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New with questions

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i have only heard of this if u have mercury fillings. mercury

interferes w/ testing and shows normal levels very often. to learn

about thyroid, i recommend this website:

http://www.antiaging-systems.com/scripts/search/search.pl?Terms=thyroid &

submit.x=34 & submit.y=2


& submit.x=34 & submit.y=2>


www.bikerchick.freehomepage.com <http://www.bikerchick.freehomepage.com>

< Re: New with questions

Has anyone heard of having hypothyroidism to a minor degree that will

show up on hair mineral analysis tests but not blood tests? I don't know

if natural supplements will be bad for me. My metabolic profile is SLOW

metabolism, I have extreme fatigue, brainfog, cold clammy hands, etc. I

don't know what to do ! I feel like crap and have gained about 20lbs!

Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

A little bit of Armour is waking up your cells and they are asking for


You need an increase in Armour ASAP. You are on too little meds. The


doesn't know how to use Armour but it's good that she gave it to you.





> Hi,


> I recently went to a doctor recommended by a nutritionist I went to

> see because I could not lose 12 pounds that I put on for no reason.

> The nutritionist thought I probably had a hormone imbalance or food

> allergies.


> I went to this doctor and she supected low thyroid. These are my

> symptoms:


> Low body temp. Slow heartbeat Low blood pressure

> Puffy Under eyes Gained weight can lose Losing Hair

> Dry Skin


> I am tired sometimes but feel that I have good energy. I have

> excessive cavities too. Is that a symptom?


> My test came back normal but she put me on Armour Thyro 30mg. I have

> been on it for 8 days and I swear I feel so much more tired than

> before. (I could barely get through my step tape this morning) I am

> kinda in a bad mood too although I can control it. Maybe it is in my

> head, I don't know.


> I called and talked to someone in her office they told me that I

> should not really be seeing any difference in such a short period of

> time and if I did it would be a rapid heartbeat.


> I know nothing about this and need some input. I don't want to mess

> up myself.













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The problem is with the tests. No one has hypothyroidism to a minor degree,

you either have it or you don't. You can be treated properly by a holistic

doc. http://www.geocities.com/thyroide




> Has anyone heard of having hypothyroidism to a minor degree that will show

up on hair mineral analysis tests but not blood tests? I don't know if

natural supplements will be bad for me. My metabolic profile is SLOW

metabolism, I have extreme fatigue, brainfog, cold clammy hands, etc. I

don't know what to do ! I feel like crap and have gained about 20lbs!


> Gracia <circe@...> wrote:

> A little bit of Armour is waking up your cells and they are asking for


> You need an increase in Armour ASAP. You are on too little meds. The


> doesn't know how to use Armour but it's good that she gave it to you.

> Gracia


> >

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > I recently went to a doctor recommended by a nutritionist I went to

> > see because I could not lose 12 pounds that I put on for no reason.

> > The nutritionist thought I probably had a hormone imbalance or food

> > allergies.

> >

> > I went to this doctor and she supected low thyroid. These are my

> > symptoms:

> >

> > Low body temp. Slow heartbeat Low blood pressure

> > Puffy Under eyes Gained weight can lose Losing Hair

> > Dry Skin

> >

> > I am tired sometimes but feel that I have good energy. I have

> > excessive cavities too. Is that a symptom?

> >

> > My test came back normal but she put me on Armour Thyro 30mg. I have

> > been on it for 8 days and I swear I feel so much more tired than

> > before. (I could barely get through my step tape this morning) I am

> > kinda in a bad mood too although I can control it. Maybe it is in my

> > head, I don't know.

> >

> > I called and talked to someone in her office they told me that I

> > should not really be seeing any difference in such a short period of

> > time and if I did it would be a rapid heartbeat.

> >

> > I know nothing about this and need some input. I don't want to mess

> > up myself.

> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I've always found that when I felt sick with liver cleanses - it's usually

because I've not zapped and parasite removed as much as needed. Also, the food

cleanup is important to keep your system cleaner - i.e. HCI drops on all food,

and veg washed in Lugols, etc. When your system is cleaner - there's far less

chance of feeling sick when doing liver cleanses, therefore the mixture is much

easier to stomach.

Christie <neverland2me@...> wrote:

I tried Dr. 's liver flush twice with little results due to the

fact that I can not stomach the mixture.

I read after the first one to drink a bottle of magnesium Citrate in

place of the Epsom Salts and I tried the 2nd time.

How can I get the real mixture down???

I am obese and I KNOW I have stones! As I am starting to lose weight

I know it will get worse and I don't want to end up in the hospital

having my gallbladder removed.

I also wanted to ask where one can find gold coin grass? I want to

try and soften the stones I have first.

Also for how long should one take it before doing the flush and is

it okay to drink apple cider and use the gold coin grass for a

better effect?

Thanks so much, Christie

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What are you having trouble with - the grapefruit and olive oil? Did you try

sipping it thru a straw, just a little at a time? Also, use light olive oil,

it's a bit easier to get down.

I think there are some variations to the liver flush at curezone.com, maybe

you'll find one a bit easier on your system.

Christie <neverland2me@...> wrote:

I tried Dr. 's liver flush twice with little results due to the

fact that I can not stomach the mixture.

I read after the first one to drink a bottle of magnesium Citrate in

place of the Epsom Salts and I tried the 2nd time.

How can I get the real mixture down???

I am obese and I KNOW I have stones! As I am starting to lose weight

I know it will get worse and I don't want to end up in the hospital

having my gallbladder removed.

I also wanted to ask where one can find gold coin grass? I want to

try and soften the stones I have first.

Also for how long should one take it before doing the flush and is

it okay to drink apple cider and use the gold coin grass for a

better effect?

Thanks so much, Christie

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Hi Christie ~

I find the yuckiest part of the liver flush is the epsom salt mixture. I tried

refrigerating it thinking it would help make it taste better and using at room

temp, but even using a straw, that stuff seems to get worse each time I have to

take it during a cleanse. BUT the results are so amazing, I do it anyways...

Have you completed the parasite and kidney cleanse first? If not, this can make

a big difference in the # of stones you get out.

Take a look at the various recipes Karyn suggested at curezone.com Maybe

there's something easier to swallow. If you find something easier, let us know.

New with Questions

I tried Dr. 's liver flush twice with little results due to the

fact that I can not stomach the mixture.

I read after the first one to drink a bottle of magnesium Citrate in

place of the Epsom Salts and I tried the 2nd time.

How can I get the real mixture down???

I am obese and I KNOW I have stones! As I am starting to lose weight

I know it will get worse and I don't want to end up in the hospital

having my gallbladder removed.

I also wanted to ask where one can find gold coin grass? I want to

try and soften the stones I have first.

Also for how long should one take it before doing the flush and is

it okay to drink apple cider and use the gold coin grass for a

better effect?

Thanks so much, Christie

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If you go to www.curezone.com and read their liver flush forums, you can

lots of additional information about liver flushing from many who have

done them. There is also a search feature so you can search for 'gold

coin grass " and find just those mesages which might help in locating a



Christie wrote:


>I tried Dr. 's liver flush twice with little results due to the

>fact that I can not stomach the mixture.


>I read after the first one to drink a bottle of magnesium Citrate in

>place of the Epsom Salts and I tried the 2nd time.


>How can I get the real mixture down???


>I am obese and I KNOW I have stones! As I am starting to lose weight

>I know it will get worse and I don't want to end up in the hospital

>having my gallbladder removed.


>I also wanted to ask where one can find gold coin grass? I want to

>try and soften the stones I have first.


>Also for how long should one take it before doing the flush and is

>it okay to drink apple cider and use the gold coin grass for a

>better effect?


>Thanks so much, Christie











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  • 1 month later...

Wow, I am so sorry to hear your story :( It's so sad to hear stories

like this, where doctors can never find anything wrong even though

there are obvious signs. They wouldn't notice an elephant if it were

in the same room with you!

It's sad that with all the money and education that they can be so

incredibly stupid. I've had eczema since I was in 4th grade, and all

the doctors ever said was either " it's dry skin " or they gave me

cortisone cream. All the cortisone cream did was make it worse because

it surpressed my immune system, which made it less able to keep the

candida in check. And all this probably resulted from antibiotics I

was given as a child! It's nothing anywhere near your story, but the

whole thing with the doctors is very aggrivating.

I'll let Bee answer most if your questions, but if you do use

antibiotics you need an antifungal to be taken with it (since candida

is resistant to antibiotics), and then there are also probiotics that

need to be taken. I don't know the specifics on it, so hopefully

someone will help me out on that. All I know is if I were on

antibiotics I'd be doing heavy doses of probiotics for the next three


Good luck with everything, and I really hope you get better!


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Hi ,

Welcome to our group. I'm so glad you found us. You've come to the

right place my friend!


> I started from the beginning of the message board and could weep

>for the amount of dollars and time wasted doing things wrong. Bee,

your article was a blessing to be sure.

==>It is sad how much money one has to spend, only to find out it

doesn't work. I'm glad you found my article a blessing. Our goal

for you will be to get your body doing its job, healing, by giving it

what it needs!

> I don't have time to go through every message right now but sure

> intend to. In the meantime, I hope someone will advise me on what I

> can do.

==>I can save you some time on that . You do not have to go

through all of the messages because I have put a lot of information

in the files from questions members asked on this group. Wading

through the messages can also give you a lot of misinformation

because others do have lots of ideas. But the basics are what you

want, so if you concentrate on reading the Files and Links you'll

have all of the information you need to get well.

>>I've been battling chronic bladder infections since last September,

twice I ended up in the hosp. with a blood infection. I was on IV

antibiotics for two weeks and then oral Levaquin for 8 weeks. It was

before I learned I have candida (which most likely went undiagnosed

for 5 years even tho I went test to test in misery). Only when the

Levaquin was almost gone and I was placed on low dose Bactrim every

day was it recommended to take a probiotics. And I had no clue which


==>Unfortunately doctors only get about 5-8 hours training in

nutrition, because since the early 1900s their education has been

taken over the by drug companies, starting with the Rockefeller

Assoc. when they got into the drug business.

>>Anyway, I just learned I have another infection. My back has been

aching terribly. I'm reluctant to take the antibiotic prescribed

(Nitrofurantoin) given everything I've learned about antibiotics but

I don't want the infection to get out of control.

Sulfur is usually in drugs to treat bladder infections, and you can

find that in raw garlic and many other foods. I haven't tried it for

bladder infection though, but I was successful treating mine with

pure cranberry juice, which should be unpasteurized and infiltered -

it's strong so water it down with filtered water. Try to drink at

least a full quart within two days. If you have candida it could

make it grow more, because it does contain fructose, but I believe

that's the least of your worries right now. You just want to get rid

of bladder infection and pain. Do drink it with good fats as well

which will minimize the release of sugars into the blood stream. The

simpliest to have is plain butter (eat 1-2 teaspoons just prior to

drinking the cranberry juice). Then eat a full meal after with meats

and veggies.

>>I'm a quadriplegic and have a catheter which complicates things. So

does my feeding tube. I only learned I had candida because I could

not tolerate the formulas. Sugar City. Now we must puree everything.

Most meat is a challenge. (If anyone knows a quality pureer, let me

know.) My weight is 85 and my nutrition sorely lacking.(Ultimately a

neck scan was taken when doctors could find no reason for my

abdominal pain, weakness, numbness, hypersensitivity, and

constipation -- and they found a cyst common to quads. I reluctantly

went through surgery because I was told it could be the reason for

the numbness/weakness.

==>Your story makes me want to cry. How can doctors do this to

people? Where was your cyst? Did you know cyst respond well to

enough omega-3, vit. A, D & E; cod liver oil contains omega-3

essential fatty acids plus A & D, take 3,000 mgs equivalent of omega-

3 found in good cod liver oil like Carlson's or Garden of Life

(usually 2 tbls. per day). Vit. E can be bought separately per the

info in my article.

> It only made matters worse. And it weakened my swallow to boot.)

==>Yuk. Was it in your throat?

> Anyway, if I do take the antibiotics, what should I do to counter

> their destructiveness? I've been taking Flora Balance powder for

> about 3 weeks and their BOD probiotic, 2 capsules daily, but they

> seem to have run their course.

==>Run their course? Do you mean they don't seem to help anymore?

If not, you probably need more good fats like coconut oil, butter,

lard, etc.

>>I started Tanalbit (recommended as similar to Caprylic Acid) but it

contains casein and causes a lot of chest pain.

==>Tanalbit is based on tee tree oil. Caprylic Acid is based on

coconut oil. Coconut oil is best, so is garlic and Pau D'arco.

>>Today I got some coconut oil and Pau D'arco tea but don't know if I

should take both or what. The tea caused chest pain, too. I've long

suspected the yeast is in my chest (I was recently diagnosed with a

heart murmur) so could the pain be a sign that it's working?

==>You can take coconut oil plus Pau D'arco. Pau D'arco is a mild

antifungal. It does sounds as if you have candida in your chest.

Good fats are very important for lung health. The pains could

increase due to the healing process for sure. Like Hering's Law of

Cures says too: During natural healing the body will go backwards

through every single illness, symptom, ache, pain, disease, injury,

etc. - like peeling of the layers of an onion - because it is

breaking down before it rebuilds. It won't be exactly the same as

the " real " thing, because it's only a re-experience. So your

symptoms will be milder but unmistakable.

==>Also ensure you have enough moisture in the air for your lungs.

You can boil water a couple of hours per day, or even sit in the

bathroom with the shower on, and breathe deeply.

> Thanks in advance for any help. I plan to make the cabbage right

> now.

==>Excellent idea, but don't try to do too much at once.

> PS. I feel so much relief having found your group, Bee. I can't

wait > to read more. Just from the few things I've seen, I have been

> consuming terrible foods like carrots (juicing a cup daily),

> parsnips and oatmeal. It seems everyone has an opinion but you're

> the first person advising people who isn't selling something. God

> bless you. I feel for you living 25 years in misery!

==>Food is medicine ! I'm glad you read my story. It provides

some perspective, doesn't it? I was actually in misery 44 years

until I started on the candida program, but most of the worst

symptoms started 25 years prior.

You too can get well and feel great! But do take one step at a time

allowing your body to adjust to each change, to adjust it's healing

functions, etc. You will be more successful without going into

severe " die-off " too fast or too soon. Also remember " more is not

better " , only give your body the amount that will do the job!

Onward and upward !



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Mineral water


I was reading through the files last night. There is such a wealth

of info. What a godsend.

I tried responding to the group via email but the emails were

returned. Did I do something wrong?

Bee, you said to start slow. How slow? I stopped the Tanalbit. It

was too tough on my chest. How much Pau D'Arco and coconut? Should

I spread them out or is it okay to take together? When the cabbage

rejuv is ready do I do take the 3 cups throughout the day? Do you

have any probiotic suggestions?

When I say that the Flora Balance powder and Acidophilus BOD seem to

have run their course, I mean I no longer feel any benefit from

them. Initially I was having 2 decent bowel movements a day and was

getting some energy back. Now I'm struggling to have one small one.

My poop sinks and has gotten more foul smelling which scares me

after reading your file on stool. Sorry if I'm grossing anyone out!

It's also mushy. When I was hopspitalized last May they started me

on 2 laxatives in the morning and 2 at night -- plus 1/2 bottle of

Magnesium Citrate. Obviously it wouldn't be formed. I'm frustrated.

I weened myself off the Mag for the most part, I still use at times

like Friday night - but not the Senokot. When I try to cut back,, I

end up paying a price. They gave me Miralax until I read that it

contains some kind of fuel. (And my doctor has the nerve to moan

about me taking supplements!)

I've tried warm water enemas but I never know if they'll produce

results. I'm not kidding. I can retain 1000 cc's! Not by choice, of

course. On thecurezone? board this gal recommended 1 cup of carrot

juice, 1 TBS of olive oil and 1 TBS of lemon juice as a flush and

I've been backed up ever since. Of course this was before I found

your place and learned that carrots are a no-no.

Unfortunately, I can no longer tolerate garlic. My belly swells up

right wqhere my diaphram is. I get nauseous and extremely thirsty.

Could this be the gland you should thump? Not being able to tolerate

garlic was my very first symptom way back when.

My cyst was on my C5-6, where my broken neck was fused. Officially

it's called a syrinx. Obviously I had no clue there are supplement

for cysts. UNFORTUNATELY! But I do now. Thanks.

If you wouldn't mind, I'm a math flunky. If you could put in

layman's terms how much fat, protein, carbs I should have it would

help me a lot. The Wellness Guru states that severe cases of candida

should eat 5 servings of veggies to one protein.I was going insane.

I'm 5'3.5, 85 pounds. Normally 105.

Thanks for your support. I'm sorry if I seem so wrapped up in myself!

--- " Bee " <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote:

From: " Bee " <beeisbuzzing2003@...>

Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 15:58:59 -0000

Subject: [ ] Re: New with questions

Hi ,

Welcome to our group. I'm so glad you found us. You've come to the

right place my friend!


> I started from the beginning of the message board and could weep

>for the amount of dollars and time wasted doing things wrong. Bee,

your article was a blessing to be sure.

==>It is sad how much money one has to spend, only to find out it

doesn't work. I'm glad you found my article a blessing. Our goal

for you will be to get your body doing its job, healing, by


> > I started from the beginning of the message board and could weep

> >for the amount of dollars and time wasted doing things wrong.


> your article was a blessing to be sure.


> ==>It is sad how much money one has to spend, only to find out it

> doesn't work. I'm glad you found my article a blessing. Our goal

> for you will be to get your body doing its job, healing, by giving


> what it needs!


> > I don't have time to go through every message right now but sure

> > intend to. In the meantime, I hope someone will advise me on

what I

> > can do.


> ==>I can save you some time on that . You do not have to go

> through all of the messages because I have put a lot of


> in the files from questions members asked on this group. Wading

> through the messages can also give you a lot of misinformation

> because others do have lots of ideas. But the basics are what you

> want, so if you concentrate on reading the Files and Links you'll

> have all of the information you need to get well.


> >>I've been battling chronic bladder infections since last


> twice I ended up in the hosp. with a blood infection. I was on IV

> antibiotics for two weeks and then oral Levaquin for 8 weeks. It


> before I learned I have candida (which most likely went


> for 5 years even tho I went test to test in misery). Only when the

> Levaquin was almost gone and I was placed on low dose Bactrim


> day was it recommended to take a probiotics. And I had no clue


> one.


> ==>Unfortunately doctors only get about 5-8 hours training in

> nutrition, because since the early 1900s their education has been

> taken over the by drug companies, starting with the Rockefeller

> Assoc. when they got into the drug business.


> >>Anyway, I just learned I have another infection. My back has


> aching terribly. I'm reluctant to take the antibiotic prescribed

> (Nitrofurantoin) given everything I've learned about antibiotics


> I don't want the infection to get out of control.


> Sulfur is usually in drugs to treat bladder infections, and you


> find that in raw garlic and many other foods. I haven't tried it


> bladder infection though, but I was successful treating mine with

> pure cranberry juice, which should be unpasteurized and

infiltered -

> it's strong so water it down with filtered water. Try to drink at

> least a full quart within two days. If you have candida it could

> make it grow more, because it does contain fructose, but I believe

> that's the least of your worries right now. You just want to get


> of bladder infection and pain. Do drink it with good fats as well

> which will minimize the release of sugars into the blood stream.


> simpliest to have is plain butter (eat 1-2 teaspoons just prior to

> drinking the cranberry juice). Then eat a full meal after with


> and veggies.


> >>I'm a quadriplegic and have a catheter which complicates things.


> does my feeding tube. I only learned I had candida because I could

> not tolerate the formulas. Sugar City. Now we must puree


> Most meat is a challenge. (If anyone knows a quality pureer, let


> know.) My weight is 85 and my nutrition sorely lacking.(Ultimately


> neck scan was taken when doctors could find no reason for my

> abdominal pain, weakness, numbness, hypersensitivity, and

> constipation -- and they found a cyst common to quads. I


> went through surgery because I was told it could be the reason for

> the numbness/weakness.


> ==>Your story makes me want to cry. How can doctors do this to

> people? Where was your cyst? Did you know cyst respond well to

> enough omega-3, vit. A, D & E; cod liver oil contains omega-3

> essential fatty acids plus A & D, take 3,000 mgs equivalent of


> 3 found in good cod liver oil like Carlson's or Garden of Life

> (usually 2 tbls. per day). Vit. E can be bought separately per


> info in my article.


> > It only made matters worse. And it weakened my swallow to boot.)


> ==>Yuk. Was it in your throat?


> > Anyway, if I do take the antibiotics, what should I do to


> > their destructiveness? I've been taking Flora Balance powder for

> > about 3 weeks and their BOD probiotic, 2 capsules daily, but


> > seem to have run their course.


> ==>Run their course? Do you mean they don't seem to help


> If not, you probably need more good fats like coconut oil, butter,

> lard, etc.


> >>I started Tanalbit (recommended as similar to Caprylic Acid) but


> contains casein and causes a lot of chest pain.


> ==>Tanalbit is based on tee tree oil. Caprylic Acid is based on

> coconut oil. Coconut oil is best, so is garlic and Pau D'arco.


> >>Today I got some coconut oil and Pau D'arco tea but don't know

if I

> should take both or what. The tea caused chest pain, too. I've


> suspected the yeast is in my chest (I was recently diagnosed with


> heart murmur) so could the pain be a sign that it's working?


> ==>You can take coconut oil plus Pau D'arco. Pau D'arco is a mild

> antifungal. It does sounds as if you have candida in your chest.

> Good fats are very important for lung health. The pains could

> increase due to the healing process for sure. Like Hering's Law


> Cures says too: During natural healing the body will go backwards

> through every single illness, symptom, ache, pain, disease,


> etc. - like peeling of the layers of an onion - because it is

> breaking down before it rebuilds. It won't be exactly the same as

> the " real " thing, because it's only a re-experience. So your

> symptoms will be milder but unmistakable.


> ==>Also ensure you have enough moisture in the air for your


> You can boil water a couple of hours per day, or even sit in the

> bathroom with the shower on, and breathe deeply.


> > Thanks in advance for any help. I plan to make the cabbage right

> > now.


> ==>Excellent idea, but don't try to do too much at once.


> > PS. I feel so much relief having found your group, Bee. I can't

> wait > to read more. Just from the few things I've seen, I have


> > consuming terrible foods like carrots (juicing a cup daily),

> > parsnips and oatmeal. It seems everyone has an opinion but


> > the first person advising people who isn't selling something.


> > bless you. I feel for you living 25 years in misery!


> ==>Food is medicine ! I'm glad you read my story. It


> some perspective, doesn't it? I was actually in misery 44 years

> until I started on the candida program, but most of the worst

> symptoms started 25 years prior.


> You too can get well and feel great! But do take one step at a


> allowing your body to adjust to each change, to adjust it's


> functions, etc. You will be more successful without going into

> severe " die-off " too fast or too soon. Also remember " more is not

> better " , only give your body the amount that will do the job!


> Onward and upward !


> Luv,

> Bee

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Jackie,

My son is 3.4 years old and has never been on any restricted diet at all.

he takes all three of houston's enzymes and has done wonderfully. he was

non-verbal prior and now has approx. 200+ words, counts to ten, now points to

items for me to tell him what they are, imitates us more, is generally much

happier, has better eye contact, etc. so many wonderful things. he is now

trying to say the alphabet and attends pre-school 5 days a week. he used to


children in his space but is starting to enjoy them (or at least tolerate

them more!). there is even a little girl in school who insists that she is to

play with nick and everyone else must leave them alone. then she delcares her

love for him. he loves this. before he would have freaked out. so,

without a restricted diet and all 3 enzymes, nick has done just wonderfully. i

didn't have any tests done or anything. the enzymes cannot hurt if he truly

doesn't need them, they can only help. it was a win win. if you can, grab

karen defelice's book, enzymes for autism. it's a must have. mine is so bent

and torn from constantly referencing it for different things. and this group

is absolutely the most amazing support system you could ever dream of.

everyone here is taking the ride with you. you will never feel alone. good


and i hope this might have helped.

tracey in NJ

mom to nick, 3-asd

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" Too much information to learn and my brain is on overload!! "

A mere 9 months ago I felt the same way also! The biggest thing is whatever you

start with is start one thing at a time and start slow, so you can see what

works and what doesn't. Unless you are seeing behaviors that you just can't

live with (or are endargering your child's health) I would suggest trying all

new things for a month. Sometimes die off or adjustment periods take that long

and many parents will tell you eventually things go back to normal.

If I was starting over again I would start enzymes and then vitamins. A lot of

times parents get their vitamins adn minerals just right then start enzymes and

the child needs less vit/min because there bodies are now absorbing more. So if

I was starting over again that is how I would do it!

Also when your brain goes on overload its a great time to pick the kids up and

go to the park,. Mommy's brain's need breaks too. If you don't take care of

you, who will be there to take care of your kid. Fresh air will clear your head

and hopefully wear your kid out so you can go read some more!

Best of luck!

in Oceanside, CA

Fighting for one child, in hopes it helps another child.


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it seems that a lot of kids do so much better on the houston's because of

certain things that are not in there and certain things that are. i've read

some parents that report huge changes after switching from kirkmans to

houstons. some children using the enzymes still cannot tolerate certain things


gluten or casein but, a lot of children don't need any restricted diet at

all, like nick. i also did not feel the need for a DAN dr. but with chelation

in our near future, i decided to give it a try. my appt. is this morning at

9:15. if you have a good doctor that can do any necessary tests and help

oversee any treatments than i don't think it matters if it is a DAN dr. as


as you trust them. good luck on your journey!


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  • 1 month later...
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Welcome to the list. A DDI hair elements test then apply " counting rules " will

help you figure out what toxic metals he has. (Mercury doesn't show as high in

hair in mercury toxic people but it does interfere with mineral transport which

is what the counting rules look at.) Which chelator to use depends upon what

metals you're dealing with since DMSA chelates mercury and lead and ALA chelates

mercury and arsenic, other things work for aluminum and for antimony.

Provocation is a bad idea because of the high dose, low frequency and the high

probability of redistribution.



Andy & All:<BR>


Hi.  I am completely new, just started working with a Dan doctor <BR>

several months ago.  <BR>


This is my son's history:  I have a son 2.10 months with PDD-NOS <BR>

(language processing, speech main issue, hyperactivity).  He just <BR>

started the mb12 shots and takes a multi-vitamin, extra zinc, and <BR>

CLO.  He has completed a round of yeast killers and I also use <BR>

digestive enzymes and probiotics (when needed but not religiously).  <BR>

We have most but not all of my son's testing results.  He has low <BR>

glutathione (24 - Great Smokies) and a smidgen of lead in blood <BR>

stream but it wasn't reported as above the norm (RBC - Doctor's <BR>

Data).  Genetic testing, viral titers, IgGIgmIgAs, CBC, Acyl-<BR>

Carnitine, Fatty Acids, Carnitine Profile, Metabolic Profile, Packed <BR>

RBC (minerals and toxins) all came back normal.  His OAT showed mild <BR>

yeast overgrowth, we treated that.  His amino acid plasma shows high <BR>

glutamine and aspargine.  I have no idea whether thimersol played a <BR>

role in his condition.  He recieved old vaccines that likely <BR>

contained thimersol, no specific regression following vaccinations.  <BR>

Numerous ear infections, some hearing loss, tubes, antibiotics, etc <BR>

until 22 months of age.   <BR>


Issue #1:<BR>

What is the next step to find out whether there are heavy metal <BR>

toxins in his tissue (since its not in the blood)?  Is there any <BR>

consensus on what provocation methods are reliable?  I have heard <BR>

both good things and criticism about DMSA provocation.  Can anyone <BR>

simply layout the typical chelation methods with TD-DMPS and/or <BR>

ALA.  Any consensus on what is the most effective way to remove <BR>

metals from the tissue since its not in the blood stream? <BR>


Issue #2:<BR>

Two seperate pediatric neurologists have reviewed my son's " abnormal <BR>

EEG " .  Neither thinks its indicative of current seizure activity.  <BR>

One says not to do anything about it.  The other believes it might <BR>

be some kind of LKS-like variant (not the real LKS).  He wants me to <BR>

consider using a really low dose of topomax to regulate excitatory <BR>

brain activity.  He believes that my son has a specific speech and <BR>

language comprehension issue due to this excitatory neurological <BR>

dysfunction. Neither neurologists think he meets criteria for <BR>

actual " autism " diagnosis, but agree with the PDD-NOS diagnosis <BR>

given by clinical psychologist team.  Does anyone have any <BR>

experience with this medicaiton and chelation? Any recommendations <BR>

good and bad would be appreciated.<BR>












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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi, Jenn. I'm glad you e-mailed. I have two daughters with OCD and have it

myself. It is a very scary and exhausting thing to deal with. I'm glad you

are looking for answers. OCD is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain

and it can be treated with medication and/or behavioral therapy. I know that

because it affects the brain and makes our children (and ourselves) act in such

bizarre ways it seems like it is caused by demons but it is a medical

condition, like diabetes is, and needs to be dealt with like any other medical

condition. If I were you, I would not spend too much time on trying to decide


it came from because it doesn't matter. It is here and it was not caused by

anything you or your family has done. The fact that your son is confessing has

nothing to do with whether or not he has done something wrong, it has only to

do with the fact that his brain is telling him that he has. Most people are

able to sort out the thoughts in their heads and toss out the ones that don't

make sense. People with OCD are unable to do this and need to learn how it is

done. I would suggest a couple of things to you. First, find a psychiatrist

and have him evaluated. Second, pick up a copy of " Freeing Your Child From

Obsessive-Complusive Disorder " by Tamar Chansky, and third, stay on this site.

There are a lot of people here who are going through the same things you are.

Kelley in NV

P.S. As far as dealing with the disorder as a Christian, I know that God is

much more powerful than any demons out there and my husband and I draw a lot

of support and strength from God in order to deal with the OCD in our


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--- In , " on "

Hi Jenn - how old is your son? And did the onset of symptoms follow

an illness? A certain subset of children seem to have an autoimmune-

triggered sudden onset of OCD and/or tics. Google PANDAS and OCD,

and see if you find a correlation.

My son is 6, and one of his main compulsions is telling on himself

also, so I can totally relate. It's very exasperating. At his

worst it's more like 50 times per HOUR....continuous nonstop. And

it's all silly nonsense.

My son's OCD came on suddenly following an illness that was NOT

strep. He has had 4 " episodes " following illness since January.

The symptoms resolve 90% with antibiotics, until he gets sick

again. We're currently working with an infectious disease

specialist trying to evaluate his immune system and check for

exposure to various things. I completely understand how you're

feeling. Hang in there, and hopefully some of the people in this

group will be able to give you some additional input!

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I look at it like this: It is an attack from Satan, because it is a

sickness. And all sicknesses come from Satan. What is hard is it

is easy to say you have a physical illness but when it is in your

brain, people look at it differently and it is harder to describe.

But it is an illness of your brain and it does cause this thoughts

that are in your brain that you can't seem to get rid of. I know I

also have OCD as well as my 2 dd.

It would be difficult to know which are " real " confessions and which

are OCD. But I would imagine that the ones that are repeated over

and over again are probably OCD.

My 2 dd have some confessions, but are mostly reassurances and other


I also wonder if some of the confessions that are very out of

character would also show that it is OCD.

I am just thinking outloud. I hope some of it helps. I know it can

be a very difficult thing to go through. It is hard to explain to

others and for them to understand what you are really going

through. TO them everything looks fine on the outside. But on the

inside is where they don't see all the torment you go through with

OCD and how hard it is for the family. If it were a physical

illness, they can see that, but OCD they can't see.

> My son has just started showing signs of OCD. We have not seen a

> counselor yet. It's been about 2 weeks of him struggling with a

> guilty conscience, confessing about 50 things a day.... most of


> confessions not sins in any way, he just isn't able to distinguish

> anymore. We've had 2 days of violent images in his head. It is


> how fast he went from such a carefree boy to being so tormented by


> thoughts.


> I would like to know what to expect from here, if anyone wouldn't


> sharing. But my main question is, how do I process this with my

> Christian Faith? I have always thought of such things as being

> demonic attacks. We have prayed our little hearts out though and

> rebuked satan and he still has been bothered. If you are a


> please help me to understand this.


> Thank you,

> (a very exhausted) Jenn

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Hi, Jenn

I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. Sudden onset can be very scary

-- we were there about a year ago with our (now 10yo) daughter. I am a

Christian, too, but do not believe that everything that happens to our bodies is

demonic. OCD is an organic disease caused by a malfunction, if you will, of

chemicals in the brain. Do you consider something like a cold, or strep throat,

to be demonic? What about something like diabetes? I hope that you would take

your child to the doctor and get medicine for any of these conditions. I have

learned to consider my daughter's OCD (and my son's ADHD and Tourette's, for

that matter) in a similar way. If they had diabetes, I would not hesitate to

give them insulin.

Don't get me wrong, prayer is important. And I sincerely believe in a God who

has the power to heal through prayer. But I also believe that God has given man

(ie, doctors) the wisdom and knowledge to heal with medication. I am inclined to

think that people in Jesus' day called things they didn't understand -- such as

epilepsy and mental health conditions -- as demonic. That certainly doesn't mean

that Jesus didn't heal them, or that demons didn't/don't exist. But I do think

it means that not everything considered " demonic " really was, and that some of

those things are now understood and are treatable. OCD may be one of those


Incidentally, my daughter doesn't have the " confession " type of OCD, but I have

heard that it is fairly common -- especially in devout families.

I hope that this helps you and that you will seriously consider taking your son

to a doctor for evaluation and possible treatment.

P. in NJ

on <Chrisjenn@...> wrote:

My son has just started showing signs of OCD. We have not seen a

counselor yet. It's been about 2 weeks of him struggling with a

guilty conscience, confessing about 50 things a day.... most of the

confessions not sins in any way, he just isn't able to distinguish

anymore. We've had 2 days of violent images in his head. It is scary

how fast he went from such a carefree boy to being so tormented by his


I would like to know what to expect from here, if anyone wouldn't mind

sharing. But my main question is, how do I process this with my

Christian Faith? I have always thought of such things as being

demonic attacks. We have prayed our little hearts out though and

rebuked satan and he still has been bothered. If you are a Christian,

please help me to understand this.

Thank you,

(a very exhausted) Jenn

Our list archives, bookmarks, files, and chat feature may be accessed at:

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Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D., Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.(

http://www.worrywisekids.org ), Dan Geller, M.D.,Aureen Pinto Wagner, Ph.D., (

http://www.lighthouse-press.com ). Our list moderators are Birkhan,

Castle, Fowler, Kathy Hammes, Joye, Kathy Mac, Gail

Pesses, and Kathy . Subscription issues or suggestions may be

addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at louisharkins@... ,

louisharkins@... , louisharkins@... .


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Hi, Jenn

I agree with what says. I have struggled with the same thoughts that you

expressed. I have even been told by family members that my dd's OCD was put upon

her because of my sins. Talk about a guilt trip! I have over the years come to

the conclusion that there is a reason for this (for the life of me, I can't

figure out what it is). This is where my faith plays an important part. I have

to trust that all will be well. At one point, my dd's OCD disappeared. I truly

believed it was God healing her. When it came back a few years later, I was

devastated. However, I now know that OCD waxes & wanes. My dd has big-time

scrupulosity issues. This is hard because attending church at this time is

impossible for her. We continue to pray & know that we have to do what is best

for her, even if it means putting her on medications.

Hang in there. It does get better.


Re: New with questions

Hi, Jenn

I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. Sudden onset can be very scary

-- we were there about a year ago with our (now 10yo) daughter. I am a

Christian, too, but do not believe that everything that happens to our bodies is

demonic. OCD is an organic disease caused by a malfunction, if you will, of

chemicals in the brain. Do you consider something like a cold, or strep throat,

to be demonic? What about something like diabetes? I hope that you would take

your child to the doctor and get medicine for any of these conditions. I have

learned to consider my daughter's OCD (and my son's ADHD and Tourette's, for

that matter) in a similar way. If they had diabetes, I would not hesitate to

give them insulin.

Don't get me wrong, prayer is important. And I sincerely believe in a God who

has the power to heal through prayer. But I also believe that God has given man

(ie, doctors) the wisdom and knowledge to heal with medication. I am inclined to

think that people in Jesus' day called things they didn't understand -- such as

epilepsy and mental health conditions -- as demonic. That certainly doesn't mean

that Jesus didn't heal them, or that demons didn't/don't exist. But I do think

it means that not everything considered " demonic " really was, and that some of

those things are now understood and are treatable. OCD may be one of those


Incidentally, my daughter doesn't have the " confession " type of OCD, but I

have heard that it is fairly common -- especially in devout families.

I hope that this helps you and that you will seriously consider taking your

son to a doctor for evaluation and possible treatment.

P. in NJ

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Hi Jenn, and welcome. It sounds very much as though your child may have a

certain type of OCD caused by an autoimmune reaction to a strep infection

called PANDAS, for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Associated with Streptococcus A. This type of OCD literally pops up out of

nowhere, and many parents can name the day it starts. I mention this

because there is some reason to think that if he is started on antibiotics

now, it may affect how severe his case may be in the future.

Traditional treatment for OCD in kids is a certain type of therapy called

Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Exposure and Response Prevention. This is

the only type of therapy that has been proved to reduce and eliminate the

obsessions and compulsions of OCD. This therapy is also the first treatment

suggested by experts for kids with OCD.

Some kids also need medication. The type for OCD is antidepressants, such

as Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa and so on. These typically need to be given in

larger doses for OCD than for depression, even in children, to achieve good

control of symptoms.

My daughter is a PANDAS kid, her symptoms started literally overnight at age

4 years, 11 months, also with the violent harm obsessions. Confession or

compulsion to tell, along with doubt, are common OCD compulsions.

I'm sorry I can't help with your main question, about reconciling your son's

OCD symptoms with your Christian faith. I believe OCD is a biochemical

brain disorder, a physical problem just as diabetes is. The specific

content of obsessions (violence and harm, scrupulosity, germs and

cleanliness, are a few common ones) is meaningless. They are all symptoms

of the disorder and can be treated via therapy, medication, or both.

My child is 11 now and long stabilized following therapy and with ongoing

medication. Her symptoms are low, and though they are annoying at times,

they do not prevent her from enjoying her life or doing anything she needs

or wants to do. There is no reason to think your son will not also do well

with effective treatment.

Take care,

Kathy R. in Indiana

----- Original Message -----

From: " on " <Chrisjenn@...>

> My son has just started showing signs of OCD. We have not seen a

> counselor yet. It's been about 2 weeks of him struggling with a

> guilty conscience, confessing about 50 things a day.... most of the

> confessions not sins in any way, he just isn't able to distinguish

> anymore. We've had 2 days of violent images in his head. It is scary

> how fast he went from such a carefree boy to being so tormented by his

> thoughts.


> I would like to know what to expect from here, if anyone wouldn't mind

> sharing. But my main question is, how do I process this with my

> Christian Faith? I have always thought of such things as being

> demonic attacks. We have prayed our little hearts out though and

> rebuked satan and he still has been bothered. If you are a Christian,

> please help me to understand this.


> Thank you,

> (a very exhausted) Jenn

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Hi Jenn, welcome!

I see you've gotten plenty of replies already but wanted to add

my " welcome. "

So I know others have mentioned PANDAS OCD (in case strep or other

similar triggered the OCD) and also CBT and ERP therapy (cognitive

behavioral therapy along with exposure & resposne prevention), the

therapies that help OCD so make sure you find a therapist/counselor

who has worked with OCD before (or is very willing to learn!).

Sometimes that can be difficult to find, depending on where you live,

someone experienced who really understands OCD and therapy. A

psychiatrist is probably best if you decide he needs some medication

help also. A psychiatrist generally just monitors the meds and sees

how the person is doing, but doesn't do " the therapy. "

How old is your son?

I have 3 sons, 1 with OCD. I'm a single mom. My OCD son is 16. Our

OCD ordeal began a few months before he turned 12. His began with

LOTS of compulsions. I do think that he has some " thoughts " but he

generally has never shared much about his OCD problems, I have to nag

him a bit, guess at it. But he has said he has to get a " just right "

feeling and that he feels something bad will happen to him if he

doesn't comply with OCD.

He's never had the confessing type OCD but did ask lots of

reassurance questions when he was young. (Yes, he had a few minor

OCD tendencies when younger but nothing that was hugely distressing

or a problem - except having him repeat questions to me!)

Here's a link I like with some articles on OCD. A PANDAS one is at

the bottom.


Hopefully some there on obsessions, therapy, medication, etc., can

help a bit with what your son is experiencing.

OCD is such a " brain signal/chemical imbalance " type thing. I

wouldn't try to reconcile it with your faith. For instance, the SSRI

medications usually prescribed for OCD target the brain

neurotransmitter " serotonin. " The medicine slows down

the " reuptake " of serotonin, leaving it available to the " brain "

longer. For some reason that helps OCD sufferers.

And to quote from a site:

" Serotonin is another neurotransmitter, also known as feel-good

neurotransmitter involved in the ability to resist impulses, plays a

major role in emotional disorders such as depression, suicide,

impulsive behavior, and aggression. Serotonin is also involved in

temperature regulation, sensory perception, and mood control. "

I wish I had a bit more time, but wanted to try to explain it a bit

as to separating it from your faith some. (hope something made sense

and don't quote me on above!!)

Please let us know how things are going and write back with any

questions/comments, etc.!

> My son has just started showing signs of OCD. We have not seen a

> counselor yet. It's been about 2 weeks of him struggling with a

> guilty conscience, confessing about 50 things a day.... most of the

> confessions not sins in any way, he just isn't able to distinguish


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


Hi - It's Sasha. Use white sugar to brew the Kombucha. I know it doesn't

sound great, but the SCOBY feeds on it, and there is very little % left at

the end of 7-8 days. I have tried raw sugar, organic sugar, raw honey, and

the end result is never satisfactory. Ed Kasper in his directions says to

use raw sugar so you might enquire at his website which is www

happyherbalist.com. He may have a different view for you.

The one cup of cane sugar is for approximately 7-8 cups of pure water. I

don't know about the 8 tbsp. of sugar as it is only equal to about .5 cup

of sugar. I don't think that is enough fuel for the SCOBY. Keep in mind

that SCOBY is huge and feed a half a gallon of Kombucha. Hope that helps.


-- New with questions

I just got my SCOBY today and wondered if you could use pasturized


Also, I have 2 recipes for the tea. One calls for 1 cup of sugar and

one for 8 tbsps for the same portion of tea...any ideas?

thanks in advance.


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  • 7 months later...

Here's the link to the tech requirements/application for the state of Illinois.


Also visit the PTCB website for exam info and other good stuff.


Please check the files for Jeanetta's review of some of the study guides. I

have no experience with PharmacyTrainer...perhaps someone else can comment.

How long it takes to study for the PTCB all depends on your knowledge base and

comfort level with calculations. Please review our archived discussions to get

a feel for what others have done.

Good luck,


Group Mod

list8858 <list8858@...> wrote:

I am sure you get these kinds of questions all the time so I hope that

you do not mind answering them one more time :)

Is cerification required in the state of Illinois?

What texts do you recommend picking up for review? Any comments about


How much time do you recommend for study prior to taking the

certification exam? I have been out of school for some time but have

been successful with self-study programs.

Am I asking the right/wrong questions? Anything that anybody has to

offer, a push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated :)

Thank you all very much,


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Dear ,

In addition to all the info that 'our' moderator Dora gave you, I can say

this: if you have to spend more than $100 to prepare for the exam someone is

gouging you!!

A simple book will do it.Approx 25 - 65 dollars!

If you need online help this site is FREE! with many tutorials.

There are many programs to study pharmacy technician:

Distance learning programs do not have on hands experience but would/should

introduce you to much more than a simple recview book. They range from about

$700 to $1500. In this case I have seen beter programs at $700 than some of the

$1500. But these courses are not needed to pass the PTCB. But you will gain much

more knowledge and be a better tech than a simple study guide book for

preparation for the PTCB exam.

The BEST education and training is a classroom environment with mock labs and

an externship. Of course they will range from $500 to $20,000 depending upon the

state and type and the degree or certificate/diploma status obtained in the end.

This too is not needed to pass the simple PTCB exam! But it will make you the

best tech of the three methods!

I hope this helps you. You are on the right track, keepup with your questions.

Jeanetta Mastron

Dora <doracpht@...> wrote:

Here's the link to the tech requirements/application for the state of



Also visit the PTCB website for exam info and other good stuff.


Please check the files for Jeanetta's review of some of the study guides. I

have no experience with PharmacyTrainer...perhaps someone else can comment.

How long it takes to study for the PTCB all depends on your knowledge base and

comfort level with calculations. Please review our archived discussions to get

a feel for what others have done.

Good luck,


Group Mod

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Hai jeanetta,

how are u doing today and i am a pharmacist from india

and after i came here i gave my ptcb exam and i

passed and now it's my turn to register with the state

board right ,as i live in newjersy ,i called the

concerned people and asked for the application they

said at this point of time they are not registering

any pharmacy techs.i am worried about this now.how

long i should wait ?

can u please send the details and any link where i can

get the application download.



--- Dora <doracpht@...> wrote:

> Here's the link to the tech requirements/application

> for the state of Illinois.

> http://www.idfpr.com/dpr/apply/Phrmtech.asp


> Also visit the PTCB website for exam info and

> other good stuff.


> http://ptcb.org/


> Please check the files for Jeanetta's review of

> some of the study guides. I have no experience with

> PharmacyTrainer...perhaps someone else can comment.


> How long it takes to study for the PTCB all

> depends on your knowledge base and comfort level

> with calculations. Please review our archived

> discussions to get a feel for what others have done.


> Good luck,

> Dora

> Group Mod



> list8858 <list8858@...> wrote:

> I am sure you get these kinds of questions all the

> time so I hope that

> you do not mind answering them one more time :)


> Is cerification required in the state of Illinois?


> What texts do you recommend picking up for review?

> Any comments about

> PharmacyTrainer?


> How much time do you recommend for study prior to

> taking the

> certification exam? I have been out of school for

> some time but have

> been successful with self-study programs.


> Am I asking the right/wrong questions? Anything that

> anybody has to

> offer, a push in the right direction would be

> greatly appreciated :)


> Thank you all very much,

> D.







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Hi Haritha,

As of yet, technicians do not have to formally register with the BOP in NJ.

When you are hired in a pharmacy, you will need to show your PTCB certification

or other proof of schooling if the company you work for does not provide formal



To love what you do and feel that

it matters - how could anything

be more fun? -- Graham

.. . . for my heart rejoiced in

all my labour . . . Ecclesiastes


-------------- Original message --------------

From: gorantla haritha <gharitha@...>

Hai jeanetta,

how are u doing today and i am a pharmacist from india

and after i came here i gave my ptcb exam and i

passed and now it's my turn to register with the state

board right ,as i live in newjersy ,i called the

concerned people and asked for the application they

said at this point of time they are not registering

any pharmacy techs.i am worried about this now.how

long i should wait ?

can u please send the details and any link where i can

get the application download.



--- Dora <doracpht@...> wrote:

> Here's the link to the tech requirements/application

> for the state of Illinois.

> http://www.idfpr.com/dpr/apply/Phrmtech.asp


> Also visit the PTCB website for exam info and

> other good stuff.


> http://ptcb.org/


> Please check the files for Jeanetta's review of

> some of the study guides. I have no experience with

> PharmacyTrainer...perhaps someone else can comment.


> How long it takes to study for the PTCB all

> depends on your knowledge base and comfort level

> with calculations. Please review our archived

> discussions to get a feel for what others have done.


> Good luck,

> Dora

> Group Mod



> list8858 <list8858@...> wrote:

> I am sure you get these kinds of questions all the

> time so I hope that

> you do not mind answering them one more time :)


> Is cerification required in the state of Illinois?


> What texts do you recommend picking up for review?

> Any comments about

> PharmacyTrainer?


> How much time do you recommend for study prior to

> taking the

> certification exam? I have been out of school for

> some time but have

> been successful with self-study programs.


> Am I asking the right/wrong questions? Anything that

> anybody has to

> offer, a push in the right direction would be

> greatly appreciated :)


> Thank you all very much,

> D.







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