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OT: son walking funny

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Hi, I was wondering if anyone can offer advice about this. My son

walks " funny " in several different ways. He has not always walked

like this, and it comes and goes, but lately it has been very bad. I

cannot seem to link it to anything in particular. He almost always

walks on his toes now. In addition, he will frequently turn his

right ankle out so his right toes are pointing toward his left foot

when he walks. He will also walk sideways a lot. If he is not doing

one or a combination of these things, he is running, skipping, or

bouncing when he walks. I don't remember it always being this way,

or at least not as bad.

I have scheduled an appointment with a PT to evaluate. His OT wasn't

sure why he is doing this. The OT says it does not look like he has

lost any range of motion in his feet and that his calf muscles seem


I don't think the toe walking is related to constipation, as I have

read it might be. He has regular bowel movements.

We have started the Vitamin K protocol recently, and therefore

stopped giving him calcium supplements. It MIGHT be related to this

somehow, but he has walked like this in the past when we were giving

him calcium supplements. I just worry about his bones, as it

sometimes looks like his ankles are twisting all over the place and I

don't want him to injure himself.

Does anyone have experience with these problems with walking? Any




mom to (6) PDD-NOS

SCD 7 months

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