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New with questions

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Hi everyone I am new and live in Australia. I have 6 children and my youngest

daughter who is 5.5 mths was diagnosed just over a month ago. She has a flat

spot on the left hand side of her head from severe torticollis due to suffering

a stroke prior to being born. We have been using repositioning and it has not

gotten any worse but we are getting more concerned. Her ears are out of

alignment and her cheek on the left side is a lot more prominent than the right

side. We have been struggling with the repositioning due to her stroke she has

no use of her left hand side and does not have good head and neck control.

The actual shape of her head is not to bad but her ears and face seem to be

quite bad. Her physio has not suggested any treatment at this stage but we think

she might need more than just repositioning. The problem we have is keeping her

off her head her head and neck control are not good enough to sit her up and she

struggles with tummy time as she can not bear weight on her left arm so she can

not really lift her head off the floor. We don't see her neuro for another

1.5mths but this is a follow up from her stroke not about this but I will be

speaking to him about it. Should we be doing more to push our physio or do we

need to see a different type of specialist. Did you make the decision to have

further treatment or was it suggested. I don't know if we should be pushing to

get her in a helmet or just wait to see if it improves but her ears are now out

by about 1.5cm and it is getting very noticeable. Is there anything else we can

use to help her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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I am terribly sorry to hear about the dilemma you are facing with you little darling. I banded my daughter at about the same age for the same reason, minus the stroke : ( We had really great results and I don't regret it a bit. The doctors said that it should improve as she gets older and can sit up. I didn't want to take the chance of missing the window for improvement and regret it later. I would talk to your doctor about your concerns and make sure they don't dismiss them. You are the only one who can be an advocate for your child, so make sure your voice is heard. I wish you the best of luck with your precious baby.

> Plagiocephaly > From: pbavi1@...> Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 10:09:20 +0000> Subject: New with questions> > Hi everyone I am new and live in Australia. I have 6 children and my youngest daughter who is 5.5 mths was diagnosed just over a month ago. She has a flat spot on the left hand side of her head from severe torticollis due to suffering a stroke prior to being born. We have been using repositioning and it has not gotten any worse but we are getting more concerned. Her ears are out of alignment and her cheek on the left side is a lot more prominent than the right side. We have been struggling with the repositioning due to her stroke she has no use of her left hand side and does not have good head and neck control. > > The actual shape of her head is not to bad but her ears and face seem to be quite bad. Her physio has not suggested any treatment at this stage but we think she might need more than just repositioning. The problem we have is keeping her off her head her head and neck control are not good enough to sit her up and she struggles with tummy time as she can not bear weight on her left arm so she can not really lift her head off the floor. We don't see her neuro for another 1.5mths but this is a follow up from her stroke not about this but I will be speaking to him about it. Should we be doing more to push our physio or do we need to see a different type of specialist. Did you make the decision to have further treatment or was it suggested. I don't know if we should be pushing to get her in a helmet or just wait to see if it improves but her ears are now out by about 1.5cm and it is getting very noticeable. Is there anything else we can use to help her. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks> > > > ------------------------------------> > For more plagio info

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