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Okay, I sent my packet October 27, 2000, overnight airborne express.

It got there on October 30, 2000. Barb e-mailed me on Thursday saying

the doctor was looking over my packet and she hoped to get back to me

on Friday. Well that didn't happen....I thought, okay maybe I need

to send in the on-line contacts form. I did that yesterday. I e-

mailed and told them I had sent it, as well. I have tried to call the

office 3 times today . I can not seem to talk to a live

person no matter what number I push. Am I being ridiculous or

something? I remember seeing a post that gave a direct number for

Barb. If anyone has it or has any words of wisdom for me, I'm

listening!!! I just want to get this over with so I can start living

again. Also, I post and sometimes they don't show up?!@!)$(@@@ I hope

you guys get this one.

Tired of Being Obese in Ohio

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