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Thank you for sending me the site www.polychondritis.org and thanks for just being nice. I need to find out as much as i can because this is so new to me. Enjoy the weather ther its cold here.

thanks Sherrie

-- Re: Sherrie

Sherrie, welcome to the group. You have found a wonderful place here. Also welcome to the other new members who we haven't heard from yet. Please, I hope you all will just jump right in and ask all the questions you want. Someone will help you out here. Sherrie, I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. I'm sure all of us relate to your story. It sounds to me like the pain in your throat by your rib cage is your tyroid cartilage. I don't know and i'm no doctor. I know if I press on my cartilage there, over your adams apple and down, it is very painful. Have you gone to our Foundation site at www.polychondritis.org? If not, you should. You will find articles there that might help. Copy them and take them to your rheumy. There is Dr. Karin Harp's article under " links" and then click emedicine. Dr. Buckner and Dr. Trenthams articles are under "Information" or "Articles". It is so hard to know what to ask. Also look at our Brochure at the site. If you would like us to send you some Brochures to give to your drs. please just let me know and i will send you some. I was on Vioxx and pred at first and it just didn't stop my flares. They had to add methotrexate to the pred. We are all different and all take a mixture of different drugs that help us. Right now I'm on pred and Plaquenil. This does not work for some and as you will see there are a lot lof different options. I think metho and Imuran are the drugs of choice along with the prednisone. Then there is Cytoxon, Remicade, Arava etc. The list goes on. Don't give up hope. Caught early and with the right medications RP can be controled. Remembe with each flare some damage can be done, so you will want to get on the right medications as soon as you can. Please keep asking questions and sharing your experiences with us. This is how we all learn. We do have other members in Michigan. Maybe they could help you with a rheumy that knows about RP. Looking forward to getting to know you better. hugs in Calif. DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sherrie, when I was on Metho, I had blood work done at least monthly. They didn't take it for awhile after I quit. Now they are back to doing it about every 6-8 weeks just to check my liver, kidney and CBC levels. They also run a chem panel for the minerals. Don't know if the new insurance will do it the same way.

I think it depends on if you are on any drugs that might need to be monitored for liver or kidney damage. Check with your dr or pharmacist. They would know.

How affection do you have blood work? I havent had any for5 months.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh CLaudia if it isnt one thing its another. Tell I am

praying for her and Makaliha, and you to. Just take her in your arms

and hug and love her as much as you can. God is going to send his

angels to protect her when you are not there.

That is one of the reasons Kim couldnt work for CPS anymore. She

couldnt stand to see the children hurt and abused. Sometimes even if

they knew the parent was bad there was nothing they could do but

leave them with them. Boy do we have a messed up judicial system or

what. Just keep the faith up that everything will work out.

I am not a grandmother yet but I cant imagine having a child abused

or hurt in any way. Look out when I become one. I am already over

protected as it is.

Try to relax and enjoy the holidays. luv ya,

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