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Gee you guys all sound so skinny. I have always been "big boned", but also heavy. I slowly put on the pounds & it was so hard to take them off especially after I stopped smoking & had a hysterectomy. When I started this disease I was 235 unfortunately & then with the pred & chemo I went up to almost 300. I received a newsletter a couple of months ago with pictures from April of the past Chief Rangers (president) of this organization I was in. I cried when I saw it. No wonder nobody recognized me. In fact it's bringing tears right now. I feel like such a fat slob & I know it's not my fault. I am down to 260 as of my last rheumy visit since I've been down to 5 of the pred. I guess I just don't see myself as big as I am & it hurts so bad when I see pictures. My friends say it doesn't matter because I'm still the same person & they love me as I am. Well got to go, having trouble seeing the screen for the tears. Susiecue

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  • 7 years later...

Hi Dyane,

You know the funny thing about the OBESE word is that for the past 20 years my

husband has been morbidly obese. The most a doctor told him was that he needs to

lose weight-when I told him about the conversation with the nurse he said " Boy,

sometimes women are so nasty to each other " and he reminded me that the nurse

was skinny. She was the first one I spoke to at NY Presbyterian. She probably

never had a weight problem.

The really weird thing that has been happening is that I think my body is having

a war between prednisone (side effect weight gain) and Methotrexate (side effect

weight loss and anorexia). I have been eating strangely for the past 3 months.

VERY healthy, but I can eat 5 or 6 servings of fruit in a day. I LOVE plain

cottage cheese (which I always hated) and peanuts and I don't want to eat red

meat at all(probably a good thing). There's other strange things, too, but all

in all when I wrote down what I ate for the last couple of days it was less than

1500 calories. I really think there is a war going on in me between the 2 drugs.

I am weaning off the prednisone and increasing Methotrexate and I hope the

latter wins the war!!!



> Hi anne,


> I do know how you feel as I have fought my weight since I was 18. Obese just

is one of those words that just sound ugly. Morbidly Obese even more so but yet

it is the " medical " term used. 20 lbs overweight, ya maybe a little too many

candy bars or beer, but do they really think we want to be 5 feet and 200+

lbs!!!!! I have had so many Doctors say you need to lose weight. Well DUH! I

do look in the mirror everyday. I really have got to think up a snappy comeback

to that stupid stupid statement. I am doing Medifast and I have lost 30 lbs but

I have been stuck since November and have been losing and gaining the same 10

lbs over and over. I want to excercise more but am having a BIG problem with

coughing. I hope you can convince them that calling you Obese over and over and

telling you not to show up if you haven't hit a certain weight is absolutely



> Dyane, 54, Phoenix, IIP 02 now NSIP 09, Breast Cancer, Psoriasis,

Lipodermatosclerosis, Diabetes, and now a RA like autoimmune component, yadda

yadda yadda.



> " Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving is a pretty,

well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up,

totally worn out, chocolate in one hand, Margaritas in the other, loudly

proclaiming " Holy **** What a ride! " . "


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Just to give some of you Hope in this Struggle with weight....to get started you just need to figure out how to Move More right where you are, at Home.

HIDE away the Remote Control to your Teles...(studies have shown that the very Act of Rasing one's Bod off the Couch uses Ooodles of Calories...!)

Get up Every Hour from whatever you are doing & do a complete walk around your very own house. Use a Cooking Timer to ring every hour.....

Don't eat anything after 7.30pm at night ....then your bodies will work harder to use up all those calories overnight.

If you suffer the 'Supper' pangs have a Drink of Water ot Herbal Conncoction (Peppermint, Camomile, Green Tea etc).

Eat Breakfast like a King/Queen

Lunch like an Aristocrat

Dinner like a Pauper

Everyone has to start somewhere..we only have to add on to what we did yesterday.... & not look backwards!


In loving support of everyone here in the same Boat......

in Oz

> >> > Hi anne,> > > > I do know how you feel as I have fought my weight since I was 18. Obese just is one of those words that just sound ugly. Morbidly Obese even more so but yet it is the "medical" term used. 20 lbs overweight, ya maybe a little too many candy bars or beer, but do they really think we want to be 5 feet and 200+ lbs!!!!! I have had so many Doctors say you need to lose weight. Well DUH! I do look in the mirror everyday. I really have got to think up a snappy comeback to that stupid stupid statement. I am doing Medifast and I have lost 30 lbs but I have been stuck since November and have been losing and gaining the same 10 lbs over and over. I want to excercise more but am having a BIG problem with coughing. I hope you can convince them that calling you Obese over and over and telling you not to show up if you haven't hit a certain weight is absolutely counterproductive.> > > > Dyane, 54, Phoenix, IIP 02 now NSIP 09, Breast Cancer, Psoriasis, Lipodermatosclerosi s, Diabetes, and now a RA like autoimmune component, yadda yadda yadda.> > > > > > "Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving is a pretty, well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, chocolate in one hand, Margaritas in the other, loudly proclaiming "Holy **** What a ride!"."> >>

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You obviously don't know about US teles...lol. Let's see in our house we

have VCR's and we have over 300 channels and it doesn't work without the

remote. One thing I do find helps though is to operate the remote while

on the treadmill. For me the treadmill was the best purchase ever. I

just wouldn't go somewhere as reguarly as I get on the treadmill. But

thats personal while many others find they are much more disciplined

going to a facility. My schedule shockingly enough just has too many

daytime interruptions sometimes and with the treadmill at home I can

always work that in.

> > >

> > > Hi anne,

> > >

> > > I do know how you feel as I have fought my weight since I was 18.

> Obese just is one of those words that just sound ugly. Morbidly Obese

> even more so but yet it is the " medical " term used. 20 lbs overweight,

> ya maybe a little too many candy bars or beer, but do they really


> we want to be 5 feet and 200+ lbs!!!!! I have had so many Doctors say

> you need to lose weight. Well DUH! I do look in the mirror everyday. I

> really have got to think up a snappy comeback to that stupid stupid

> statement. I am doing Medifast and I have lost 30 lbs but I have been

> stuck since November and have been losing and gaining the same 10 lbs

> over and over. I want to excercise more but am having a BIG problem


> coughing. I hope you can convince them that calling you Obese over and

> over and telling you not to show up if you haven't hit a certain


> is absolutely counterproductive.

> > >

> > > Dyane, 54, Phoenix, IIP 02 now NSIP 09, Breast Cancer, Psoriasis,

> Lipodermatosclerosi s, Diabetes, and now a RA like autoimmune


> yadda yadda yadda.

> > >

> > >

> > > " Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving is


> pretty, well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside,


> used up, totally worn out, chocolate in one hand, Margaritas in the

> other, loudly proclaiming " Holy **** What a ride! " . "

> > >

> >











> AU & utm_id=7924>


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Oh now BWBB... come On.....even in the Antipodes we also have VCR's (I just press more Buttons that make the Tele & VCR Talk to each other!).......OK maybe NOT 300 Channels ..Imagine the extra miles you can burn up slogging your way through 300 Channels...golly gosh.... you'd be Stick Thin in a Month!




> > > >> > > > Hi anne,> > > >> > > > I do know how you feel as I have fought my weight since I was 18.> > Obese just is one of those words that just sound ugly. Morbidly Obese> > even more so but yet it is the "medical" term used. 20 lbs overweight,> > ya maybe a little too many candy bars or beer, but do they really> think> > we want to be 5 feet and 200+ lbs!!!!! I have had so many Doctors say> > you need to lose weight. Well DUH! I do look in the mirror everyday. I> > really have got to think up a snappy comeback to that stupid stupid> > statement. I am doing Medifast and I have lost 30 lbs but I have been> > stuck since November and have been losing and gaining the same 10 lbs> > over and over. I want to excercise more but am having a BIG problem> with> > coughing. I hope you can convince them that calling you Obese over and> > over and telling you not to show up if you haven't hit a certain> weight> > is absolutely counterproductive.> > > >> > > > Dyane, 54, Phoenix, IIP 02 now NSIP 09, Breast Cancer, Psoriasis,> > Lipodermatosclerosi s, Diabetes, and now a RA like autoimmune> component,> > yadda yadda yadda.> > > >> > > >> > > > "Life is not a journey to the grave with intentions of arriving is> a> > pretty, well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside,> thoroughly> > used up, totally worn out, chocolate in one hand, Margaritas in the> > other, loudly proclaiming "Holy **** What a ride!"."> > > >> > >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> <http://www.smileycentral.com/dl/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb096_ZSYYYYYYYY\> \> > AU & utm_id=7924>> >>

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