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Frequency machine - new technology

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Hi Everyone:

Wanted to let people know that once again God came through and has lead me to something which helps greatly with my pain and arthritis. I hesitated to write this due to lack of MD support, but if it helps someone I think people should know this is out there.

I was doing very poorly in July and couldn't move for 3 days due to such bad back pain and flairs. An older woman who has a very mild varient of RP goes to my dentist and he mentioned I should call her. Boy am I glad I did.

The woman introduced me to someone named Dr. Barta and he has just finished a prototype that is called The Spirit of Life and is a frequency machine. I went over to her house thinking I was going to see a massage therapist and was really honked when a 75 year old man came in with a box. I couldn't believe I drove there for that.

Well, 1 1/2 hour later I could stand up without pain, bend over and touch the floor and went to the store afterwards.

I'm still trying to get my brain to completely understand all I am learning, but I will try to explain how it works. Believe me, with my medical background, I was determined to prove this would not work. None the less the doc treated me for free and I have to say when able to use on a regular basis, it has given me back quality of life like I thought I would never have.

If you want information on the origin of the frequency

you can go to Royal Rife, M.D. I think you can just type in his name without the MD. He was a doctor who made amazing discovery in the 1930's but was then ruined once the governement and pharmacy companies found out.

Dr. Barta studied for 3 years with Dr. Rife and Dr. Barta himself had pancreatic cancer 35 years ago and Dr. Rife saved him. Dr. Barta has spent his life working on getting the frequency machine as acurate as possible, and one was just put out.

Frequency works on the theory that all matter has positive and negative energy. If the body becomes out of wack, the frequency can be applied to restore so that the body can work at healing itself. Everything has a measurement of energy that is measured in hertz. The frequency machine interfaces with a computer and you can plug in your problems or disease and the machine allows the body to work at healing.

I have seen amazing stuff when at his office. People dying of cancer sent home to die getting better, people in horrible pain getting relief, a lady with Parkinson's go from no talking and unable to walk or stand to doing so. It is really wild, but I can't deny that it is really working for me.

God thankfully heard my pleas for help and I was recently able to get my disability company to purchase a machine for me. They bought it all because they heard such a difference in me once I started treatment. My pain management doctor even wrote a script for it since she is an anesthesiologist and has done studies on spinal cord fluid and endorphine(? spelling) release.

I have written alot but there is so much more. I'll let you ask and I'll try to answer as best I can. I have also learned alot about Calcium and other minerals which have really made a difference also.

Don't want to give false hope here, but I do know it works wonders for me and several people I know have come over and it has helped them also. I can't dispute what it does for me.

I'll try to explain more in the next few days, but this machine can not hurt anyone. If anyone is really interested after learning more, please feel free to consider coming to Florida and seeing what it can do for you. I will open my home to those who are interested because I believe this can help us live.

Again, medical community mostly does not offer this treatment as they don't recommend Eastern treatments either. I am somewhat ticked that I have seen so many MD's and they can't help and they offer no alternatives when this technology and science exists.

Those who know me (the oldies) know I'm not a flake and do have everyones best interest at heart. I am not making any medical claims other than what it has done for me, but I thank God everyday that he has provided me with this because it is making my life tolerable again.

Sorry to post so long,


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