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/leg cramps

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I am trying to help here and you are just giving me grief!!! Stop it!!!!! LOL

Gosh girl I wish I had a magic wand for you, Heidi, Dawn and a bunch of others in the group. You all need it so badly.

, if I knew the major cause of leg cramps and how to relieve it, I would be rich. But I don't and I'm not, so all I can do is give suggestions on what I know has helped me and others in the past.

But I do DEMAND that you stop all of this and get to feeling normal again. whatever the hell that is!!!! HEAR ME?

Love you so girl!!! Sorry I can't help you. Really I am.............



thanks for the sock suggestion. My problem is that my feet and legs are so swollen that any socks leave major indentations. LOL I'm allergic to the oyster shells, tried that once for the calcium. LOLI wil find some loose socks somewhere. Do you know what causes them ?? I want them gone.LOL hugs

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