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Re: Laugh if you will

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Cleveland , I don't have an answer just a big hug for you. I remember

living without heat in the winter, losing the house. I was too depressed to

know what to do. I believe you should take care of yourself first You can do

it, we are survivors.

Fay Bayuk




Open RNY 150 cm

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Good for you Ellen! Ah strapless and bra-less what a luxury!


Re: Re: Laugh if you will

> Hi had tt/br 3 weeks ago-went to Dillards yesterday and bought OMG a

> strapless dress (SIZE 8-OMG) and also another dress size SMALL,that I will


> braless.I have never ever gone braless in my whole life even during the

70's in the

> halter fashion days.I can't begin to tell you the excitement I felt in


> dressing room.


> Ellen

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It made perfect sense to me. <VBG>


Friends are angels who lift you up, when your wings have forgotten how to




mail to: jholdaway@...

Re: Laugh if you will

I am so darned glad to hear that someone who is further out from me

cannot see thin in pix. Or in real life. Or not on a consistent basis.

Or something.

I get SO confused when I fit between furniture or into tiny spots.

Part of my brain knows this, but the front part still thinks as I was.

Mind you, I have been this size for EIGHT YEARS (wls was 9 yrs ago).

I was never any single size (ok, or even small span) for any length of

time. I was morbid for 5, starved down to chunky for 7, and varying

degrees of chunky & chunkier since I was 6.

Although I don't see morbid, my brain still files me under chunky.

I'm 5'1 " , so it doesn't take but a few lbs to put me there on this

frame. Lil Tina jelly bean toes is technically shorter than me, and

weighs just a few more lbs. So, in essence, is " bigger " bmi, anyway.

And yes, we discuss this all the time with each other. I stare at her

lil teensy self and cannot grasp the concept that there is enough room

in there for an entire people. All the guts & everything cannot fit

into such a small package. How can that be? And how is it that we can

swap clothes?

Presumably you have moments that you can grab a shirt and hold it up

and be pretty sure it'll fit? But other days, you grab a size to two

too big? And the spatial thing...... where can I FIT?

Do guys do this? Don didn't really go through it. He was kinda lanky

til he was 40, went directly to morbid without even pausing at pudgy,

which is his family history. Happy birthday, 40, be huge. He never

related to large. So, whether he is at 175 or 190, he doesn't

particularly care. His whole self is not wrapped up in weight issues

at all.

I cannot imagine a life in which weight is not one of the major daily


Is anyone with me here or did I just unload a lot of nonsense?


Vitalady, Inc. T


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Oh Thanksgiving morning I woke up in a sweat, I dreamed that I gained all of

the weight back, but it was more of a feeling dream, I didn't see myself.

I think I've always dreamed of myself as thin, though.


RE: Laugh if you will



> > ok here is a global question for you all:

> >

> > when you dream are you fat/pre op weight or thin/post op weight

> >

> > things that make you go hmmmmmmmm

> >

> > janice

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I don't recall seeing myself in dreams in quite a while, but I do have a

problem seeing myself as thin. I am referred to as skinny, tiny, thin and

such and when people say that to me I look at them like they're crazy, then

I go on about how I have to lose in my gut, butt and thighs---then they look

at me like I'm crazy, LOL! I don't know where the happy medium for my

weight is, in the last 2 weeks I've gained 10 pounds (WAY over stressed,

eating too much chocolate because I've been trying to stop smoking) so once

again I see myself as fat and how could I have let myself get that big again

(intellectually, 10 pounds really isn't a big deal, but when my work

uniforms start feeling tight, I panic) When I look in the mirror, I see my

fat gut and my fat butt---but my pants (size 10 or 12) are small---so I

honestly wonder how the heck I'm stuffing myself into those small pants. I

don't have a major problem with hanging skin---if I were to have a TT, I'd

probably lose a pound or so in skin---but it still looks HUGE to me! On the

other hand, when I was down to 135 and fitting into size 8's, I wasn't happy

because I looked emaciated. Where does it end???? My goal weight on my

surgery date was 150. I've gotten as far down as 135, then I gained 7 more

pounds and I was pretty happy with myself at 142. I've yo-yo'd ever since,

gaining 5-10 pounds premenstrually, losing it agian after my period, having

tons of crud going on in my life which starts me eating stuff that isn't

good for me (and I am aware of these actions---but it made me feel good,

unless I dumped, so I wasn't too worried about it) Now I'm up to 154 and

I'm not happy again---I know if I gave up candy for 3 days I'd be back at

142---but I just don't seem to have the will power, so now I worry about

gaining more and more. I sure gain easily---but if I do the right things I

lose easily too. My life is such a mess right now, my husband left me,

hasn't paid any child support, I have no money for my 5 kids for Christmas

and my utilities and my rent hasn't been paid because he hasn't given me any

money. The kids are all messed up because of all this, I am working my butt

off trying to get extra hours so I can at least pay SOMETHING---but it's not

nearly enough. So to get through all this stress, I eat. I know it's not

the right thing to do, I tell myself this as I'm doing it but nothing seems

to motivate me at this point to stop. I'm wondering if I should ease off

myself and just deal with things the best way I can, or become really tough


HERE!!!. When I'm worrying about whether or not we're gonna have a home

much longer, or if they are gonna shut off the gas or if I can get food for

the kids---the weight issues don't seem that important---even though they

are hugely important to me.

Anyway, I've gone off on quite a tangent here, LOL---sorry and if you've

read this far, thanks for letting me vent, LOL!!! I'm sure I will dream

tonight and see myself how my conscience sees myself (probably fat now with

the extra 10 pounds, LOL!) I told my mother that I was a fat person in a

skinny body---she told me that was unhealthy. I think she is probably

right---if I can get a grip on this emotional eating, I'm sure I'll have a

better image of myself---it's just been real hard lately.

:-) (the one in Cleveland)

RE: Laugh if you will

> What an interesting question!


> I generally dream myself thin - or at roughly the size I am now, anyway.

> But even pre-op I didn't dream myself fat. I knew I was fat, but never

> recognized myself in shop windows when I'd go shopping or walking in the

> mall. I'd always be surprised to realize that short, round woman was me.


> I was one of those yo-yo people so it was rare for me to be the same size

> two years in a row and regularly would swing several sizes up or down (but

> the last several years pre-op mostly UP) in a relatively short period of

> time. Wonder if that makes any difference?


> Amy in Moline

> RNY 12/7/2000

> size 22/24/26 to size 6/8/10

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> when you dream are you fat/pre op weight or thin/post op weight

I never thought about it, but I think I'm thinner than most of my life, but

heavy (more or less like I am now) like I was in my teenage life.

~~ Lyn

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are we MO for life?

good questions. my personal opinion is that for those of us that spent the

majority of our life MO, especially the growing up years, that it is much harder

to ever 'think' differently. to even 'know' what normal is....!?

for someone who was normal weight, then had kids, couldn't lose, gained more,

spent a few years MO - its different i think. the diet myths, normal

thinking, etc. is either there or not to draw on and many of us have nothing to


on and must learn it now.

at 6yr. out i still don't see myself as thin, i overfull my plate, i want to

finish my last bite, i basically hate exercise but have conceded i must do it,

and still want my chocolate.

i try convincing my patients of this .... that the first 6-18mo. are a golden

opportunity to make major changes, never look back and don't let these things

haunt you again. i want them forewarned that their bad habits will probably

resurface down the road. they look at me like i'm crazy usually - you remember

the early excitement? lack of desire to eat?


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i am right there with you

but i am only 13 months out.

i weigh 141 at 5'1 "

but still think that i am fat, even though i wear a size 10 and everyone

else says i look great

in fact most people think i am a size 8 and estimate my weight at 135 or so

i have made a conscious effort to transition to a weight maintenance plan

and not a weight reduction plan

i still " see " myself as big, sometimes not as big as i was at 390, but big


Re: Laugh if you will

I am so darned glad to hear that someone who is further out from me

cannot see thin in pix. Or in real life. Or not on a consistent basis.

Or something.

I get SO confused when I fit between furniture or into tiny spots.

Part of my brain knows this, but the front part still thinks as I was.

Mind you, I have been this size for EIGHT YEARS (wls was 9 yrs ago).

I was never any single size (ok, or even small span) for any length of

time. I was morbid for 5, starved down to chunky for 7, and varying

degrees of chunky & chunkier since I was 6.

Although I don't see morbid, my brain still files me under chunky.

I'm 5'1 " , so it doesn't take but a few lbs to put me there on this

frame. Lil Tina jelly bean toes is technically shorter than me, and

weighs just a few more lbs. So, in essence, is " bigger " bmi, anyway.

And yes, we discuss this all the time with each other. I stare at her

lil teensy self and cannot grasp the concept that there is enough room

in there for an entire people. All the guts & everything cannot fit

into such a small package. How can that be? And how is it that we can

swap clothes?

Presumably you have moments that you can grab a shirt and hold it up

and be pretty sure it'll fit? But other days, you grab a size to two

too big? And the spatial thing...... where can I FIT?

Do guys do this? Don didn't really go through it. He was kinda lanky

til he was 40, went directly to morbid without even pausing at pudgy,

which is his family history. Happy birthday, 40, be huge. He never

related to large. So, whether he is at 175 or 190, he doesn't

particularly care. His whole self is not wrapped up in weight issues

at all.

I cannot imagine a life in which weight is not one of the major daily


Is anyone with me here or did I just unload a lot of nonsense?


Vitalady, Inc. T


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Re: Laugh if you will


> My mother cracks me up. She kept telling me... " man I look like a

witch with

> my pointed nose " about herself. She kept saying that every time she

saw her

> reflection. I was still fat and she was at goal at this time. Now

I know

> why she would say those things. I thought she was nuts but really

she was

> still suffering from her mind not catching up with her body on her


> Kinda funny looking back.



> Sherra






> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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when i see myself in my dream as pre op i call it a nightmare

when i see myself as i am now i call it a fantasy

i have not found my reality yet

if that makes any sense


Re: Laugh if you will

Every now and then I dream that I am growing. I wake up in a cold

sweat, gasping for the breath I never had when I was full sized.

When I don't see size, it's because I am the viewer, not the viewee. I

do dream, often, vividly. And yeah, you're right, I am often aware of

which I am in the dream.


Vitalady, Inc. T


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Re: Laugh if you will

> >

> > My mother cracks me up. She kept telling me... " man I look like a


> with

> > my pointed nose " about herself. She kept saying that every time

she saw

> her

> > reflection. I was still fat and she was at goal at this time.

Now I know

> > why she would say those things. I thought she was nuts but really

she was

> > still suffering from her mind not catching up with her body on her

> thinness.

> > Kinda funny looking back.

> >

> >

> > Sherra

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

> >

> > Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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this raises yet another interesting question:

are we ever normal?

alcholics call themselves alcholics for life even if they have been sober

for decades

do we ever cross over where we have a " normal " relationship with food?

or are we MO for life even if we are not physically MO anymore?


has anyone made it to the other side?

hmmmm if they have maybe they do not use these boards???


Re: Laugh if you will

> I cannot imagine a life in which weight is not one of the major


> dynamics.


> Is anyone with me here or did I just unload a lot of nonsense?



Like every choice I make, every hour I breathe, every day I make it

to my bed and the last thought on my mind.

Carol G.

Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

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Perfect sense


Vitalady, Inc. T


If you are interested in PayPal, please click here:


Re: Laugh if you will

> > >

> > > My mother cracks me up. She kept telling me... " man I look like


> witch

> > with

> > > my pointed nose " about herself. She kept saying that every time

> she saw

> > her

> > > reflection. I was still fat and she was at goal at this time.

> Now I know

> > > why she would say those things. I thought she was nuts but


> she was

> > > still suffering from her mind not catching up with her body on


> > thinness.

> > > Kinda funny looking back.

> > >

> > >

> > > Sherra

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

> > >

> > > Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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> are we ever normal?

********* no. we will always have a fatal disease


> alcholics call themselves alcholics for life even if they have been


> for decades

******** we're in remission


> do we ever cross over where we have a " normal " relationship with


********* no. we can't. chemicals


> or are we MO for life even if we are not physically MO anymore?

*********** yes


> thoughts?

********** those are mine (she, with no strong opinions)


> has anyone made it to the other side?

********** not pemanently that I've seen. they always get a nasty lil

reminder that they stil have the disease, pretend as they wish that

they just fixed a flat tire and try to drive on down the road like

everyone else.


> hmmmm if they have maybe they do not use these boards???

********* and that is because they don't think they need any help

because surgery was a one time fix to a character flaw, not a step in

treating a life-long disease. I spent 3 hours with one yesterday, out

of my original peer group



> janice


> Re: Laugh if you will




> > I cannot imagine a life in which weight is not one of the major

> daily

> > dynamics.

> >

> > Is anyone with me here or did I just unload a lot of nonsense?

> >

> >


> Like every choice I make, every hour I breathe, every day I make it

> to my bed and the last thought on my mind.


> Carol G.



> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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well the only thing i know

is that when i fix my tire and try to drive on down the road

ronald mcdonald with his big carb red shoes tries to hitchhike

so you all are stuck with moi


Re: Laugh if you will




> > I cannot imagine a life in which weight is not one of the major

> daily

> > dynamics.

> >

> > Is anyone with me here or did I just unload a lot of nonsense?

> >

> >


> Like every choice I make, every hour I breathe, every day I make it

> to my bed and the last thought on my mind.


> Carol G.



> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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If I were to try to stop smoking, I would be happy for chocolate - but protein

shakes, not candy!!

Sharon in D.C.

Re: Laugh if you will

I don't recall seeing myself in dreams in quite a while, but I do have a

problem seeing myself as thin. I am referred to as skinny, tiny, thin and

such and when people say that to me I look at them like they're crazy, then

I go on about how I have to lose in my gut, butt and thighs---then they look

at me like I'm crazy, LOL! I don't know where the happy medium for my

weight is, in the last 2 weeks I've gained 10 pounds (WAY over stressed,

eating too much chocolate because I've been trying to stop smoking) so once

again I see myself as fat and how could I have let myself get that big again

(intellectually, 10 pounds really isn't a big deal, but when my work

uniforms start feeling tight, I panic) When I look in the mirror, I see my

fat gut and my fat butt---but my pants (size 10 or 12) are small---so I

honestly wonder how the heck I'm stuffing myself into those small pants. I

don't have a major problem with hanging skin---if I were to have a TT, I'd

probably lose a pound or so in skin---but it still looks HUGE to me! On the

other hand, when I was down to 135 and fitting into size 8's, I wasn't happy

because I looked emaciated. Where does it end???? My goal weight on my

surgery date was 150. I've gotten as far down as 135, then I gained 7 more

pounds and I was pretty happy with myself at 142. I've yo-yo'd ever since,

gaining 5-10 pounds premenstrually, losing it agian after my period, having

tons of crud going on in my life which starts me eating stuff that isn't

good for me (and I am aware of these actions---but it made me feel good,

unless I dumped, so I wasn't too worried about it) Now I'm up to 154 and

I'm not happy again---I know if I gave up candy for 3 days I'd be back at

142---but I just don't seem to have the will power, so now I worry about

gaining more and more. I sure gain easily---but if I do the right things I

lose easily too. My life is such a mess right now, my husband left me,

hasn't paid any child support, I have no money for my 5 kids for Christmas

and my utilities and my rent hasn't been paid because he hasn't given me any

money. The kids are all messed up because of all this, I am working my butt

off trying to get extra hours so I can at least pay SOMETHING---but it's not

nearly enough. So to get through all this stress, I eat. I know it's not

the right thing to do, I tell myself this as I'm doing it but nothing seems

to motivate me at this point to stop. I'm wondering if I should ease off

myself and just deal with things the best way I can, or become really tough


HERE!!!. When I'm worrying about whether or not we're gonna have a home

much longer, or if they are gonna shut off the gas or if I can get food for

the kids---the weight issues don't seem that important---even though they

are hugely important to me.

Anyway, I've gone off on quite a tangent here, LOL---sorry and if you've

read this far, thanks for letting me vent, LOL!!! I'm sure I will dream

tonight and see myself how my conscience sees myself (probably fat now with

the extra 10 pounds, LOL!) I told my mother that I was a fat person in a

skinny body---she told me that was unhealthy. I think she is probably

right---if I can get a grip on this emotional eating, I'm sure I'll have a

better image of myself---it's just been real hard lately.

:-) (the one in Cleveland)

RE: Laugh if you will

> What an interesting question!


> I generally dream myself thin - or at roughly the size I am now, anyway.

> But even pre-op I didn't dream myself fat. I knew I was fat, but never

> recognized myself in shop windows when I'd go shopping or walking in the

> mall. I'd always be surprised to realize that short, round woman was me.


> I was one of those yo-yo people so it was rare for me to be the same size

> two years in a row and regularly would swing several sizes up or down (but

> the last several years pre-op mostly UP) in a relatively short period of

> time. Wonder if that makes any difference?


> Amy in Moline

> RNY 12/7/2000

> size 22/24/26 to size 6/8/10

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If I were to try to stop smoking, I would be happy for chocolate - but protein

shakes, not candy!!

Sharon in D.C.

Re: Laugh if you will

I don't recall seeing myself in dreams in quite a while, but I do have a

problem seeing myself as thin. I am referred to as skinny, tiny, thin and

such and when people say that to me I look at them like they're crazy, then

I go on about how I have to lose in my gut, butt and thighs---then they look

at me like I'm crazy, LOL! I don't know where the happy medium for my

weight is, in the last 2 weeks I've gained 10 pounds (WAY over stressed,

eating too much chocolate because I've been trying to stop smoking) so once

again I see myself as fat and how could I have let myself get that big again

(intellectually, 10 pounds really isn't a big deal, but when my work

uniforms start feeling tight, I panic) When I look in the mirror, I see my

fat gut and my fat butt---but my pants (size 10 or 12) are small---so I

honestly wonder how the heck I'm stuffing myself into those small pants. I

don't have a major problem with hanging skin---if I were to have a TT, I'd

probably lose a pound or so in skin---but it still looks HUGE to me! On the

other hand, when I was down to 135 and fitting into size 8's, I wasn't happy

because I looked emaciated. Where does it end???? My goal weight on my

surgery date was 150. I've gotten as far down as 135, then I gained 7 more

pounds and I was pretty happy with myself at 142. I've yo-yo'd ever since,

gaining 5-10 pounds premenstrually, losing it agian after my period, having

tons of crud going on in my life which starts me eating stuff that isn't

good for me (and I am aware of these actions---but it made me feel good,

unless I dumped, so I wasn't too worried about it) Now I'm up to 154 and

I'm not happy again---I know if I gave up candy for 3 days I'd be back at

142---but I just don't seem to have the will power, so now I worry about

gaining more and more. I sure gain easily---but if I do the right things I

lose easily too. My life is such a mess right now, my husband left me,

hasn't paid any child support, I have no money for my 5 kids for Christmas

and my utilities and my rent hasn't been paid because he hasn't given me any

money. The kids are all messed up because of all this, I am working my butt

off trying to get extra hours so I can at least pay SOMETHING---but it's not

nearly enough. So to get through all this stress, I eat. I know it's not

the right thing to do, I tell myself this as I'm doing it but nothing seems

to motivate me at this point to stop. I'm wondering if I should ease off

myself and just deal with things the best way I can, or become really tough


HERE!!!. When I'm worrying about whether or not we're gonna have a home

much longer, or if they are gonna shut off the gas or if I can get food for

the kids---the weight issues don't seem that important---even though they

are hugely important to me.

Anyway, I've gone off on quite a tangent here, LOL---sorry and if you've

read this far, thanks for letting me vent, LOL!!! I'm sure I will dream

tonight and see myself how my conscience sees myself (probably fat now with

the extra 10 pounds, LOL!) I told my mother that I was a fat person in a

skinny body---she told me that was unhealthy. I think she is probably

right---if I can get a grip on this emotional eating, I'm sure I'll have a

better image of myself---it's just been real hard lately.

:-) (the one in Cleveland)

RE: Laugh if you will

> What an interesting question!


> I generally dream myself thin - or at roughly the size I am now, anyway.

> But even pre-op I didn't dream myself fat. I knew I was fat, but never

> recognized myself in shop windows when I'd go shopping or walking in the

> mall. I'd always be surprised to realize that short, round woman was me.


> I was one of those yo-yo people so it was rare for me to be the same size

> two years in a row and regularly would swing several sizes up or down (but

> the last several years pre-op mostly UP) in a relatively short period of

> time. Wonder if that makes any difference?


> Amy in Moline

> RNY 12/7/2000

> size 22/24/26 to size 6/8/10

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In a message dated 12/11/2003 1:11:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, jlsperow@...


> or are we MO for life even if we are not physically MO

> anymore?


> thoughts?


> has anyone made it to the other side?


> hmmmm if they have maybe they do not use these boards???

Like an alcoholic will always be one whether or not s/he drinks, I will always

be a food addict, whether or not my eating is out of control.


Lap Proximal RNY 7/23/02

Drs. and Rabkin/SF

54/5'3 " - 257/140

size 22/XXL - 6/S

bmi 46/24

-66 inches

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It's those lil pink Baskin Robbins that I worry about!


Vitalady, Inc. T


If you are interested in PayPal, please click here:


Re: Laugh if you will

> >

> >

> >

> > > I cannot imagine a life in which weight is not one of the major

> > daily

> > > dynamics.

> > >

> > > Is anyone with me here or did I just unload a lot of nonsense?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Like every choice I make, every hour I breathe, every day I make


> > to my bed and the last thought on my mind.

> >

> > Carol G.

> >

> >

> > Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

> >

> > Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 14:38:32 -0500 jpg1747@... writes:

> Like an alcoholic will always be one whether or not s/he drinks, I

> will always be a food addict, whether or not my eating is out of

> control.

> Judy

I so totally agree with this. Even though I have had the surgery and my

eating is sooooo much better then it was prior to surgery, I still have

the obsessions. It finally got to the point where I have stopped buying

food scented candles, air freshners, shampoos, hair conditioners, etc.

It only seems to fee the cravings and obsessions. I know from experience

that even after 17 years sober, I still occasionally crave a drink. I

know that if I have one drink - it will be too many and 100 drinks are

never enough. It is the same for carbs, especially chocolate - one piece

of chocolate is way to much and a couple of pounds is never enough.

Lori Owen - Denton, Texas

SRVG 7/16/01

Dr. Ritter/Dr. Bryce

479/356/hoping for close to 200

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Funny you should mention dreams. Since having surgery, I have rarely remembered

any dreams. Just recently I had a very memorable one. (Had another one, but

too racy for this list. : )

I was at a party, with some high school friends, and I was the thin one, and all

my formerly thin friends were MO.

I guess now, I look at people differently. Maybe I'm becoming too judgmental or

it is the perfectionist in me coming out.

Hey this writing thing helps.

Lap Rny 11/18/02

Dr. Oliak, Orange, CA


BMI 50/28

Cover boy at www.coastalobesity.com

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Re: Re: Laugh if you will

It's those lil pink Baskin Robbins that I worry about!


Vitalady, Inc. T


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Re: Laugh if you will

> >

> >

> >

> > > I cannot imagine a life in which weight is not one of the major

> > daily

> > > dynamics.

> > >

> > > Is anyone with me here or did I just unload a lot of nonsense?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Like every choice I make, every hour I breathe, every day I make


> > to my bed and the last thought on my mind.

> >

> > Carol G.

> >

> >

> > Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

> >

> > Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I was normal till I had my tonsils removed at about the age of five. Then I

started gaining weight. My mother said I was eating so much my father said

" maybe we should have had only one tonsil removed " . Well I have been fat

till my surgery in Oct. 2000. Of course I have lost a few times with Weight

Watchers and two with the Optifast diet. I lost 150 pounds then gained back

ten and have stabilized since then. It is extremely hard for me to see

myself as thin, especially standing in front of the mirror in the morning. I

look at pictures of the old me then look at the new me and do not really see

much difference. Being huge all my life it is hard to fathom the fact that I

am relatively thin, I just don't see it. As for weight issues they did not

bother me when I was losing as I would gain a little every week but then

loose it and more and this was while weighing myself every day.

> Do guys do this? Don didn't really go through it. He was kinda lanky

> til he was 40, went directly to morbid without even pausing at pudgy,

> which is his family history. Happy birthday, 40, be huge. He never

> related to large. So, whether he is at 175 or 190, he doesn't

> particularly care. His whole self is not wrapped up in weight issues

> at all.


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Oh Sweetie, I'm so very very sorry for your difficulties. Be just wonderful

warm and kind to yourself, like you would to a close close friend. Give

yourself what you need emotionally and you'll be able to handle all of the

other stuff.

If I can do anything to help, I'm happy to do so,



RE: Laugh if you will



> > What an interesting question!

> >

> > I generally dream myself thin - or at roughly the size I am now, anyway.

> > But even pre-op I didn't dream myself fat. I knew I was fat, but never

> > recognized myself in shop windows when I'd go shopping or walking in the

> > mall. I'd always be surprised to realize that short, round woman was me.

> >

> > I was one of those yo-yo people so it was rare for me to be the same


> > two years in a row and regularly would swing several sizes up or down


> > the last several years pre-op mostly UP) in a relatively short period of

> > time. Wonder if that makes any difference?

> >

> > Amy in Moline

> > RNY 12/7/2000

> > size 22/24/26 to size 6/8/10



> Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG


> Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe






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In a message dated 12/11/2003 10:50:03 PM Eastern Standard Time,

rudni416@... writes:

are we MO for life?


My daughter and I have discussed this. I am or never have been MO in my

mind, but I have always been Fat Fay. No matter what size I am, I feel the


It is not a physical thing, more of an image thing. I just count myself with

the fat people (which of course puts me in the best company). When I look in

the mirror it is not just my size (and Ears) that surprise me, it is my age

too. Unless I think about it, I don't see myself as older than everyone else

in my Over 100 employees company. In other words, I am what I am.

Coping with the emotional aspects of craving food, one day at a time.

Fay Bayuk




Open RNY 150 cm

Click for My Profile


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My brothers and I had our tonsils out at the same time (I think I was around

5), they got even skinnier and I got fat. This has been discussed before. I

don't remember whether it was here or on AMOS, but it happened to many people.

Fay Bayuk




Open RNY 150 cm

Click for My Profile


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Got to ring in here. Went to a shrink to adjust some depression

meds. In our talking session (he did most of the talking) I spoke

about my live and internet support groups. He told me that support

groups like that were only for the ones who are having problems so I

would see more people with more problems there than in real

life....NO I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS MAN!!!!! And I will never go

back to that particular doc. Damned string bean! Doesn't know s**t

from shineola about being fat! Not a good shrink either. Any

shrink worth their wt in salt doesn't talk more than the client and

keep lookin' at the clock!



> >

> > hmmmm if they have maybe they do not use these boards???

> ********* and that is because they don't think they need any help

> because surgery was a one time fix to a character flaw, not a step


> treating a life-long disease. I spent 3 hours with one yesterday,


> of my original peer group

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