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One year out today!

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I am one year out today! I am so happy. It has been an interesting

year to say the least. A few bumps and lumps but I am here. I look

back and think a year ago today I am gonna have a rude awakening in

about 4 hours. They said I would forget the pain from waking up and

the weeks to follow but I haven't. I would do it again if I had to

but if I didn't I wouldn't. It is hard getting to know your body

again. Everything changes from your feet size to your hair when it

grows back in. (It came back curly- I call it my Krammer hair from

Seinfield ;-) But the good things are you can cross your legs

comfortably, you can go to the small section to buy clothes, and when

you look at a size 22/24 you can't imagine ever fitting into

something that big!!! I started out a size 32 but was trying to fool

myself and say I was a 28/30. Ya right. I can walk long distances

without being out of breath, I don't have to use my inhaler anymore,

and I don't live on tums. I started out at 293 and now am sitting at

200. I see people who have lost much more but my family is big

boned. I visited my cousin who is the same height, build, and is

skinny and she weighs 160 so that is my goal so technically I am only

40 pounds away. So I am comfy with this. I am at work so I need to

start my day. God bless and have a wonderful day.

LaHoma Cruz

open RNY 1/28/03

start 293

current 200

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