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Mr. Ornery

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Everyone , well we still don't know what's up with Don. He had his cat scan and Ultra sound done today. Blood work

yesterday.So now we are in the Hurry up and wait mood again. His dizziness is a little better but his numb tingly face there is no change. I will call Dr. tomorrow and ask for results of all does test. Ok I tell the truth here I am stressed out to the max. Sorry I just cant help that. I am always like that when he or one of the kids get sick. Them getting sick is bad for my health.

LOL Heck I loose weight like melded butter. lol

Sofar this week I lost 3 lb. I know I am a bad

girl but that is how I am. Well the good news is my meds finally got here today. Ja I had our druggist check my meds for me today. LOL

Now you did not think I would trust does dumb idiots from down there do you ?? Dang that new meds is the pits. LOL Every time I eat anything at all I have to take 2 of does Pancreas pills first !!!! Even if it is a snack !!!

Heck by the time I take them with water I be full and don't want anything to eat. LOL Dam good thing my closet has all sizes (4 to 10 ) in there. So no matter what I weigh I have some Cloth. LOL Cant run around naked now can I ??LOL Dr. is concern about my low Bp.

But cant take any salt because of bad Kidneys. LOL But right now it is up a little

80 / 58 . So see Don being sick has improved that. But hey I want him well !!!!!!!!!!! I can deal with my problems just not doing to good with his. Dam RP anyway !!!!!! I hope it is that ratter then stroke stuff. I want to say Thank you all so much for your prayer and all. Like I said you guys are the best. And a BIG thank you to T for coming out last night and letting me make the peanut brittle. Ja when I am upset I have to keep doing something all the time cant sit still. I guess I get ants in my pants. LOL Bless her heart she put up with me in a time like that. I told her last night what I want from Santa Claus. LOL

I want 8 hours of SLEEP all at once. LOL Cant sleep well but have not slept well for a few month now. Oh well enough about me after all

I am in better shape then most of you I don't have that darn RP. So do me a Favor PLEASE!!! Take your Meds and Vitamins like you should ON TIME everyday. So you can get this darn RP back in it's sleeping mood too.

PLEASE DO THAT !!!!!!!!!!!! Because I love you all and need you well also !!!!!!

Well got to go and find some more work here.

Good night sleep well !!! I will post as soon as I hear from Dr. about Don's results OK.

The # 1 LOL

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Good to hear that Mr. Ornery is doing better. Oh yah if he is Mr. Ornery are you Mrs. Ornery!LOL At least the tests looked good and sounds like what he does have bothering him is a lot less worrisome than what you were thinking the problem was.

I am still sending good thoughts and prayers you twos way. Both you get to feeling better real soon!

Lots of LoveGlenda

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