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Redoing Intro

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We have been on SCD since 2-1-03 but there have seemed to be

bothersome things that just don't go away. Last summer we

began taking our 3 boys to a DAN! office that mostly uses

homeopathics to see if we could get a handle on it. I'll

stick to my oldest son in this post. First, never been

diagnosed on the spectrum (although his father is a

self-diagnosed Aspie). He is 16yo and wants to sleep all

the time. So, mid January we started the intro again (my

sons say for the third time--I really don't remember!).

This time we are going super slow with introducing foods, as

I thought perhaps I had never done it properly. This boy

tends more toward constipation, but he says he has a BM

every day (when I have collected samples for stool samples

they seem rather hard). That's why we have possibly

introduced things too rapidly before because no diarrhea.

Anyway, he has always liked to eat lots and lots of cheese

and peanut butter. So, doing the intro was a way of pulling

those and although the rest of us have added cheese back in

he has not. The symptom that started a few days after

starting the intro is red hands on the top and up his

fingers. Sometimes it cracks and starts bleeding. Some

days they look a little better, but still there. Can this

be die off? (Continually for over a month?) I suspect yeast

from his early years of living on antibiotics. (Although a

stool test did not show it.) We did the garlic/carrot for

a couple weeks at the end of 2006 and again after we started

the intro, but haven't gone on to other natural

anti-fungals. I gave him several bottles of Candex a couple

of years ago.

Has anyone else had this persistent red rash on hands and

found anything that helps (our daughter who has UC also gets

the red hands).

Thanks for any insights anyone can offer.


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