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> Ok, I had my dd on 1 tsp of CLO (NN) for over a month and Natural

Calm mag 1 tsp daily for the same amount of time........

My son did not tolerate CLO or any EFA until I added mito cocktail and

amino acids


>>So, today I went back to 40mg of Zinc, B6/Mag chews from Kirkmans

and 1 tablet of DMG to see if this will help. Also, not just the

concentration issue but shes grinding her teeth at night

For my kids, this is improper zinc/copper ratio. For other kids, I

have read it is deficiency in cal/mag, mag only, B5, and also can be

yeast in the sinuses.

>>and inappropriately removing her clothing and touching herself nonstop.

For my son, this meant yeast overgrowth.


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  • 1 month later...


> I was wondering if any one else was having issue with the file section.


I hope that you are not confusing the Excel and Document Downloads

with URL's. I've made that mistake on a few... I'm sure you've made

this observation, but just in case...


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> Merry meet,

> I was wondering if any one else was having issue with the file


> some of the folders come up and and others say:

> file not found: these are a few of the not founds

> -calculat ideal protien

> -candida diet in a nut shell

> -Full list of Foods

==>I've found that from time to time certain files don't come up for

people and yet later on they are okay. Remind me this weekend to check

the above files for you. Send a message late tonight so I will see it

Saturday morning. Put in the subject line - Problems with Files for



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--- cherie <littleonejade@...> wrote:

> The Die of has me red like i just spend

> the whold day in

> the sun. I have done the coffee em and oatmeal

> baths. It is not

> helping.

Hi Cherie,

Sounds terrible. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling

so uncomfortable. Die off is never pleasant, and

sometimes it can feel positively overwhelming. The

positive side is that you're at home with your loved

ones today.

> Help would be highly appreciated and ideas


> should i increase garlic intake and kill this crap

> off quickly or do

> i keep at it slowly? Can't imagin being in this

> state for a month or

> more.

I think Bee would tell you to cut back on the garlic

and go easy on things for awhile. " More is not

better, " as she constantly reminds us. You shouldn't

push your die off symptoms up to the point where you

can't handle them. That doesn't do your or your system

any good. You have to have the energy to be able to


> is their anything i can put on my skin?

Coconut oil is very good for skin problems, although

sometimes things look like they're getting worse

before they gets better. Since coconut oil is

antifungal and antibacterial, you wouldn't have to

worry about infection.

> anyone else care to share what they have gone thru?

After being on the diet for a year, I had terrible

skin erruptions on my lips last summer -- something

that I've never had before in my life. The line

between my lips and my facial skin got really red like

I had lip liner on, my lips doubled in size, itched,

and eventually cracked and peeled off. It was

horrible. To make matters worse, I was leading an

international, two-day, strategic planning workshop,

so there was no place to hide.

My doctor looked at it and said it looked like an

allergic reaction, but I knew better -- it was a

healing reaction from the candida. After the intense

flare up, it took about a week and a half to go away.

A couple of weeks later it returned again, but in a

MUCH lighter version of the first, and it was probably

all over in about 5 days. The third and final time,

there was no swelling, redness or eruptions, but my

lips itched and I could feel it under the surface of

my skin. It's been many months now, and I've had no

problems. It was just part of a weird healing process

that I had to go through.

Right now, I'm going through allergies, something that

I haven't had in about 20 years. You might read up in

the files on Hering's Law:

1) Symptoms of a chronic disease disappear in definite

order, going in reverse through every illness,

symptom, disease, ache, pain or injury.

2) It takes about one month of natural healing for

every year the symptoms have been present.

3) Healing progresses from the more vital organs to

the less vital organs; from inside the body towards

the skin and from the top of the body down.

Hope this helps. Hang in there.

Muchos saludos,

Jeanne OTS


for Good - Make a difference this year.


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> Happy Holidays, I hope you all are having a good one. As for

myself, we had a great time with the kids doing their normal present

thing. All in very nice.

==>Thanks Cherie. I'm glad you're enjoying family. Me too!



> Down side-- The Die of has me red like i just spend the whold day

in the sun. I have done the coffee em and oatmeal baths. It is not

> helping. well he baths are soothing and release me from the

> discomfort for a little while, till i dry back out. then i start

> thinking about bacteria, should i be soaking?

==>Even though oatmeal baths are supposed to help the skin, maybe

with candida you should have epsom salt baths instead. Oats do

contain gluten which are not good for candida. We do absorb a lot

through the skin. Soaking in epsom salts wouldn't be a problem with

bacteria for sure.


> so i have been thinking, trying to around the pain of this rash.

It > feels like a chemical burn. I keep reminding myself my body is

> healing and getting rid of all the toxins i have put in, but dang i

> am swollen as of now i am wearing what few cloths i can inside out

to > adoid the seem. My skin is very tender. Help would be highly

appreciated and ideas.

==>It could be possible that past sunburns are surfacing and like

Hering's Law of Cures says your body goes backwards in time through

every single illness, symptom, disease, injury, etc. during natural

healing. Like Jeanne says put coconut oil on your skin. It is

antifungal and very healing.


> should i increase garlic intake and kill this crap off quickly or

do i keep at it slowly? Can't imagin being in this state for a

month or > more.

==>What Jeanne says is correct; more is not better. Maybe don't try

pushing it too much and take it slow. The body does take its own

time and it is not wise to push it.


> is their anything i can put on my skin?

==>coconut oil

> does taking the baths delay it?

==>Baths don't delay healing but they can soothe the skin while it is

going through the process and often assist healing.

I hope that helps,


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  • 2 weeks later...


> I am still fairly new to all of this, and I hope no one minds if I ask

> a few question that I am sure have been asked and answered a thousand

> times before.

No problem.

> What is a EPA?

If you mean EFA, it is essential fatty acid.

> When would you use pimrose oil?

This is Omega 6. My son needed pre-loading with Omega 6, plus mito

cocktail and amino acids, before he tolerated anything with Omega 3.

I wrote about it here


> What is mito cocktail used for?

Proper digestion of fats.

> What is floor time?

An educational intervention that helps children connect with others

and learn.


> Would ground flax seeds be the same as giving flax seed oil?

It appears so, altho I have only used the oil.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Adib,

I would not take any product coated in sugar and as for your dry skin, I had

the nastiest crusty, scaly, dry skin imagineable (sorry if I grossed anyone

out) until I started consuming coconut oil.

That stuff is miraculous, keep pushing the coconut oil Bee ;+)

Shirley G

>Hi Bee & All,

>about the fish oil,i read at the bottle that the

>softgel made from/contain gelatin & glycerin, is it

>ok? about digestive enzyme,here in my country is very hard

>to find non sugar coated tablet,almost all are sugar

>coated,is it no problem?

>and i still confuse about dry skin brushing to help my

>adrenal,because my skin is already very dry & scally,so

>how is the procedure of the brushing for me?



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  • 3 weeks later...

We started Zyme Prime and we are up to 1/2 a cap per day and it seems to be

going well, not really seeing any changes. I was hoping it would help her

move her bowels.

We seem to have difficulty giving any grains because it causes yeast flare

ups, would an enzyme help with this? What are people's experiences?


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RE: questions

We started Zyme Prime and we are up to 1/2 a cap per day and it seems to be

going well, not really seeing any changes. I was hoping it would help her

move her bowels.

---Zyme Prime can firm stools up more often than it loosens them! No Fenol

is more likely to loosen stools.

We seem to have difficulty giving any grains because it causes yeast flare

ups, would an enzyme help with this? What are people's experiences?

---I guess I think most everything causes yeast flare up for these kids so

you just need to have a good yeast protocol on hand and never back off. If

the grain is tolerated then it would likely be important part of nutrition

to keep it.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


> Bee, which one is better: ascorbic acid powder or

> sodium ascorbate powder?

> and also how's your opinion about high dossages vit C

> injection?

==>Ascorbic acid powder is hard on the teeth and the stomach, so only

have sodium ascorbate made by mixing ascorbic acid in equal amounts

with baking soda.

==>High doses of vitamin C injections are fabulous, and the very best

way to get enough vitamin C. Injections are used by Orthomolecular

Physicians to treat cancer. It avoids the problem with reaching bowel

tolerance (loose stools). I had many intravenous treatments with

vitamin C and also cal/mag, and had injections of B complex in the mid

1980s when I was fighting my candida.


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I've seen data that sodium ascorbate is better absorbed than ascorbic


I don't see why vitamin C would ever have to be injected. I believe

Adele outlined in her book " Let's Get Well " how a girl in a coma

was given high doses of vitamin C by dissolving it in water, freezing it

and then chipping the ice and placing it in her mouth, letting it

dissolve and run down her throat. This was on the order of 20 grams

(20,000 mg) a day.

Also, one neat thing about vitamin C is that you can't take too much of

it. Any extra to the body's needs is just harmelssly passed out of the



On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Adib wrote:

> Bee, which one is better: ascorbic acid powder or

> sodium ascorbate powder?

> and also how's your opinion about high dossages vit C

> injection?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hello Adib:

I have also been plagued with skin rashes, but have noticed some significant

improvements when I started to focus on strengthening my adrenal glands.

Remember, if you keep taking Prednisone, it can (and likely will) weaken

your adrenal glands. Do you mind sharing what dosage of Pred you take and

how often? I read an article by Tom Cowan on the Weston Price website which

stated that if your condition improves with a steriod hormone, then likely

you have weak adrenals. You might want to go over Bee's article on the

adrenals. I also read a book called Adrenal Fatigue which also gave tips on

what to do to help improve the adrenal function. It was on the recommended

list on the Price-Pottenger website. And remember to hydrate your skin

regularly. For me, coconut oil did not hydrate deep enough. After a couple

weeks with coconut oil, my skin looked and felt burned. Not sure why, but I

found another product by Burt's Bees which seems to really work well for me

and help with the healing. I buy it at my local health food's store for

about $10.00 a tube. It's call Coconut Foot Creme. It's pretty thick, so

for larger areas I use another one of their thinner products called Carrot

Lotion which works well for me. That costs about $10.00, too. But that's

what works for my skin. I don't know how it will work for you. But I have

tried various oils (coconut, cod liver oil, olive, avocado, almond, etc.)

which only seemed to work for a short while, then they started to make my

skin uncomfortable instead of soothing. Anyway, I tried lots of things so

better leave it here or else this could get long.

Good luck, and take care!


-------Original Message-------

From: Adib

Hi Bee & All,

i dont know why my dry skin+rash+itch still worse

although i stoped the garlic 3 weeks ago, perhaps it's

a healing symptoms. But it makes me confuse about my

plan to reduce the prednisone pill. I'm affraid

reducing the prednisone will worsen my condition. Any


About the cabbage rejuvelac, if i keep ferment it

longer than 3 days, will it produce much higher

lactobacillus? because i think i need a high amount of


Is it ok to buy oregano oil in 500ml bottle? or should

in small 50ml bottle? because the large one is

cheaper, but i'm affraid it will go rancid.


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> Hi Bee & All,

> i dont know why my dry skin+rash+itch still worse

> although i stoped the garlic 3 weeks ago, perhaps it's

> a healing symptoms.

==>It could be healing symptoms Adib. The body takes it's own time

healing and since your eczema is quite severe it will take time.

>But it makes me confused about my plan to reduce the prednisone

pill. I'm afraid reducing the prednisone will worsen my condition.

Any suggestions?

==>The prednisone is not not helping you. The other guy who had

severe eczema on our group last year went off his prednisone (he'd

been taking for 12 years) and he did our candida program. I believe

he healed in about 3 months, but he had also been on a very good

diet (Weston A. Price) for a few years at that point.

> About the cabbage rejuvelac, if i keep ferment it longer than 3

days, will it produce much higher lactobacillus? because i think i

need a high amount of probiotic

==>No, it ruins the cabbage rejuvelac to ferment it longer than 3

days. Your body can only handle so much lactobacillus, but you

could buy a capsule to take as well. Your body can only handle 10

billion active units per day. " More is not better. " You can't push

your body. You may be starting on probiotics too soon Adib when

your body still cannot handle antifungals. Probiotics aren't going

to help until most of the candida is killed off. It won't hurt to

have the cabbage rejuvelac however, and it will help with your

digestion too.

> Is it ok to buy oregano oil in 500ml bottle? or should in small

50ml bottle? because the large one is cheaper, but i'm affraid it

will go rancid.

==>Oil of oregano should be kept in the fridge so it won't go

rancid. It won't go rancid very soon anyhow. It contains olive

oil, but even that will keep in the cupboard for some time.


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  • 4 months later...

Mona wrote:


> Hello to Bee and the Group, I have a few questions, Bee what is

your take on homeopathic remedies and are they ok to take during the

candida diet?

==>Yes, they are quite okay to have!


> I have really dark circles under my eyes and lips are also quite

dark (they become especially dark when it is cold). What foods can I

> introduce into the diet that might help me with these two problems.

==Dark circles under your eyes indicate you are highly toxic.

Anything you can do to increase detoxification will help, i.e. dry

skin brushing, epsom salt baths, coffee enemas (particularly

helpful), lemon & ocean sea salt drink, and teas, i.e., Pau D'Arco,

clove, stinging nettle, dandelion.


> I have tried all kinds of topical creams and serums for the dark

> circles they have slightly improved since starting the diet. Do you

> know what the reason could be for my lips turning darker when it is

> cold?

==>When you are cold you have less circulation, but dark lips can

also be caused by poor respiration - do breathing exercise in the

Breathe Right Folder.

Blessings to you too, Bee

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Ken...

Most surgeons do at least some two stage surgeries in one day. My advice would be to not limit your search on that criteria. Find a surgeon you like, and whom you think you can trust, and then trust that s/he’ll do what’s best for you. You may find a surgeon that will do exactly what you want, and find out that it wasn’t in your best interest.


On 10/2/06 10:43 AM, " Ken Leonard " <kclnt777@...> wrote:

Hello All,

A couple days ago I posted that I would be thinking of some questions to ask of you and here are just a few that I have...

Since putting off surgery til my mid 40's may not be a reality.... I feel I need to start asking questions again... (Thanks for putting up with me) lol

1) In picking a doctor - I feel I want to go with a Dr that does both stages in one day. I know this narrows down the list of possible Dr's - Can you tell me the names of Dr's that do both stages on the same day?

2) Did anyone " post revision " find out after surgery that the problem they went in to fix was not the only problem they found once you were being operated on? I ask this because I think there is something going on at the base of my fusion (near L2 or L3) that is not showing up on the MRI or other tests.

3) Other than Edie, has anyone else opted for having the Laminectomy (sp ck) portion of the surgery - or to rephrase the question - Has anyone had surgery without further fusion? If so, what was the outcome?

4) Most of my pain seems to come from Sciatica - but my limitations come from not being able to bend in any direction.... which causes me to be very limited in what I can do: ride in a certain car, sit in a certain chair, go to certain restaurants, stand in church, stand at family or friends houses (when I go).... it causes me to miss out on some of my kids school functions - I am only able to walk short distances, drive just a few miles - or even sit in the chairs that I can tolerate for much time at all... On strictly an opinion only basis: when do you say Enough! And go to the next step with surgery?

5) BTW: my kids are 7, 9 & 13 (Is there a preferred age to wait to have surgery?

Sorry so long - any feedback is appreciated!!

For those interested: I am down 58 lbs!!

Take care, Ken.

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I have a few responses. 1-I agree with others on this, you need to be

looking for skill level in surgeons, not whether or not it is staged

surgery, I think. However, my surgeon, Glazer, did a two day,

anterior and posterior surgery. 2-I had no idea Glazer was going to

do an osteotomy but he found it necessary once he had started the

surgery. 4-Revision is a quality of life issue. Just when is enough,

enough? Only you can decide. If there is a chance your quality will

greatly improve then you need to choose whether or not it is worth

the risks of revision. 5. Poor kids, no age is good for a parent to

go through that. My son was six. He survived. The hardest part was

the lack of pig piles :)


> Hello All,


> A couple days ago I posted that I would be thinking of some

questions to ask of you and here are just a few that I have...


> Since putting off surgery til my mid 40's may not be a

reality.... I feel I need to start asking questions again... (Thanks

for putting up with me) lol


> 1) In picking a doctor - I feel I want to go with a Dr that does

both stages in one day. I know this narrows down the list of possible

Dr's - Can you tell me the names of Dr's that do both stages on the

same day?


> 2) Did anyone " post revision " find out after surgery that the

problem they went in to fix was not the only problem they found once

you were being operated on? I ask this because I think there is

something going on at the base of my fusion (near L2 or L3) that is

not showing up on the MRI or other tests.


> 3) Other than Edie, has anyone else opted for having the

Laminectomy (sp ck) portion of the surgery - or to rephrase the

question - Has anyone had surgery without further fusion? If so, what

was the outcome?


> 4) Most of my pain seems to come from Sciatica - but my

limitations come from not being able to bend in any direction....

which causes me to be very limited in what I can do: ride in a

certain car, sit in a certain chair, go to certain restaurants, stand

in church, stand at family or friends houses (when I go).... it

causes me to miss out on some of my kids school functions - I am only

able to walk short distances, drive just a few miles - or even sit in

the chairs that I can tolerate for much time at all... On strictly an

opinion only basis: when do you say Enough! And go to the next step

with surgery?


> 5) BTW: my kids are 7, 9 & 13 (Is there a preferred age to wait

to have surgery?


> Sorry so long - any feedback is appreciated!!


> For those interested: I am down 58 lbs!!


> Take care, Ken.



> ---------------------------------

> Get your email and more, right on the new .com


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Hi Ken, Your question in black...my answer in blue!

1) In picking a doctor - I feel I want to go with a Dr that does both stages in one day. I know this narrows down the list of possible Dr's - Can you tell me the names of Dr's that do both stages on the same day?

I very much agree with here. There are all kinds of reasons why a very skilled surgeon might prefer one day or two days of surgery for you. Find the doctor that you feel most comfortable with and then make sure you ask questions about why they are proposing each part of your surgical plan...the staging, the extensivness of the work (levels to be fused), the implants proposed, blood banking and so forth. Each and every answer will help you understand what will happen to you and probably help you evaluate who has thought the most about your case and has the clearest understanding of what they want to do to you. If you look in the files you can find the list of questions I used perhaps as a jumping off point for your own list. I think if I was a male I might also have asked a question with regard to anterior surgery and the implications for sexual performance....and perhaps the implications of doing nothing. Those nerves are potentially all in the area of concern.

2) Did anyone "post revision" find out after surgery that the problem they went in to fix was not the only problem they found once you were being operated on? I ask this because I think there is something going on at the base of my fusion (near L2 or L3) that is not showing up on the MRI or other tests.

I was unable to any contrast dye used in my pre-op tests, so I don't think my tests were as extensive as some have reported. DrRand indicated that there was a possibility that I had a very stable non-union at L4L5 but since he was going to specifically be in that area anyway, it didn't really matter anyway, he would see what was there when he got in there.

3) Other than Edie, has anyone else opted for having the Laminectomy (sp ck) portion of the surgery - or to rephrase the question - Has anyone had surgery without further fusion? If so, what was the outcome?

DrRand told me of a patient of his that I believe had this done and at the time she had returned to her job as a flight attendant. He suggested that while this was somewhat surprising she was doing that well, he still expected he would be seeing her for surgery in the relatively near future. He told me it might get me through to retirement (at the time about a year away), as did DrBoachie, but I would utlimately need further surgery....sooner rather than later.

4) Most of my pain seems to come from Sciatica - but my limitations come from not being able to bend in any direction.... which causes me to be very limited in what I can do: ride in a certain car, sit in a certain chair, go to certain restaurants, stand in church, stand at family or friends houses (when I go).... it causes me to miss out on some of my kids school functions - I am only able to walk short distances, drive just a few miles - or even sit in the chairs that I can tolerate for much time at all... On strictly an opinion only basis: when do you say Enough! And go to the next step with surgery?

Only you can answer this question Ken. At some point you will know that your current situation is untenable and you want to at least try to improve your circumstances. If it is any good news, DrRand told me that he had the most success with pain reduction when the main complaint was sciatic type pain. For me this proved to be true. All of the things you are now limited in are areas that I too struggled in. None of them are really a factor for me today. I think the most constant comment I get is how much younger I look now that my face is not contorted in pain!

5) BTW: my kids are 7, 9 & 13 (Is there a preferred age to wait to have surgery?

There is never going to be a perfect time. With your kids at this ages based on my experience of one boy, then 9, you should do fine. They are all well beyond the age where they require much in the way of "physical parenting"...and lets face it, you haven't been doing much of that anyway, have you? Your kids are also all at an age where they can understand that you are going to be the "needy" one after surgery for awhile. I found that, all and all, this was very healthy for Matias. I believe that in this day and age, parents tend to do too much for their kids, not giving them the satisfaction of contributing to the family wellbeing or learning to take care of themselves. Having this surgery kind of forced us to hold my son accountable for some chores and picking up after himself....and that has all been to the good.> For those interested: I am down 58 lbs!!

Terrific...how much lower are you going to go?

Take Care, Cam

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Hi , I agree - it makes more sense to pick a doctor by their skill - having said that, it seems nearly impossible to figure out which is the "best" - I am trying to figure out the best way to narrow down the list as I do not anticipate being able to travel to more than one major doctor.. I will happily travel to more if I can (but honestly cannot see how I will make one trip to see the first major Dr.) I want to thank you for being so candid - it was great to read your post! Kirkaldie <.Kirkaldie@...> wrote: Dear Ken, !.) Don't pick a doc by if he/her stages surgery or not, but by their skill. 2.) I'm sure once they are in the might get a surprise once and awhile, I'm sure test are great tools but once they are in and SEEING it first hand they might see or find things they didn't anticipate. 3.) As I've communicated with you in the past, I believe Edie and I are the only ones who post regularly who have gone the decompression /lami route. When you go to the site you can look postings up by topic, just type in Decompression or Lami, Decompression has 235 posts on that subject

alone, ones I and Edie responded to you in the past are 7309, 6960,6905, 2180. I can't find another thing to say about it other than what is in those posts. 4.) Ken get to a major doc, you know all the names, you are probably going to have to travel, and get looked at. You know this is going to get worse not better, and since you are disabled by the Flatback the time is now to get the ball rolling. 5.) My kids were 15, 9, and 8 when I had my first of three surgeries with Kumar. Is there an ideal time, probably not. As long as you prep them well, that they have good support, they will come throught it. Mine are more compassionate human beings for going through this. My kids are my best support, they are helpful and know my limitations better than anyone else. It's scary, and

it should be, not a walk in the park, and a life lesson. Mine would say the surgeries were big moments in their lives, each remember what grade they were in when I had surgery, have stories of kind things teachers or friends did for them while they watched me recover or have surgery. They will handle it by following your clue, if you are an emotional scared wreak before hand they will be too. I just told mine I wasn't going to get any better without the surgery, and this was an opportunity for me to hopefully get a lot of function back, and while it was going to be hard, good things could come from it, like Mom not being in pain all the time. Mostly give them the idea that you have to go through this to get the benefits you desire, like Mom being able to walk and go on field trips, go on family outings, or go to the mall. Congrats on the weight loss! [ ] Questions Hello All, A couple days ago I posted that I would be thinking of some questions to ask of you and here are just a few that I have... Since putting off surgery til my

mid 40's may not be a reality.... I feel I need to start asking questions again... (Thanks for putting up with me) lol 1) In picking a doctor - I feel I want to go with a Dr that does both stages in one day. I know this narrows down the list of possible Dr's - Can you tell me the names of Dr's that do both stages on the same day? 2) Did anyone "post revision" find out after surgery that the problem they went in to fix was not the only problem they found once you were being operated on? I ask this because I think there is something going on at the base of my fusion (near L2 or L3) that is not showing up on the MRI or other tests. 3) Other than Edie, has anyone else opted for having the Laminectomy (sp ck) portion of the surgery - or to rephrase the question - Has anyone had surgery without further fusion? If so, what was the outcome? 4)

Most of my pain seems to come from Sciatica - but my limitations come from not being able to bend in any direction.... which causes me to be very limited in what I can do: ride in a certain car, sit in a certain chair, go to certain restaurants, stand in church, stand at family or friends houses (when I go).... it causes me to miss out on some of my kids school functions - I am only able to walk short distances, drive just a few miles - or even sit in the chairs that I can tolerate for much time at all... On strictly an opinion only basis: when do you say Enough! And go to the next step with surgery? 5) BTW: my kids are 7, 9 & 13 (Is there a preferred age to wait to have surgery? Sorry so long - any feedback is appreciated!! For those interested: I am down 58 lbs!! Take care, Ken. Get your email and

more, right on the new .com Ken Leonard Branch Manager - Sr. Mortgage Planner - Realtor Direct Line: 562-355-2954 www.LEONARDCAPITAL.com Leonard CapitalRichmond Home Loan 10531 Humbolt St. Los Alamitos, Ca 90720

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Hi , I guess one of my biggest questions does concern "Quality of Life"... Although I do not know what the outcome of surgery would be - As long as I'm not in More Pain or More Limited - it would almost be certain that my QOL and that of my family would be much better than it is now... We do make the best of each day - but with my limitations.. we look forward to ( & hope for) some improvement!! Thanks!!! redmarmie <vclark@...> wrote: Ken,I have a few responses. 1-I agree with others on this, you need to be looking for skill level in surgeons, not whether or not it is staged surgery, I think. However, my surgeon, Glazer, did a two day, anterior and posterior surgery. 2-I had no idea Glazer was going to do an osteotomy but he found it necessary once he had started the surgery. 4-Revision is a quality of life issue. Just when is enough, enough? Only you can decide. If there is a chance your quality will greatly improve then you need to choose whether or not it is worth the risks of revision. 5. Poor kids, no age is good for a parent to go through that. My son was six. He survived. The hardest part was the lack of pig piles :) >> Hello All,> > A

couple days ago I posted that I would be thinking of some questions to ask of you and here are just a few that I have...> > Since putting off surgery til my mid 40's may not be a reality.... I feel I need to start asking questions again... (Thanks for putting up with me) lol> > 1) In picking a doctor - I feel I want to go with a Dr that does both stages in one day. I know this narrows down the list of possible Dr's - Can you tell me the names of Dr's that do both stages on the same day?> > 2) Did anyone "post revision" find out after surgery that the problem they went in to fix was not the only problem they found once you were being operated on? I ask this because I think there is something going on at the base of my fusion (near L2 or L3) that is not showing up on the MRI or other tests.> > 3) Other than Edie, has anyone else opted for having the Laminectomy (sp ck) portion

of the surgery - or to rephrase the question - Has anyone had surgery without further fusion? If so, what was the outcome?> > 4) Most of my pain seems to come from Sciatica - but my limitations come from not being able to bend in any direction.... which causes me to be very limited in what I can do: ride in a certain car, sit in a certain chair, go to certain restaurants, stand in church, stand at family or friends houses (when I go).... it causes me to miss out on some of my kids school functions - I am only able to walk short distances, drive just a few miles - or even sit in the chairs that I can tolerate for much time at all... On strictly an opinion only basis: when do you say Enough! And go to the next step with surgery? > > 5) BTW: my kids are 7, 9 & 13 (Is there a preferred age to wait to have surgery?> > Sorry so long - any feedback is appreciated!!>

> For those interested: I am down 58 lbs!! > > Take care, Ken.> > > ---------------------------------> Get your email and more, right on the new .com>

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> Dear Ken,


> !.) Don't pick a doc by if he/her stages surgery or not, but by

their skill.


> 2.) I'm sure once they are in the might get a surprise once and

awhile, I'm sure test are great tools but once they are in and

SEEING it first hand they might see or find things they didn't



> 3.) As I've communicated with you in the past, I believe Edie and

I are the only ones who post regularly who have gone the

decompression /lami route. When you go to the site you can look

postings up by topic, just type in Decompression or Lami,

Decompression has 235 posts on that subject alone, ones I and Edie

responded to you in the past are 7309, 6960,6905, 2180. I can't find

another thing to say about it other than what is in those posts.


> 4.) Ken get to a major doc, you know all the names, you are

probably going to have to travel, and get looked at. You know this is

going to get worse not better, and since you are disabled by the

Flatback the time is now to get the ball rolling.


> 5.) My kids were 15, 9, and 8 when I had my first of three

surgeries with Kumar. Is there an ideal time, probably not. As long

as you prep them well, that they have good support, they will come

throught it. Mine are more compassionate human beings for going

through this. My kids are my best support, they are helpful and know

my limitations better than anyone else. It's scary, and it should be,

not a walk in the park, and a life lesson. Mine would say the

surgeries were big moments in their lives, each remember what grade

they were in when I had surgery, have stories of kind things teachers

or friends did for them while they watched me recover or have

surgery. They will handle it by following your clue, if you are an

emotional scared wreak before hand they will be too. I just told mine

I wasn't going to get any better without the surgery, and this was an

opportunity for me to hopefully get a lot of function back, and while

it was going to be hard, good things could come

> from it, like Mom not being in pain all the time. Mostly give them

the idea that you have to go through this to get the benefits you

desire, like Mom being able to walk and go on field trips, go on

family outings, or go to the mall.


> Congrats on the weight loss!



> [ ] Questions



> Hello All,


> A couple days ago I posted that I would be thinking of some

questions to ask of you and here are just a few that I have...


> Since putting off surgery til my mid 40's may not be a

reality.... I feel I need to start asking questions again... (Thanks

for putting up with me) lol


> 1) In picking a doctor - I feel I want to go with a Dr that does

both stages in one day. I know this narrows down the list of possible

Dr's - Can you tell me the names of Dr's that do both stages on the

same day?


> 2) Did anyone " post revision " find out after surgery that the

problem they went in to fix was not the only problem they found once

you were being operated on? I ask this because I think there is

something going on at the base of my fusion (near L2 or L3) that is

not showing up on the MRI or other tests.


> 3) Other than Edie, has anyone else opted for having the

Laminectomy (sp ck) portion of the surgery - or to rephrase the

question - Has anyone had surgery without further fusion? If so, what

was the outcome?


> 4) Most of my pain seems to come from Sciatica - but my

limitations come from not being able to bend in any direction....

which causes me to be very limited in what I can do: ride in a

certain car, sit in a certain chair, go to certain restaurants, stand

in church, stand at family or friends houses (when I go).... it

causes me to miss out on some of my kids school functions - I am only

able to walk short distances, drive just a few miles - or even sit in

the chairs that I can tolerate for much time at all... On strictly an

opinion only basis: when do you say Enough! And go to the next step

with surgery?


> 5) BTW: my kids are 7, 9 & 13 (Is there a preferred age to wait

to have surgery?


> Sorry so long - any feedback is appreciated!!


> For those interested: I am down 58 lbs!!


> Take care, Ken.


> ---------------------------------

> Get your email and more, right on the new .com







> Ken Leonard

> Branch Manager - Sr. Mortgage Planner - Realtor



> Direct Line: 562-355-2954




> Leonard Capital

> Richmond Home Loan

> 10531 Humbolt St.

> Los Alamitos, Ca 90720









> ---------------------------------

> How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone

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Hi Cam, Good point concerning the anterior portion of the surgery.... Yes, Dr Rand's comment is good news!! I wish he wasn't so far from me!! Otherwise he would be on my list!! My plan is to keep eating as I am and to see how much weight my body wants to lose! I'm currently 5'10 (was 6') and I weight 235.. I can see another 20lbs... "news at 11" Thanks - Ken.cammaltby <cammaltby@...> wrote: Hi Ken,

Your question in black...my answer in blue! 1) In picking a doctor - I feel I want to go with a Dr that does both stages in one day. I know this narrows down the list of possible Dr's - Can you tell me the names of Dr's that do both stages on the same day? I very much agree with here. There are all kinds of reasons why a very skilled surgeon might prefer one day or two days of surgery for you. Find the doctor that you feel most comfortable with and then make sure you ask questions about why they are proposing each part of your surgical plan...the staging, the extensivness of the work (levels to be fused), the implants proposed, blood banking and so forth. Each and every answer will help you understand what will happen to you and probably help you evaluate who has thought the most about your case and has the clearest understanding of what they want to do to you. If you look in the files you can find the list of

questions I used perhaps as a jumping off point for your own list. I think if I was a male I might also have asked a question with regard to anterior surgery and the implications for sexual performance....and perhaps the implications of doing nothing. Those nerves are potentially all in the area of concern. 2) Did anyone "post revision" find out after surgery that the problem they went in to fix was not the only problem they found once you were being operated on? I ask this because I think there is something going on at the base of my fusion (near L2 or L3) that is not showing up on the MRI or other tests. I was unable to any contrast dye used in my pre-op tests, so I don't think my tests were as extensive as some have reported. DrRand indicated that there was a possibility that I had a very stable non-union at L4L5 but since he was going to specifically be in that area anyway, it didn't really matter anyway, he

would see what was there when he got in there. 3) Other than Edie, has anyone else opted for having the Laminectomy (sp ck) portion of the surgery - or to rephrase the question - Has anyone had surgery without further fusion? If so, what was the outcome? DrRand told me of a patient of his that I believe had this done and at the time she had returned to her job as a flight attendant. He suggested that while this was somewhat surprising she was doing that well, he still expected he would be seeing her for surgery in the relatively near future. He told me it might get me through to retirement (at the time about a year away), as did DrBoachie, but I would utlimately need further surgery....sooner rather than later. 4) Most of my pain seems to come from Sciatica - but my limitations come from not being able to bend in any direction.... which causes me to be very limited in what I can do: ride

in a certain car, sit in a certain chair, go to certain restaurants, stand in church, stand at family or friends houses (when I go).... it causes me to miss out on some of my kids school functions - I am only able to walk short distances, drive just a few miles - or even sit in the chairs that I can tolerate for much time at all... On strictly an opinion only basis: when do you say Enough! And go to the next step with surgery? Only you can answer this question Ken. At some point you will know that your current situation is untenable and you want to at least try to improve your circumstances. If it is any good news, DrRand told me that he had the most success with pain reduction when the main complaint was sciatic type pain. For me this proved to be true. All of the things you are now limited in are areas that I too struggled in. None of them are really a factor for me today. I think the most constant comment I get is how much younger

I look now that my face is not contorted in pain! 5) BTW: my kids are 7, 9 & 13 (Is there a preferred age to wait to have surgery? There is never going to be a perfect time. With your kids at this ages based on my experience of one boy, then 9, you should do fine. They are all well beyond the age where they require much in the way of "physical parenting"...and lets face it, you haven't been doing much of that anyway, have you? Your kids are also all at an age where they can understand that you are going to be the "needy" one after surgery for awhile. I found that, all and all, this was very healthy for Matias. I believe that in this day and age, parents tend to do too much for their kids, not giving them the satisfaction of contributing to the family wellbeing or learning to take care of themselves. Having this surgery kind of forced us to hold my son accountable for some chores and picking up after

himself....and that has all been to the good.> For those interested: I am down 58 lbs!! Terrific...how much lower are you going to go? Take Care, Cam

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Dear Ken,

Okay, time for some tough love. What is it that you want, the perfect doc,and how would you know who's perfect for you till you either see one, or two or three, or at least work on getting some phone consults done. Sacrifices made to get to a good doc is worth the cost,of time, and pain, and money. You have a excellent doc within your state in Dr. Hu, and while the City can be a pain to get around in all major metro area's are. You are lucky to have a terrific doc in State, many here have traveled across country to get to a qualified doc, I know from dealing with Carla Kay who traveled from West Virginia to see Kumar here in Denver, and also LaGrone in texas since there was no qualified doc's in Flatback surgery in her state.Her level of disability was shocking to even me, literally bent in half, using a walker full time to get around. Still she wanted to get to a good doc, and even though her primary income is Social Security disability, she found a way to get donated flights and get to see the two doc's she had on her list. I'm lucky, my doc was literally twenty miles down the road, while Kumar isn't on the top " Five list" ( LaGrone, Bridwell, Boachie, Rand, and Hu) he did an excellent job on me, and I got all I wanted from my three surgeries, upright, painfree and level. You have to find your doc, and it was the hardest part of this struggle for me, I saw twenty some doc's over fifteen years who didn't even recognise Flatback. I didn't even know that was what was wrong with me till I got to Kumar. So at least you are about a hundred steps ahead of me at the beginning of this, you have a list of excellent doc's who " Get" it. So take the short flight to San Francisco, see Dr. Hu. I grew up in Northern California, and the City ( S.F.) was always our city, stunning to visit, so much to see, so take the family, see Dr. Hu, rent a van and a wheelchair if necessary and see the beauty of the area along with getting your much needed consult.

Also know most of these major doc's do phone consults, some charge, others don't. Did you ever send your x-rays to Kumar after you talked to his assistant Lee? Consults over the phone even if the charge may help you to narrow down who you'd like to see.

I and no one else here can tell you who is the perfect doc for you, it's a very personal choice. I found Kumar in a round about way, but it was meant to be, and I'm happy every day of my life with my choice. I knew he was going to get me better, a gut feeling thing, but I also did my homework. Then it all comes down to weather or not you trust this guy/gal to open you up and work on your spine, and to find you some quality of relief. I knew he was my Doc, just like Cam knew Rand was hers. So all in all, this for me was the hard part, but know you have options in doc's and now you must do the work of finding who is best for you. I'm off my soapbox now, hope you take this with the help it's meant to be.

Colorado Springs

.. [ ] Questions

Hello All,

A couple days ago I posted that I would be thinking of some questions to ask of you and here are just a few that I have...

Since putting off surgery til my mid 40's may not be a reality.... I feel I need to start asking questions again... (Thanks for putting up with me) lol

1) In picking a doctor - I feel I want to go with a Dr that does both stages in one day. I know this narrows down the list of possible Dr's - Can you tell me the names of Dr's that do both stages on the same day?

2) Did anyone "post revision" find out after surgery that the problem they went in to fix was not the only problem they found once you were being operated on? I ask this because I think there is something going on at the base of my fusion (near L2 or L3) that is not showing up on the MRI or other tests.

3) Other than Edie, has anyone else opted for having the Laminectomy (sp ck) portion of the surgery - or to rephrase the question - Has anyone had surgery without further fusion? If so, what was the outcome?

4) Most of my pain seems to come from Sciatica - but my limitations come from not being able to bend in any direction.... which causes me to be very limited in what I can do: ride in a certain car, sit in a certain chair, go to certain restaurants, stand in church, stand at family or friends houses (when I go).... it causes me to miss out on some of my kids school functions - I am only able to walk short distances, drive just a few miles - or even sit in the chairs that I can tolerate for much time at all... On strictly an opinion only basis: when do you say Enough! And go to the next step with surgery?

5) BTW: my kids are 7, 9 & 13 (Is there a preferred age to wait to have surgery?

Sorry so long - any feedback is appreciated!!

For those interested: I am down 58 lbs!!

Take care, Ken.

Get your email and more, right on the new .com

Ken Leonard

Branch Manager - Sr. Mortgage Planner - Realtor

Direct Line: 562-355-2954


Leonard CapitalRichmond Home Loan 10531 Humbolt St. Los Alamitos, Ca 90720

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 15/10/2006 20:13:31 GMT Daylight Time,

dstexan2000@... writes:



>>>LOL - NOT! Has some little tike put something on your keyboard - I must

watch out for that one!

HNI Peptizyde worked great for my son, his issue was casein. Sensitivity to

milk can be more than an issue with 'Peptides' could be Lactose intolerance,

could be synthetic vitamins they add to the milk.

I would consider starting with Peptizyde and then looking at Lactose

digesting enzyme if that doesn't do the trick. Some kids just do better without


milk at all

Good luck

Mandi in UK

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> What,kind,of,enzynes,can,we,use,to,lessen,autisic,like,syptoms?

Depends on why he has milk sensitivity. If it is the milk protein

[casein], which is common for autistic children, try HNI AFP Peptizyde



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everybody,

I'm a newby and feeling quite overwhelmed with how much there is to keep

track of.

The ratios thing has me almost crying. And I don't know what to eat. I

can't find info on when and how to take supplements. I'd like to put my 9

yr old on it but don't know how to do the supplements with him and he goes

to his dad's frequentlly and eats junk. Is it pointless to do the diet only

when he's here with me?

I'm starving right now. My brain fog makes this so daunting, I truly don't

know what to do. But I'm so sick, if I don't do somthing, I'm scared I'm

going to die. My symptoms began when I was in my 20's. Now I'm 46. I

managed pretty well until my marriage, then he was so awful, the stress made

me struggle for health, then having a baby by c section put me over the top

and I have been rapidly going down hill from there.

Last year I tried the SCD diet. I liked it and managed pretty well. But I

fell off the wagon too soon and feel sicker than ever. I'm spacey and my

memory is horrible.

Any tips would be very appreciated. I've read all over the files section.

I can't find many of the suitable doses for the supplements. Have you said

in the recent discussion that Carlsons COD is okay? I do know that it is a

reputable oil but don't know if it's suitable for this.

Should I start right in with the electrolyte drink?

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