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Re: ADD? duhuh!

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ADD symptoms usually don't get worse after 18 years. They are what they

are...... However, have you ever had your blood potassium levels checked?? I

have problems with chronically low potassium levels, and when they stay too

low for too long, I suffer from symptoms similar to what you are describing.

Just a thought.

Hope you find the answers you need soon.

Pat (g-ma to , RSS, 4 yrs old, G-Tube, GHT)

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Amy, has your doctor checked your blood for thyroid issues? Many of

your complaints can be explained by an over- or under-active thyroid.

The tone in your post indicates you are very anxious about all of

this. Try not to get overly concerned, yet, about the future.

Hugs to you!

Dianne - Ian's grandmother



> In the meantime the symptomes get worse. Can't do two things at

> once, forget things, put thing back in the wrong place (like bread

> in the fridge and things like that), yesterday I actually had

> problems with cutting my food with a knife, writing is a disaster

> (can bearly hold a pen anymore, and exercises don't help with this),

> my wrists are now both hurting (not just the one I write with

> anymore), and the typing doesn't even go splening anymore. I twist

> lettres around, forget words and get a wrong letter every once in a

> while...


> So what will be next? Amnesia? Forget ow to walk? Not being aible to

> go to school anymore? After typing an e-mail like this all of my

> fingers are curled inside... And these moodswings are also a part of

> ADD. If only I knew how far I am ten years from now, would it be

> better?


> Sorry, I'm not that happy anymore, but typing all of this is a

> relief!


> Amy


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Amy - do me a favor <grin> - take a deep breathe. You are fine and

don't be so hard on yourself. I don't have ADD and I forget things

all the time. Stress can have a big impact on forgetfullness, doing

things you wouldn't normally do and many other symptoms. What I

would suggest is that you take a little time to reflect on your

situation before you get " upset " . Try writing some of your symptoms

down on paper. I would also then call your physician and ask him to

run some tests - such as hypoglycemia, diabetes, thyroid and

other " normal " tests. I AM NOT saying you have any of this - but,

if you explain to your physician you are having some interesting

symptoms and go the " physical " route first - he may be more

approachable to doing the ADD test once you have gotten the results

of the other tests. This is just an idea. You should not worry

yourself so my dear. You will be just fine. All you can do is take

it one day at a time. Don't worry so and remember to take some " me "

time. You would be amazed what stress will do to your mind and

body. Keep me posted and let me know what your doc says. Okay?


- H


> Hi all,


> I was so optimistic last week...


> I've done like a dozen of tests that show I have ADD. So I thougt;

> let's go and find a place where I can do a real test so I know for

> sure. That's where everything blew up in my face...


> First I send a mail to a special kind of Child Services here in

> Holland. I simply asked them the question if they knew where I can

> do such a test. I couldn't go by them because I'm over eighteen

> since last Septembre.


> So I went to search on the internet. There it showed I had the

> option of a " crazyhome " (that's how my dad always calls it), but I

> find that very uncomfortable because the last thing I am is one of

> their patiënts.


> Then I saw there are two specialised doctors in ADD/ADHD in the

> hospital cloze to my town. So what do I do, give em a call to see


> they do the tests and when I could come. But the only thing they

> could say to me is; " Sorry miss! We only take patiënts who were


> here by their own doctor or by a shrink! "


> I can allready see the frown on my dr's face. He didn't know from

> RSS when I found out I have it and now what? Am I supposed to go


> him and say " Please send me to the hospital for a test because I

> think I have ADD?? " He'll get me in that crazyhome within the day!


> In the meantime the symptomes get worse. Can't do two things at

> once, forget things, put thing back in the wrong place (like bread

> in the fridge and things like that), yesterday I actually had

> problems with cutting my food with a knife, writing is a disaster

> (can bearly hold a pen anymore, and exercises don't help with


> my wrists are now both hurting (not just the one I write with

> anymore), and the typing doesn't even go splening anymore. I twist

> lettres around, forget words and get a wrong letter every once in


> while...


> So what will be next? Amnesia? Forget ow to walk? Not being aible


> go to school anymore? After typing an e-mail like this all of my

> fingers are curled inside... And these moodswings are also a part


> ADD. If only I knew how far I am ten years from now, would it be

> better?


> Sorry, I'm not that happy anymore, but typing all of this is a

> relief!


> Amy


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