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new dx--boy am I upset

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As if having RP, Sjogren's Syndrome, Trigeminal Neualgia etc. etc.etc. isn't enough!!! I saw the oral surgeon today because the roof of my mouth has sores on in and is very painful. He looks in it and comes back with a book that had all kinds of pictures of lesions and sores in it. He pointed to one and told me that I had this--under the picture it said "lupus ererythematosus" I am in shock! This is the doc that did the biopsy on the roof of my mouth a while ago--the one where I got the report not too long ago. Does anyone else have this? He wrote out a rx for kenalog paste which I have to put on the lesions. Do I believe him or is it me being in denial? Between these ugly diseases and the death of my parents I don't know whether I am coming or going--seriously. Thanks once again for being there for me.


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