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Sharon/Religious theme!!! do not read if this offends you!!

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Hi Sharon,

I wish I had major words of wisdom to make your pain go away, but I don't. It sounds like you are more hurt about what your daughter has said to you than the ugly lies being told by the pastor's wife, which is quite understandable. I too would be deeply hurt that my daughter believed someone else's ugly lies over her mother's own words.

Just please try and remember that you have friends here that sympathize with you and know your pain and yes, you are in REAL pain. Try very hard to calm down and know that one day very soon your daughter will regret her words and understand your pain. Just give it some time.

Stress only makes things worse with RP so please try very hard to put your daughter's words out of your mind now and know you have support here and we do know what you are going through and do understand your pain.

My signature line is: If God brings You To It, He Will See You Through It and I know he will for you also.

I'm so sorry your daughter is having difficulty excepting your illness. Just keep praying and God will hear your prays.

We are all here for you !!!!



My own daughter turning against me because I am sick!! My son was attending the church, too. She also told Carmella (the pastor's wife) how he is living in sin with his girlfriend. Now, you have to understand he is still home with me but he does stay with his girlfriend too. My son finally is attending a church and when he heard this, I don't know what he'll do. Why is this happening like this. How could illness cause so much trouble. Carmella has been ill herself and not going to church for a couple of months. She just showed up this Sunday. Why is that ok? You would not believe the things my daughter told this person. She must really hate me! Does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks for listening, I am truly in shock. Sharon

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