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Nexium & ulcers

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At 8:18 AM -0800 1/26/04, wrote:

>okay, here's my question. Can

>taking Nexium long-term " hurt " us?

Yes and no.

Yes, in the sense that the acid environment in the stomach helps to

suppress potentially harmful bacteria. Nexium is a " proton pump

inhibitor. " That means that it shuts off the production of [a heck

of a lot of] stomach acid. Good for ulcers, but it could then render

the environment more friendly to potentially harmful bacteria.

No, in the sense that there should be no other untoward effects, and

long-term maintenance is often necessary with some people (my thin

son, for example).

>My gastro made it

>seem like he would have me on it for a bit and then

>take me off of it.

Sure, but if you start having symptoms again, he may put you back on it.

>Also, is it possible (I've never

>had an ulcer before so bear with me) that the medicine

>won't get rid of the ulcer? What happens then? Does it

>just perforate?

There are other palliative things that you can take in addition to

the ppi, like antacids. Ask your doc.


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