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Re: I failed (too) and note to Joyce

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I just wanted to post a big THANK YOU to everyone who responded to my

last post(needing help with a life-changing decision), both on the

board and privately. I received advice, support, encouragement and

INFINITE wisdom from many people on this board.

After reviewing all of the information, I have decided that while

physically I am the perfect candidate for MGB, that MENTALLY, I am

not prepared for the procedure at this time. I am convinced that

that is a very integral part of having a successful outcome.

To Joyce in Chapel Hill in particular....

I cried when Iread your post this morning about backing out of the

surgery and knew instantly, that I would do the same in my current

frame of mind. I just wanted you to know that I felt like such a

failure to decide not to have the surgery right now, that I intended

to quietly fade off the board without responding to any of my posts

(I know, the cowards way out). I just couldn't figure out what was

wrong with me that I wasn't as happy and excited with this decision

as everyone else seemed to be, and was afraid that maybe people would

critisize me for my inability to proceed. After seeing all of the

compassion and support people on this list have given you, I no

longer feel I need to do this. So see, Joyce, something good comes

of everything!!! I am not saying that I will never have MGB, so I

hope that I will still be welcome on the list. And Joyce, I live

just outside of Raleigh, so feel free to contact me if you need

anything. We may still be litter-mates someday.

Again, thank you, everyone, for everything. It is appreciated more

than you know. Dance beautifully, enjoy your new adventures and have

fun on the cruises!!!


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