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Ohio House Bill 4 Rights...

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If you are in Ohio and you have an insurer that has turned you down

(and there is no exclusion specifically for gastric bypass surgery),

then you have Ohio Rights!!! House Bill 4 passed in May of 1999 and

it was made law and enforced starting in May of 2000.

In short, House Bill 4 states that if a client has a medically

necessary dispute with their HMO, the HMO must select one of the 6

approved Independent Reveiw Organziations and submit the claim to


In addition, the HMO must pay the IRO to do the review, which costs

about $1000.

Thank God I was the first one to exercise thier House Bill 4 Rights

and my MGB was APPROVED.

I self-paid and now the HMO SummaCare... A.K.A. SummaSucks must

reimburse me!!!!


MGB with the Wonderful Dr. Rutledge on 10-25-00 (http://www.clos.net)

Weight loss in just 8 days... 20.3 pounds so far!!!!! YES!!!!

To learn more about your House Bill 4 Rights, please go to this web



You will need Acrobat Reader to check it out.

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