am soooo sorry. What a horrible man.

Listen, why not take a morphine patch while you are

having so much pain? On the few occasions I have had

it it just got rid of the pain, but I could still

function OK. I hate to think of you having such a

hard time. Be sure to put your feet up a little

higher to help get the swelling down.


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  • 4 weeks later...


I can imagine you have pretty good stories to tell about all the problems that you have had traveling.LOL Probably almost as good as the fun trips that you get to take. I will still like the way you tell them no matter what!

Congrats on getting off the pred again. It is always good to hear that type of news.

Thanks for sharing the photo with us! I wish I looked that great in the morning.lol Milla is so cute. You look great just the way you are without the makeup and a hairdresser.

Take care

Lots of love


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Cobb <lizwizz2000@y...> wrote:

> OK, how are you all, , , Judy, Lu, Dawn,

> Squeek, Sharon, Blue, to name but a few?? (Goodness,

> that almost rhymes)

> Love Liz


Mention blue

You make a rhyme

It just happens all the time!


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Boy you got it right about this one. This group understands us and I am so thankful to have you all. Also I agree there are a lot worse things to have than RP! I don't even want to think about it!

Lots of LoveGlenda

The girls I work with who are in their twenties arejust wonderful and supportive, and I am so lucky tohave them. If you guys don't have any family memberswho understand WE ALL DO! Also,I find it helps toremember that even though RP is horrible there areworse things. Love Liz

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Liz, I hope you had a nice nap. Gosh I hope you get to feeling better soon. Do you know how much longer you will be here? I hope you can stay a little longer than planned so you can get some rest.

Know that I'm thinking of you and loved talking to you the other night. Makes me miss you more. Loved all the laughing we did and hope to do it again soon.

Please take care and stay out of trouble.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Liz, I'm so glad you are safe and sound in Paris. Gosh I worry about you traveling so much.

I have put you back on mail, so you can keep up with all of us. It has been really quiet lately, I guess due to the holiday.

Please rest and let us know of all your wonderful adventures. We love to hear from you.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Glad to hear your bone density tests have improved since the last


You will be in my thoughts and prayers concerning the liver biopsy.

Hope all turns out well for you. I didn't realize that being on

metho for four years was considered too long, and I hope you won't

have to go off of it. Are you taking any other medication that

could cause the enzyemes to be elevated? I have been fortunate with

my liver panels and they haven't been off yet. Course, it's only

been a year and a half since I started on it.

Take care and have a Happy, Healthy 2003.

Love, Marilyn

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That's great about your bone density! Keep up the good work! I've

never had a liver biopsy, so I'm sorry I can't offer any information

about that procedure. It's good that your doctor is staying on top

of this, though. Hopefully you won't have to end the metho, since

it's working so well for you.

Take care and have a wonderful day!

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Liz, Great news about your bone density. My PCP told me I would have to have a liver biopsy if I was on metho for a certain period of time too. Then someone else told me no. But I'm assuming that if your levels are elevated it would be the smart thing to do. I'm glad you have a dr that is on top of things. I don't know much about the biopsy. A friend of a friend had one due to hepatitis. Don't remember them saying it was too bad. You know you are always in my thoughts and prayers and I hope everything is okay and you can continue to stay on what is working so well for you.

I cheated last night and did have a little more greens then I should have, but I just HAD to. LOL I will be good today.

I didn't go to rehab today, I have done something to my leg. Pulled a muscle or something, so figured I'd rest it a few days. I'm off to go get some iron now so I can get this anemia taken care of. Then " watch out". I will be running circles around here. LOL

I'm sending lots of hugs your way.

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Oh Liz, that's exactly how I feel. LOL I will make REAL progress in 2003. Yes, I can feel it already and I'm not jinxing myself. LOL I got started on the iron today and rested my leg and ate all kinds of veggies ( not green ones) lol and I feel much better already. I couldn't exercise my leg today but did do some light weights for my arms. SO.... guess I'll go drop my change in my exercise jar and get a head start on my exercise donation for the Foundation for 2003.

PLUS feel a whole lot better. Hope you are feeling a bit better. You sound like you need to rest a bit. Please take care and have a wonderful New Year.


Yes, , rest that muscle. I sometimes feel like

Alice (Icant remember if it is Wonderland or through

the looking glass) but at one point she is running

very fast just to stay in the same place, lol, does

that ring any bells? Love Liz

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MY father is English our half. Three brothers came from a town south of London to Michigan to farm. They fell in love and married three sisters from the farm next door. Than came my father....( I bet the farmer next door was happy to get rid of three daughters at once LOL)


-- SAMPLRecipes

Ok I thought I write a sample of how our recipes should be send.

Cream Chess Cherry Pie :

1 - 16 oz can of Bing Cherries

1 - 24oz can of Cherry Pie filling

8oz Cream Chess

1/3 cup Sugar

1/3 cup Flour

1/4 cup Butter

1 Egg

1 teasp. Vanilla

1 cup of grumbled Vanilla Wafers

Grease a large Pie Pan ,set a side.

Drain Bing Cherries !!!!!

in a Pan mix Cherry Pie filling with Drained Bing Cherries. Set a side.

Now cream well together Cream Chess , Sugar, Flour, Butter, Egg + Vanilla.

Set a side.

Now get Cherries hot and pour in Pie Pan.

Now spread Cream Chess mix over Cherries

Sprinkle Crumbled Vanilla Cookies over.

Bake at 350 for 30 min.

Watch it if top gets to Brown cover with foil !!!

Also you might put Pie Pan on Pizza sheet while baking. Some times Pies run over and makes a messy Oven.


BrokenArrow , Okla.


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