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Re: Re: What is the avg length of time in the helmet? My son is graduating at 7wks...

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On Dec 30, 2010, at 8:14 PM, W wrote:

> I left out that he was in a DocBand from Cranial Tech...

And that's the key fact for sure, which ties into the current thread

attempting to delineate the helmet types. DOC Band fits closer so as

to have the maximum effect when there is the greatest potential --

immediately. They also adjust it more often to keep it in good

contact, whereas I found there was a lot of wasted time with our

STARband. So I'd expect that a DOC Band could indeed adequately

correct numbers such as you cited in 8 weeks, which might be

equivalent to 4 months in a STARband. (I think those are the minimum

projected treatment lengths for the respective helmets.) Now, I'd be

mighty sore if I didn't get the much-touted DOC Band results! But at

least then you'd still have plenty of time to try again, while the

trying is still good.

To address the other thread: how much time and money have you got?

If I had a kid over 12 months, no question I'd want a DOC Band. If I

had an 7-month-old or younger with straight brachycephaly, I'd be

eager to find a somewhat competent Hanger or STARband provider,

because I see that as less finesse- and more time-dependent. In

between, I think it depends on financial considerations, unfortunately.

Thad Launderville

town, VT

Clara age 2 1/2, STARband '10

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On Jan 2, 2011, at 10:38 PM, christineashok wrote:

> with docbands it is not uncommon to have 2 bands (something around

> 15%, if I'm wrong Thad will correct me)

The website says " less than 20%. " If we also assume " more than

zero " , that equates to 10 plus or minus 9.99999... so we might as

well say, " around 10% " . What's 21 million dollars of unexpected

treatment costs, between friends? ;)

55,000+ treated babies x $3,800 (today's cost) x 10% = $20,900,000


option=com_content & view=article & id=235:treatment-

faqs & catid=75:treatment-info & Itemid=18#A23


Thad Launderville

town, VT

(too poor for DOC Band) :(

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