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Re: Kathi G/ / hurricanes

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Here is part of a post from Kathi Goodwin. Please keep her and her family in

your thoughts and prayers. too... ! LEt those darn hurricanes go

back out to sea.



As of right now, the Hurricane is headed just to the west of us. Right now

it is forecast to come up over New Olreans which is about 60 miles to the

west of us. We still have about 36 hours before land fall but we have

already had so much rain that things are really beginning to flood. I will

be back on line as soon as we are through all of this. >>

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Know they will be in my thoughts. I'm here in upper northern

Florida and the rain has been causing flood warnings and watching

all over the place. I can understand fully what they are getting

ready for. Know we need the rain, but to much isn't good either.

I'm one of the lucky one not living in a flood area, but I sure do

worry about my daughter who has to drive through one of the worse

areas here on her way to work every day.

ville Florida hasn't been hit with a big hurricane for a long

time, so I figure its turn is coming. I'm located about 30 to 40

miles north of ville so any bad storm or hurricane can hit me

as hard. So far I've been lucky these 13 years.

Hang in there gals...we are tuff and can show we know how to ride

these storms out.

hugs to both of them

Sharyn in very wet Florida right now

> Here is part of a post from Kathi Goodwin. Please keep her and

her family in

> your thoughts and prayers. too... ! LEt those darn

hurricanes go

> back out to sea.


> hugs


> <<

> As of right now, the Hurricane is headed just to the west of us.

Right now

> it is forecast to come up over New Olreans which is about 60

miles to the

> west of us. We still have about 36 hours before land fall but we


> already had so much rain that things are really beginning to

flood. I will

> be back on line as soon as we are through all of this. >>

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