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I don't post often-----I guess I'm considered a lurker------My heart goes out

to you and Cobys' family. What a heartbreaking story and a tragedy-----I am

so sorry for everyone's loss----You will all be in my prayers

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Dear Friends,

I've been trying to go about my day as if nothing is

wrong.......but something is terribly wrong. Could any of you nurses out

there tell me how a healthy 2 year old boy could

go into his third surgery for his eyes and do fine in surgery only to

die hours after surgery??

This is exactly what happened last night to a dear friend and

family member's little boy. Coby went through his surgery just fine. He

was born with crossed eyes and had previously had two surgeries without

complications. The doctors discovered that he was losing sight in one of

his eyes and recommended a third surgery to help save his eyesight.

After his surgery he quit breathing and this dear sweet angel died. It

was a total shock!!

If it had been heart surgery or brain surgery you could anticipate the

danger a little better.

But given his previously successful eye surgeries...no one was prepared.

From what I can piece together, the Mother thinks they overdosed

him on morphine.

The doctors appear baffled as to what happened. The autopsy should give

us some answers.

I would like to request some badly needed prayers to help Coby's

family get through this terrible tragedy. Coby is actually my

son-in-laws nephew. But we all loved this sweet little baby. He was my 2

year old granddaughter's cousin and playmate and Kayla knew something

was wrong when I picked her up at the hospital last night. On the way to

my house she kept asking for Coby. How can you explain to a 2 year old

that Coby is gone.

Thank You,


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