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Roni & Chuck,

Thank you for your reply. In May 2009, I saw this endocrinologist because for

the first time in my life, my TSH went slightly over 4.2 during a regular

checkup by my PCP. He did a physical exam of me and retested my thyroid.

Everything came back to be normal. In hindsight, that was triggered by birth

control pills. High estrogen can surpress thyroid. I didn't take any medication.

Thyroid went back to normal.

Then after significant kelp/seaweed intake in Oct/Nov and all the symptoms I

experienced, I saw the endocrine doctor again in early Dec. He did a physical

exam again and found slightly enlarged goiter. Lab tests came back to be normal.

TSH was 3.74, high but still below 4.0 (I now agree that the test range is too

broad. Many symptoms can emerge well before the test results become abnormal). I

was in the ER the day after Christmas. TSH went up to 5.05, T4 total normal. I

called the endocrinologist and asked if he could give me medication. He said my

thyroid problem was caused by excess iodine. It will eventually go away if I

stop eating kelp/seaweed. This is a transitional problem that's why he cannot

give me medication.





> From: benzo4321 <ruby.none@...>

> Subject: Questions

> hypothyroidism

> Date: Saturday, January 2, 2010, 10:01 AM



> 1) how do i know if I am transitional hypo or permanent hypo? My

endocrionogist does not want to give me medication because he thinks i am



> 2) my cholesterol is elevated as a result of being hypo. how do you manage

your cholesterol? by drugs?


> 3) if i have to be on thyroid meds, are armour or other natural drugs always

better than synthetic?


> 4) is finding the right dose of thyroid med a long process? Any tips?


> Thanks,


> Ruby




> ------------------------------------



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You wrote:

> ... Everything came back to be normal. In hindsight,

> that was triggered by birth control pills. High estrogen can surpress

> thyroid. ... TSH went up to 5.05, T4 total normal. I called the

> endocrinologist and asked if he could give me medication. He said my

> thyroid problem was caused by excess iodine. It will eventually go away

> if I stop eating kelp/seaweed. This is a transitional problem that's why

> he cannot give me medication.

You didn't specify where you live. This sounds like logic that I have

only heard coming from the U.K. The current guidelines being taught in

the U.S. (based on recent interactions with two professors at KU Medical

School) typically start treatment with a TSH around 4.0 and recommend

testing at least FT4 in addition to TSH and T4.

Both the estrogen and iodine effects (Wolff-Chaikoff) are temporary.

High estrogen usually means something that happens in pregnancy or

pre-eclampsia, not birth control. Progesterone is supposed to more or

less cancel the estrogen effects on the thyroid. At any rate, the

thyroid axis gradually accommodates the elevated levels and returns to

normal on its own. At least in countries outside the U.K. :)

Longer term, iodine/kelp can sometimes cause hyperT in a partially

functioning thyroid. As we have discussed many times on this list, this

combination will also often trigger or aggravate Hashimoto's.

I suggest you drop the iodine/kelp until you get a thyroid prescription.

You may choose to go back to it later, but I would back off until you

get to a full replacement T4 level.

Also, you may get more response from your PCP, although that may be

difficult to do, now that you have been turned down by the endo.


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I live in NJ, USA. The endo I saw is a top New York doctor whose office is

located inside the NYU medical center. He tested my Free Thyroixine Index (is

this FT4?) on Dec 22. It was 2.3.

I saw my PCP toay. He also refused to give me medication. He asked me to come

back in a few weeks to repeat the test.

After I saw the endo on Dec 22, he asked me to eat a normal diet and not to be

on a low-iodine diet. But I was afraid of irregular heartbeats that usually

happened at night. I was on a low-iodine diet for 10 days until my body told me

that it was overdone. I now take 5/8 of a one a day multivitamin. Once iodine

excess was found, it was very difficult to find a good professional opinion that

could safely guided me back to normal. Most doctors are not experienced in

handling such a situation.

The reality is that at this moment, no doctor I have seen is willing to

prescribe me thyroid medication.

Regarding your comment about progesterone, I learned from another group

and also from my personal experience that adequate thyroid is the precursor of

progesterone. If thyroid is not fixed, progesterone is most likely to be

deficient. therefore there is no counter action for estrogen. that's why many

women who suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome or infertinity is hypo.

> > ... Everything came back to be normal. In hindsight,

> > that was triggered by birth control pills. High estrogen can surpress

> > thyroid. ... TSH went up to 5.05, T4 total normal. I called the

> > endocrinologist and asked if he could give me medication. He said my

> > thyroid problem was caused by excess iodine. It will eventually go away

> > if I stop eating kelp/seaweed. This is a transitional problem that's why

> > he cannot give me medication.


> You didn't specify where you live. This sounds like logic that I have

> only heard coming from the U.K. The current guidelines being taught in

> the U.S. (based on recent interactions with two professors at KU Medical

> School) typically start treatment with a TSH around 4.0 and recommend

> testing at least FT4 in addition to TSH and T4.


> Both the estrogen and iodine effects (Wolff-Chaikoff) are temporary.

> High estrogen usually means something that happens in pregnancy or

> pre-eclampsia, not birth control. Progesterone is supposed to more or

> less cancel the estrogen effects on the thyroid. At any rate, the

> thyroid axis gradually accommodates the elevated levels and returns to

> normal on its own. At least in countries outside the U.K. :)


> Longer term, iodine/kelp can sometimes cause hyperT in a partially

> functioning thyroid. As we have discussed many times on this list, this

> combination will also often trigger or aggravate Hashimoto's.


> I suggest you drop the iodine/kelp until you get a thyroid prescription.

> You may choose to go back to it later, but I would back off until you

> get to a full replacement T4 level.


> Also, you may get more response from your PCP, although that may be

> difficult to do, now that you have been turned down by the endo.


> Chuck


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Hi, Ruby. Please see comments below...




> Posted by: " benzo4321 " ruby.none@...

> <mailto:ruby.none@...?Subject=%20Re%3AQuestions> benzo4321

> <benzo4321>



> Sat Jan 2, 2010 10:03 am (PST)




> 1) how do i know if I am transitional hypo or permanent hypo? My

> endocrionogist does not want to give me medication because he thinks i

> am transitional.



I don't know of any way other than a series of blood tests. With these

you can follow the changes in TSH [which may be all a regular doctor

might order] and in T4, T3 and free T4 and free T3 or whatever else is

tested. Others here can make better recommendations on tests than I

can. If you have Hashimoto's there's a very good chance your test

results will go up and down. Do you have Hashimoto's [i don't remember]?




> 2) my cholesterol is elevated as a result of being hypo. how do you

> manage your cholesterol? by drugs?



Controlling cholesterol is supposed to be done to at least some extent

if your hypothyroidism is controlled IIRC. Other than that you can eat

a proper diet or take a statin. I take a statin, but am concerned about

some of the side effects. I haven't had any AFAIK.




> 3) if i have to be on thyroid meds, are armour or other natural drugs

> always better than synthetic?



The T4 and T3 in all products are bioidentical, so the actual molecules

are exactly the same regardless of origin. Most people take only T4

[synthroid or equivalent] and your body makes T3 from that. Apparently

a small percentage of people have T4 to T3 conversion [or othe] problems

and can benefit from T3 in addition to or instead of T4. While there

are numerous anecdotal reports of people doing better taking Armour

rather than Synthroid AFAIK that has not been born out in any of the

credible studies, where the benefit falls to chance or placebo.




> 4) is finding the right dose of thyroid med a long process? Any tips?



That process is called " titration " . It's not typically too long unless

you have Hashimoto's. If you have Hashimoto's the output of your

thyroid gland can to up and down until it is completely destroyed. At

that point titration is typically not difficult.

BTW, you might want to consider my " world view " , which is supportive of

allopathic medicine and modern science although I have no credentials in

any field.





> Thanks,


> Ruby

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Thank you for your reply. It was helpful.

> If you have Hashimoto's there's a very good chance your test

> results will go up and down. Do you have Hashimoto's [i don't remember]?

I don't know if I have Hashimoto's. All I know is that I did have antibodies. My

thyroid was not perfect but was functional before I started to take large

quantity of kelp/seaweed.

> if your hypothyroidism is controlled IIRC. Other than that you can eat > a

proper diet or take a statin.

I saw you mentioning IIRC a couple of times. What is that?



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Sorry; IIRC means " If I Remember Correctly " .

If you have antibodies then you have Hashimoto's. Still, I don't

exactly know what your doctor meant by " transitional " . But with

Hashimoto's the output of your thyroid can go up and down. And iodine

can trigger antibody episodes IIRC.





> Posted by: " benzo4321 " ruby.none@...

> <mailto:ruby.none@...?Subject=%20Re%3AQuestions> benzo4321

> <benzo4321>



> Sun Jan 3, 2010 3:38 pm (PST)




> ,


> Thank you for your reply. It was helpful.


> > If you have Hashimoto's there's a very good chance your test

> > results will go up and down. Do you have Hashimoto's [i don't remember]?


> I don't know if I have Hashimoto's. All I know is that I did have

> antibodies. My thyroid was not perfect but was functional before I

> started to take large quantity of kelp/seaweed.


> > if your hypothyroidism is controlled IIRC. Other than that you can

> eat > a proper diet or take a statin.


> I saw you mentioning IIRC a couple of times. What is that?


> Regards,


> Ruby

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Yeefah,

I am having the same thoughts regarding birth control.

I am considering one of the computers in this shop: http://www.raxmedical.com



> hello everyone


> i have some questions that i was wondering if anyone had answers to:


> 1. what are women doing for birth control while on bee's program?

> 2. sometimes my BM's are narrow and sometimes they are full and round does

this have to do with congestion in my colon. if so what should i do?

> 3.since being on this diet i experience excessive amounts of plaque on my




> thanks,


> yeefah


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> hello everyone


> i have some questions that i was wondering if anyone had answers to:


> 1. what are women doing for birth control while on bee's program?

+++Hi Yeefah. Here's my article " Alternative Birth Control "


> 2. sometimes my BM's are narrow and sometimes they are full and round does

this have to do with congestion in my colon. if so what should i do?

+++Narrow BM's aren't a problem. In fact they will be smaller around since you

aren't having so many carbs with fibres that bulk up the stools and cause the

movements to be larger around so they stretch out the intestines.

> 3.since being on this diet i experience excessive amounts of plaque on my


+++That is because your teeth are detoxifying, which will be less and less as

you progress on this program. Just use baking soda on a wet toothbrush, which

dissolves plaque.


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I bought the baby-comp a long time ago, but ended up not using it after a while.

It's basically guessing your ovulation based on passed cycles that it stores up.

This is too risky for me. If you want something a little less risky, I would

read Taking Charge of Your Fertility. They have a website as well, and you can

chart online.

" I am having the same thoughts regarding birth control.

I am considering one of the computers in this shop: http://www.raxmedical.com "

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i've been using Fertility friend online to chart my cycle for years now. it can

track many different symptoms. the more detail you provide, the more accurate

it can be. i just enter my temperature and it works well for me.




> hello everyone


> i have some questions that i was wondering if anyone had answers to:


> 1. what are women doing for birth control while on bee's program?

> 2. sometimes my BM's are narrow and sometimes they are full and round does

this have to do with congestion in my colon. if so what should i do?

> 3.since being on this diet i experience excessive amounts of plaque on my




> thanks,


> yeefah


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


I am not big on shots, but I am less " big " on having low T! 

I, and others, have learned to get past any discomfort with shots.  Once you do

it a few times, it becomes easy.  The trick is to use the finest needle you can

(25 or 27 gauge). 

The 25 ga. 1 " long is probably best unless your husband is really lean, though

even if he is lean, he may want to hear what my doctor said (see below). 

I am lean (5' 8 " 150) and I just saw one of the preeminent HRT doctors - Dr.

Crisler.  He saw me and his recommendation is a 25 ga. 1 " needle.  He

said the injection should be deep into the muscle. Others on this board use a

shorter needle (the 27 ga. 1/2 " ), but based on what Dr. Crisler said, I am

using the 25 ga. 1 " and it works fine.  It doesn't hurt.  If your husband is

not lean, then he may need a longer needle (1.5 " ).

After I got my initial prescription (from my regular MD before I saw Dr.

Crisler) I went on YouTube and saw numerous videos from guys who self-inject. 

After wacthing those videos, I was informed enough to self-inject without any

personal instruction (say, from my doctor or a nurse).  Now that I have done

this about 10 times it's no big deal.

My two cents...


PS - Dr. Crisler doesn't like pellets at all.  In a talk he gave at a HRT

conference, he stated that it makes no sense to prescribe pellets for a

patient when the amount of medicine that the patient gets is unknowable because

it varies all the time.  It sure makes sense.  How can a patient receive the

best benefit from his treatment when the amount of medicine is not known and



From: PatiA <patianderson3@...>

Sent: Mon, April 19, 2010 11:09:38 AM

Subject: questions


My husband has been taking the DIM and Calcium D-glucoarate for about one and a

half months and just started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't seem to be working,

How long should he be on this combo before it kicks in -if it is going to work?

As for T replacement, he first used androgel & testim which quit working, now

has pellets that are about gone. He doesn't want to take injections and has been

putting off going back to doctor because of it (also putting off finding out how

to treat high sugar because he doesn't want injections w/that either)

My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection from her doctor w/ test. and

winstolol (think that is the spelling, she said Stanozolol) I just researched

this and it says it is a steroid and body builders use it instead of test.

because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it also comes in pill form.

Is this an option for my husband?

Thanks, Pati

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By not working are you saying his Estradiol levels have not come down. Did he

ever get his involuntary nocturnal erections that appear during REM (Rapid Eye

Movement) sleep. If he has them it's working if not then do labs get a Quest

test for Estradiol Sensitive #4021 the range is 13 to 54 pg/ml if he is above 30

he is to high. And might need Arimidex to get this down.

If he dose not want shots he better go back and get more pellets or he will

crash some crash hard I do it would put me home on sick leave I could not work.

Most of use don't like shots but after you start on them all get's better.

I am not sure what brand of DIM your using but the ones I find that work are as

follows from a file I made.



Sure here is a few links that are all about it. But there are a lot of Co.'s

out there selling DIM that don't work well. Indolplex/DIM is the best it dose

not get killed in your stomach when you take it.

Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a stable indole found in cruciferous vegetables which

promotes a beneficial estrogen metabolism in both women and men.


in this link it's full of links about it.



If you have DIM in caps it's not Indolplex so to take this and to get it to work

open the cap pore the DIM into a spoon add some Olive oil and take it this helps

to keep it from getting killed in your stomach.

The following is some links to where you can buy Indolplex/DIM.







http://www.easyhealthzone.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=PP0108 & click=71


http://www.drugnatural.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD & Store_Code=DMOS & Product_\


http://www.smartbomb.com/itindo9.html?utm_source=mercent & utm_medium=shopcompare & \

utm_content=itindo9 & utm_campaign=mbsdb & mr:trackingCode=C6AEFBD1-E681-DE11-B7F3-0\

019B9C043EB & mr:referralID=NA

http://www.ritecare.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?db=product_db.dat & category=natural+medic\

ine & method=any_words & search=iti-75336


How to take Indolplex/DIM take one tablet 120 mgs at dinner time it can take 2

weeks to 2 months to get your Estradiol levels down it’s all about how high

you are in your levels. What you need to do is get this down to about 20 pg/ml.

When you get this low your night time and morning wood will come back so strong

it will wake you up this means most of the time your at your best levels or what

I call the sweet spot. Keep taking the DIM but if your wood stops your going

down to low so just stop taking it. The day your wood comes back go back on

the DIM but cut the tablet in half. If your Testosterone was tested and low but

your not on TRT get it tested again you might find your levels came up some 200

to 300 points.



The following is my file on Arimidex


How To Take Arimdex and not go down on your Estradiol to Low.

What I found is if you go to low taking arimidex, it's the length of time your

to low, if your too low say for 8 weeks it can take your body a longer time to

make more Estradiol. Bottom line is to know how not to go to low. Keep a log on

your dose and how you feel men going to low can't get it up taking Viagra. I

went to low when I first tried Arimidex and did not know about going to low or

how one feels to low, so I was low a good 8 weeks. I did not know I was low

until my next labs.

The best gage I have found to control your Estradiol levels is to gage your

night time and morning wood. At good levels or what I call the sweet spot you

get your night time and morning wood back so strong it will wake you up and you

can hang a coat on it.

Most men do good taking .25 mgs or 1/4 of a 1mg. pill, I use a pill cutter to

cut the small pill in half then I stand it on the cut end and use a single edge

razor to cut this in half. A good way to take arimidex is by how high your

levels are. I tested over 90 pg/ml so we tried doing .5 mgs every other day

after 8 weeks my next set of labs showed it did not move below 90, test said

>90. So we did .5 mgs. every day in about 2 weeks I got some strong night time

and morning wood back after not having them for many yrs.

I kept doing this dose and in 8 weeks my next set of labs said <20 back in the

day labs were like this they did not have to good labs we have today they could

not read lower the 20. My Dr. told me this looks to low to stop taking the

Arimidex. The one thing I noticed was my wood stopped and stopping the Arimidex

my wood came back in about 7 weeks my next test at 8 weeks was 24 pg/ml. So we

went back on the Arimidex but the Dr. told me to take .5 mgs every 3 days I was

on this dose not a week and lost wood. This is when I figured out going to low

you lose wood. And the longer your too low the longer it takes to get levels

back up.

I stopped the arimidex right away and got my wood back in 4 days. I then after

playing with the dose for a time found the best dose is .25mgs every 2 to 3


So lets say your labs are less the 50 pg/ml if your take .5 mgs you can go down

so dam fast your miss the sweet spot of your wood and go to low. It's best with

lower levels 50 and under to do less Arimidex .25mgs every 2 days if later your

lose wood when it comes back go to every 3 days.

I have found estradiol is the hardest hormone to control, it goes up or down

from month to month some times I need .25mgs every 2 days other times I need

..25mgs everyday most of the time I do well on every 3 days.

So between wood and labs I do great and so do most of the men I have told this

to. I keep a log on how much I am taking and how I feel. Doing this and reading

back in my log I was able to tell when I was going to high or to low my Dr. lets

me dose my arimidex by how I feel.

Over the yrs. I have posted this story until I am blue in the face.



> From: PatiA <patianderson3@...>

> Subject: questions


> Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 11:09 AM

> My husband has been taking the DIM

> and Calcium D-glucoarate for about  one and a half

> months and just started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't seem

> to be working, How long should he be on this combo before it

> kicks in -if it is going to work? As for T replacement, he

> first used androgel & testim which quit working, now has

> pellets that are about gone. He doesn't want to take

> injections and has been putting off going back to doctor

> because of it (also putting off finding out how to treat

> high sugar because he doesn't want injections w/that

> either)


> My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection from her

> doctor w/ test. and winstolol (think that is the spelling,

> she said Stanozolol) I just researched this and it says it

> is a steroid and body builders use it instead of test.

> because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it also

> comes in pill form. Is this an option for my husband?


> Thanks, Pati




> ------------------------------------



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One of the big reasons I picked testosterone injections so quickly after

realizing I have low testosterone was that I was also testing on a fasting blood

glucose in the diabetic range. My blood sugar was not out of control yet, but

it was going to be there fairly quickly.

The other issue was the high blood pressure and the medications that were making

my testosterone drop lower. I can still have spikes in my blood sugar, but for

the most part, testosterone controls the diabetes.

As far as the blood pressure, having well controlled estradiol and being on

testosterone drops mine 30 points.

If I had to say the most influential thing my wife said to me was that we were

not having sex at all and she wasn't ok with that. I wasn't either, but due to

the lack of libido, I simply didn't notice.

He has obligations to your marriage and if having a libido is one of them, bring

it up. That was the worst part of the diabetes/low T, there is so little energy

or motivation to do anything, and yet at the same time, the low grade depression

consumed the rest of me.

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> Dear Bee;

> I sent you some questions last Friday, but I think maybe you did not receive

it. Anyway, will you please let me know if I have to eat grains, which one will

be less evil? The rice, pearl barely or Quinoa? by the way is pearl barely

easily molded?

+++Hi Star. Why do you believe you " must " eat any grains of any kind?


> 2. I am confused about fermented food. According to your program that we are

not supposed to have wine, cheese and vinegar, but then why we can have

fermented Kimchee, cabbage juice or miso. I am confused.

+++You only consume fermented foods that are on the food list.


> 3. Do people with candida problem also have problem with SIBO( small

intestinal bacteria overgrowth) SIBO is not the same as IBS.

+++Yes, some do. See How to Improve Digestion in my candida article:



> 3. Most of the nutritional yeast has fortified Vitamin B. Is the fortified

Vitamin B may contain yeast( not yeast flakes) problem ?

+++Only use Nutritional Yeast " Flakes " that do not contain any active yeast,

i.e. Red Star, Frontier, etc.

Cheers, Bee

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No, he has not had estrogen checked... stupid doctors, both a urologist and a

endocrinologist. I feel that we will have to pay out of pocket for these tests.

I see at direct labs they will do blood testing without an rx. I just believe

that estrogen is a lot of the problem - he's extremely tired all the time and

has that giant beer belly even though he doesn't drink. He was on the gels for

about 7 years. There is almost never any wood, no morning, no night time, not

during REM. If we do attempt intercourse the erection doesn't last.I know that

this, of course, is crushing his ego.Fortunately/unfortunately I am also dealing

with some hormones being out of whack, so I don't care.

I told him what you all said about the pellets and he won't get them again, he

just started using the androgel again as there was a bunch left when he switched

to pellets.

I'm guessing that the stanzolol is not a good option since I have never seen it

on this forum.

guess, I will just have to keep pushing him to injections, yes he is real

terrified and would rather just give up his manhood as to take a shot. Right now

I am worried about his overall health. Pati


> My husband has been taking the DIM and Calcium D-glucoarate for about one and

a half months and just started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't seem to be

working, How long should he be on this combo before it kicks in -if it is going

to work? As for T replacement, he first used androgel & testim which quit

working, now has pellets that are about gone. He doesn't want to take injections

and has been putting off going back to doctor because of it (also putting off

finding out how to treat high sugar because he doesn't want injections w/that



> My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection from her doctor w/ test. and

winstolol (think that is the spelling, she said Stanozolol) I just researched

this and it says it is a steroid and body builders use it instead of test.

because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it also comes in pill form.

Is this an option for my husband?


> Thanks, Pati


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At LEF. they have an Estradiol test cost is $44 but the one you need is the

Sensitive Test they send you to Labcorp so ask for this test.



Estradiol, Sensitive




Test Number: 140244 CPT Code: 82670



> From: PatiA <patianderson3@...>

> Subject: Re: questions


> Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 10:17 AM

> No, he has not had estrogen

> checked... stupid doctors, both a urologist and a

> endocrinologist. I feel that we will have to pay out of

> pocket for these tests. I see at direct labs they will do

> blood testing without an rx. I just believe that estrogen

> is  a lot of the problem - he's extremely tired all the

> time and has that giant beer belly even though he doesn't

> drink. He was on the gels for about 7 years. There is almost

> never any wood, no morning, no night time, not during REM.

> If we do attempt intercourse the erection doesn't last.I

> know that this, of course, is crushing his

> ego.Fortunately/unfortunately I am also dealing with some

> hormones being out of whack, so I don't care.


> I told him what you all said about the pellets and he won't

> get them again, he just started using the androgel again as

> there was a bunch left when he switched to pellets.


> I'm guessing that the stanzolol is not a good option since

> I have never seen it on this forum.


> guess, I will just have to keep pushing him to injections,

> yes he is real terrified and would rather just give up his

> manhood as to take a shot. Right now I am worried about his

> overall health. Pati



> >

> > My husband has been taking the DIM and Calcium

> D-glucoarate for about  one and a half months and just

> started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't seem to be working,

> How long should he be on this combo before it kicks in -if

> it is going to work? As for T replacement, he first used

> androgel & testim which quit working, now has pellets

> that are about gone. He doesn't want to take injections and

> has been putting off going back to doctor because of it

> (also putting off finding out how to treat high sugar

> because he doesn't want injections w/that either)

> >

> > My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection from

> her doctor w/ test. and winstolol (think that is the

> spelling, she said Stanozolol) I just researched this and it

> says it is a steroid and body builders use it instead of

> test. because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it

> also comes in pill form. Is this an option for my husband?

> >

> > Thanks, Pati

> >





> ------------------------------------



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Maybe you could give him the shots????


From: PatiA <patianderson3@...>

Sent: Tue, April 20, 2010 10:17:48 AM

Subject: Re: questions


No, he has not had estrogen checked... stupid doctors, both a urologist and a

endocrinologist. I feel that we will have to pay out of pocket for these tests.

I see at direct labs they will do blood testing without an rx. I just believe

that estrogen is a lot of the problem - he's extremely tired all the time and

has that giant beer belly even though he doesn't drink. He was on the gels for

about 7 years. There is almost never any wood, no morning, no night time, not

during REM. If we do attempt intercourse the erection doesn't last.I know that

this, of course, is crushing his ego.Fortunately/ unfortunately I am also

dealing with some hormones being out of whack, so I don't care.

I told him what you all said about the pellets and he won't get them again, he

just started using the androgel again as there was a bunch left when he switched

to pellets.

I'm guessing that the stanzolol is not a good option since I have never seen it

on this forum.

guess, I will just have to keep pushing him to injections, yes he is real

terrified and would rather just give up his manhood as to take a shot. Right now

I am worried about his overall health. Pati


> My husband has been taking the DIM and Calcium D-glucoarate for about one and

a half months and just started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't seem to be

working, How long should he be on this combo before it kicks in -if it is going

to work? As for T replacement, he first used androgel & testim which quit

working, now has pellets that are about gone. He doesn't want to take injections

and has been putting off going back to doctor because of it (also putting off

finding out how to treat high sugar because he doesn't want injections w/that



> My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection from her doctor w/ test. and

winstolol (think that is the spelling, she said Stanozolol) I just researched

this and it says it is a steroid and body builders use it instead of test.

because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it also comes in pill form.

Is this an option for my husband?


> Thanks, Pati


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Dear Bee; Thank you for the reply.

However, my question were not really clarified by your reply.

1. I know the fermented food list that are allowed to eat. I just want to know

why certain fermented food are allowed and some are not allowed......, because

they are all fermented food.

2. I am modifying my diet gradually. Before I can completely getting rid of

grains, will you please tell me which one is less harmful? Rice, pearl barley or

quinoa?. Your article mentioned that barley is molded, does that included pearl

barley, and why is that?

3. I did not find any info about SIBO in the article you send me. SIBO is not

the same as IBS.

4. You recommend Now brand of Nutritional Yeast FLakes. That one also contain

fortified vitamin B. Is it ok to use ?



> >

> > Dear Bee;


> > I sent you some questions last Friday, but I think maybe you did not receive

it. Anyway, will you please let me know if I have to eat grains, which one will

be less evil? The rice, pearl barely or Quinoa? by the way is pearl barely

easily molded?


> +++Hi Star. Why do you believe you " must " eat any grains of any kind?

> >

> > 2. I am confused about fermented food. According to your program that we are

not supposed to have wine, cheese and vinegar, but then why we can have

fermented Kimchee, cabbage juice or miso. I am confused.


> +++You only consume fermented foods that are on the food list.

> >

> > 3. Do people with candida problem also have problem with SIBO( small

intestinal bacteria overgrowth) SIBO is not the same as IBS.


> +++Yes, some do. See How to Improve Digestion in my candida article:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro2.php#s28

> >

> > 3. Most of the nutritional yeast has fortified Vitamin B. Is the fortified

Vitamin B may contain yeast( not yeast flakes) problem ?


> +++Only use Nutritional Yeast " Flakes " that do not contain any active yeast,

i.e. Red Star, Frontier, etc.


> Cheers, Bee


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Wish I could, I've tried to give my son injections and test. is just too thick -

I can't push it. My son says that he can't/won't inject dad. The group has

mentioned 2 different kinds of testosterone injections, is there a difference?

Thanks for the info w/lab.

As I was reading thru this thread, someone posted a question about laser hair

removal...I was a tech for many years removing hair. It looks like the post was

from a few years ago, but if anybody needs an answer, I can help with that one.


> >

> > My husband has been taking the DIM and Calcium D-glucoarate for about one

and a half months and just started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't seem to be

working, How long should he be on this combo before it kicks in -if it is going

to work? As for T replacement, he first used androgel & testim which quit

working, now has pellets that are about gone. He doesn't want to take injections

and has been putting off going back to doctor because of it (also putting off

finding out how to treat high sugar because he doesn't want injections w/that


> >

> > My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection from her doctor w/ test. and

winstolol (think that is the spelling, she said Stanozolol) I just researched

this and it says it is a steroid and body builders use it instead of test.

because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it also comes in pill form.

Is this an option for my husband?

> >

> > Thanks, Pati

> >









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Phil is (one of the) best to answer your question about 2 kinds of testosterone



From: PatiA <patianderson3@...>

Sent: Tue, April 20, 2010 4:10:51 PM

Subject: Re: questions


Wish I could, I've tried to give my son injections and test. is just too thick -

I can't push it. My son says that he can't/won't inject dad. The group has

mentioned 2 different kinds of testosterone injections, is there a difference?

Thanks for the info w/lab.

As I was reading thru this thread, someone posted a question about laser hair

removal...I was a tech for many years removing hair. It looks like the post was

from a few years ago, but if anybody needs an answer, I can help with that one.


> >

> > My husband has been taking the DIM and Calcium D-glucoarate for about one

and a half months and just started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't seem to be

working, How long should he be on this combo before it kicks in -if it is going

to work? As for T replacement, he first used androgel & testim which quit

working, now has pellets that are about gone. He doesn't want to take injections

and has been putting off going back to doctor because of it (also putting off

finding out how to treat high sugar because he doesn't want injections w/that


> >

> > My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection from her doctor w/ test. and

winstolol (think that is the spelling, she said Stanozolol) I just researched

this and it says it is a steroid and body builders use it instead of test.

because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it also comes in pill form.

Is this an option for my husband?

> >

> > Thanks, Pati

> >









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In this link it's for women trying to become men but it's full of dam good info

a must read.




> From: Bill Totten <bill_totten@...>

> Subject: Re: Re: questions


> Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 5:10 PM

> Phil is (one of the) best to answer

> your question about 2 kinds of testosterone injections.





> ________________________________

> From: PatiA <patianderson3@...>


> Sent: Tue, April 20, 2010 4:10:51 PM

> Subject: Re: questions



> Wish I could, I've tried to give my son injections and

> test. is just too thick - I can't push it. My son says that

> he can't/won't inject dad. The group has mentioned 2

> different kinds of testosterone injections, is there a

> difference? Thanks for the info w/lab.


> As I was reading thru this thread, someone posted a

> question about laser hair removal...I was a tech for many

> years removing hair. It looks like the post was from a few

> years ago, but if anybody needs an answer, I can help with

> that one. Pati



> > >

> > > My husband has been taking the DIM and Calcium

> D-glucoarate for about one and a half months and just

> started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't seem to be working,

> How long should he be on this combo before it kicks in -if

> it is going to work? As for T replacement, he first used

> androgel & testim which quit working, now has pellets

> that are about gone. He doesn't want to take injections and

> has been putting off going back to doctor because of it

> (also putting off finding out how to treat high sugar

> because he doesn't want injections w/that either)

> > >

> > > My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection

> from her doctor w/ test. and winstolol (think that is the

> spelling, she said Stanozolol) I just researched this and it

> says it is a steroid and body builders use it instead of

> test. because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it

> also comes in pill form. Is this an option for my husband?

> > >

> > > Thanks, Pati

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Phil

Are you using the DIM and the Arimidex at the same time?




> Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 11:09 AM

> My husband has been taking the DIM

> and Calcium D-glucoarate for about one and a half

> months and just started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't seem

> to be working, How long should he be on this combo before it

> kicks in -if it is going to work? As for T replacement, he

> first used androgel & testim which quit working, now has

> pellets that are about gone. He doesn't want to take

> injections and has been putting off going back to doctor

> because of it (also putting off finding out how to treat

> high sugar because he doesn't want injections w/that

> either)


> My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection from her

> doctor w/ test. and winstolol (think that is the spelling,

> she said Stanozolol) I just researched this and it says it

> is a steroid and body builders use it instead of test.

> because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it also

> comes in pill form. Is this an option for my husband?


> Thanks, Pati




> ------------------------------------



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> Dear Bee; Thank you for the reply.

> However, my question were not really clarified by your reply.


> 1. I know the fermented food list that are allowed to eat. I just want to know

why certain fermented food are allowed and some are not allowed......, because

they are all fermented food.

+++Hi Star. I did answer you. That is because not all fermented foods are

okay, so you can only have foods on the food list that are fermented, and not

any others.


> 2. I am modifying my diet gradually. Before I can completely getting rid of

grains, will you please tell me which one is less harmful? Rice, pearl barley or

quinoa?. Your article mentioned that barley is molded, does that included pearl

barley, and why is that?

+++Brown rice or quinoa that are properly soaked. Barley like all gluten grains

are genetically modified and contain fungal-type toxins that aren't good for

anyone's health, unless you find a farmer who has saved " original seeds. "


> 3. I did not find any info about SIBO in the article you send me. SIBO is not

the same as IBS.

+++You do not need information specifically for SIBO since you do the same

things I recommend to improve your digestion for any digestive issues.


> 4. You recommend Now brand of Nutritional Yeast FLakes. That one also contain

fortified vitamin B. Is it ok to use ?

+++Yes, since it says " fortified with additional B vitamins. "


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No I did try it and it gave me a bad rash on my legs we could not figure out

what was going on until my DIM was on back order and the rash went away. When

the DIM came in the rash came back.




> > From: PatiA <patianderson3@...>

> > Subject: questions

> >

> > Date: Monday, April 19, 2010, 11:09 AM

> > My husband has been taking the DIM

> > and Calcium D-glucoarate for about one and a half

> > months and just started the TMJ a week ago. It doesn't

> seem

> > to be working, How long should he be on this combo

> before it

> > kicks in -if it is going to work? As for T

> replacement, he

> > first used androgel & testim which quit working,

> now has

> > pellets that are about gone. He doesn't want to take

> > injections and has been putting off going back to

> doctor

> > because of it (also putting off finding out how to

> treat

> > high sugar because he doesn't want injections w/that

> > either)

> >

> > My friend (woman) just got a coctail injection from

> her

> > doctor w/ test. and winstolol (think that is the

> spelling,

> > she said Stanozolol) I just researched this and it

> says it

> > is a steroid and body builders use it instead of

> test.

> > because it doesn't convert to estrogen. I saw that it

> also

> > comes in pill form. Is this an option for my husband?

> >

> > Thanks, Pati

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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