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News that I thought I should share about meds

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Hi all

Thought I should share this one about meds with you. I have been on Imuran or it's generic form for several years now. Gish so many I forget. The Pharmacy I go to changed brands of generic meds about two months ago, to yet another generic brand of Imuran. I have been told or asked if I wanted the generic form of meds before and I have always said yes never had another thought about them. Well like I said recently they changed brands. Well now I do and here is why!

In August when they changed brands they made sure that I knew they had and I asked why? They said that they just wanted me to know and in cause it caused any problems. Well at the time I am thinking what problems and didn't think anything about it. On September 23rd I went to my Rheumy and was having problems with a flare or that is what I thought it was. Well he prescribed pred. for a week and I got semi better.

Lets see how did I describe it to the nurse. Kind of achy...one day one ear would hurt, then the next day both would be red, then the next it would be my nose or nothing at all. Like I said I didn't think anything of it until yesterday. I thought hmm all this started happening about 3 weeks after I started the new med. and hasn't stopped since. So today I called the rheumy.

I now have a prescription for Imuran not in the generic form at all. We are hoping this works and I am not starting to have problems with the RP again. Evidently the Dr. thought that it could be the problem or he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of changing the prescription.

Speaking of dealing with Dr.'s I got a good one for you. I sure have had a time with them lately. I found a great new dr. now if I could just get the old one to cooperate....

I am having problems with my BP again don't know it is due to the last time I took pred. (I hate pred!) or if it is due to the prob. with the aches and pains I have had lately. I called the new dr. to see if they had received my records from the old dr. who didn't give a crap about me. Guess what no they hadn't! I just called today at the new one and have an appt. for Thursday! Amazing isn't it!

Well they said my old dr. had 30 days to send the records. Well it has been over 30 days so they suggested that I call my dr. and find out why my records hadn't been transferred to them. I did their excuse was that they had no record to show that I had requested them. Well my husband an I went up there and signed the transfer papers. Oh I was upset. Well I asked them how long it would take to have them transferred and they said it would take awhile. I then went into the deal about having an appt. and that I needed them. They said that they might have them done soon but didn't think it would be done that soon. I asked her how I could get them done in time. Well if you requested them and paid for them yourself they might get them done. Oh and by the way we can't fax them so it would take longer than Thursday for sure. I said I will pay for them and I will be here to pick them up before my appt. on Thursday at 11am. OH I AM MAD! I have to pay for my own records. You better believe I am now going to keep my own records. If the new dr. wants a copy he can make one and give this one back to me. Yah now my BP is probably sky high for sure!LOL

Well just to let you know some interesting news and some more crap about my old dr. I was so hoping I wouldn't have to go back in that office again. grrrrrr Sorry to write a book! :o(

Take care all


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Hi Glenda,

Sorry your old Doc is giving you so much grief over getting your records.

I agree on the generic drugs. I was on generic Cytoxan for about a year, then had to change to the name brand because my pharmacy could no longer get the generic form due to shortages.

I have had more side effects and faster hair loss with the name brand. My Rheumy found this very interesting.


Hi all

Thought I should share this one about meds with you. I have been on Imuran or it's generic form for several years now. Gish so many I forget. The Pharmacy I go to changed brands of generic meds about two months ago, to yet another generic brand of Imuran. I have been told or asked if I wanted the generic form of meds before and I have always said yes never had another thought about them. Well like I said recently they changed brands. Well now I do and here is why!

In August when they changed brands they made sure that I knew they had and I asked why? They said that they just wanted me to know and in cause it caused any problems. Well at the time I am thinking what problems and didn't think anything about it. On September 23rd I went to my Rheumy and was having problems with a flare or that is what I thought it was. Well he prescribed pred. for a week and I got semi better.

Lets see how did I describe it to the nurse. Kind of achy...one day one ear would hurt, then the next day both would be red, then the next it would be my nose or nothing at all. Like I said I didn't think anything of it until yesterday. I thought hmm all this started happening about 3 weeks after I started the new med. and hasn't stopped since. So today I called the rheumy.

I now have a prescription for Imuran not in the generic form at all. We are hoping this works and I am not starting to have problems with the RP again. Evidently the Dr. thought that it could be the problem or he wouldn't have gone to the trouble of changing the prescription.

Speaking of dealing with Dr.'s I got a good one for you. I sure have had a time with them lately. I found a great new dr. now if I could just get the old one to cooperate....

I am having problems with my BP again don't know it is due to the last time I took pred. (I hate pred!) or if it is due to the prob. with the aches and pains I have had lately. I called the new dr. to see if they had received my records from the old dr. who didn't give a crap about me. Guess what no they hadn't! I just called today at the new one and have an appt. for Thursday! Amazing isn't it!

Well they said my old dr. had 30 days to send the records. Well it has been over 30 days so they suggested that I call my dr. and find out why my records hadn't been transferred to them. I did their excuse was that they had no record to show that I had requested them. Well my husband an I went up there and signed the transfer papers. Oh I was upset. Well I asked them how long it would take to have them transferred and they said it would take awhile. I then went into the deal about having an appt. and that I needed them. They said that they might have them done soon but didn't think it would be done that soon. I asked her how I could get them done in time. Well if you requested them and paid for them yourself they might get them done. Oh and by the way we can't fax them so it would take longer than Thursday for sure. I said I will pay for them and I will be here to pick them up before my appt. on Thursday at 11am. OH I AM MAD! I have to pay for my own records. You better believe I am now going to keep my own records. If the new dr. wants a copy he can make one and give this one back to me. Yah now my BP is probably sky high for sure!LOL

Well just to let you know some interesting news and some more crap about my old dr. I was so hoping I wouldn't have to go back in that office again. grrrrrr Sorry to write a book! :o(

Take care all



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