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Jeanie - I'm glad Brockton is fairing better after his shots. Hey,

you know what we used to do living in the " windy city " of Chicago?

We used to put vaseline on 's cheeks and nose. He actually

got a touch of frost bite when he was younger - and we still have to

do that - but, the vaseline works great for cold and windy days!

Just a thought!

- H


> .


> Your children are SO CUTE! Ian looks like her might be a little

> cuddle bug! Is he?


> Did I tell you that he had his shots Tues.? (4 of them!) He ran a

> low grade fever (100.5) for a few hours Tues. night but that was

> it. Thank God.


> It looks like you have a beautiful and spacious kitchen too.


> I am SO ENVIOUS! LOL Mine is big enough to turn around in!


> We got blasted with about a foot of snow last night and it's still

> coming down like crazy. Blustery too. It's a winter wonderland


> there today! Absolutely beautiful. I'd take Brockton out to see

> what he thinks of the snow if it wasn't so windy. Maybe later.


> Have a great day, all!


> Jeanie


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  • 1 month later...

Hi all. I just spoke with on the phone and Ian is admitted and

has had an IV placed. said that so far things have gone

smoothly and everyone is very nice and accommodating. She said that

she felt comfortable with the person that put Ian's IV in because she

has done it on Ian three other times. And, she did a great job this

time, so is very happy. Ian is sitting in his bed watching TV

right now. says that when they are in the hospital, he refuses

to be held because he wants to sit in the bed with the rails up! Too

funny. ;o) He also keeps telling her that he is hungry! Poor thing.

He was wanting raisins or something and had to tell him that

they didn't have raisins there. Ugh! She isn't sure how she is going

to hold him off until 1 o'clock! But, is in high spirits, just

a little tired as she couldn't sleep well last night with all of this

on her mind. We will talk again at some point today. I will update

you all after the surgery is over. Keep them in your prayers.

Jodi R.

's mom

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Please let know that I am thinking and praying

for her and Ian.


and Kelli

--- Jodi wrote:

> Hi all. I just spoke with on the phone and

> Ian is admitted and

> has had an IV placed. said that so far

> things have gone

> smoothly and everyone is very nice and

> accommodating. She said that

> she felt comfortable with the person that put Ian's

> IV in because she

> has done it on Ian three other times. And, she did

> a great job this

> time, so is very happy. Ian is sitting in

> his bed watching TV

> right now. says that when they are in the

> hospital, he refuses

> to be held because he wants to sit in the bed with

> the rails up! Too

> funny. ;o) He also keeps telling her that he is

> hungry! Poor thing.

> He was wanting raisins or something and had

> to tell him that

> they didn't have raisins there. Ugh! She isn't

> sure how she is going

> to hold him off until 1 o'clock! But, is in

> high spirits, just

> a little tired as she couldn't sleep well last night

> with all of this

> on her mind. We will talk again at some point

> today. I will update

> you all after the surgery is over. Keep them in

> your prayers.


> Jodi R.

> 's mom







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Brockton and his family are praying for Ian and his family. It's 1:27 p.m. We

hope to hear something soon about how well he did in surgery!

Please tell that they are in our thoughts.

Jeanie, Mike, Brockton and

Jodi wrote:

Hi all. I just spoke with on the phone and Ian is admitted and

has had an IV placed. said that so far things have gone

smoothly and everyone is very nice and accommodating. She said that

she felt comfortable with the person that put Ian's IV in because she

has done it on Ian three other times. And, she did a great job this

time, so is very happy. Ian is sitting in his bed watching TV

right now. says that when they are in the hospital, he refuses

to be held because he wants to sit in the bed with the rails up! Too

funny. ;o) He also keeps telling her that he is hungry! Poor thing.

He was wanting raisins or something and had to tell him that

they didn't have raisins there. Ugh! She isn't sure how she is going

to hold him off until 1 o'clock! But, is in high spirits, just

a little tired as she couldn't sleep well last night with all of this

on her mind. We will talk again at some point today. I will update

you all after the surgery is over. Keep them in your prayers.

Jodi R.

's mom

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