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RE: Cindy goes to Washington...

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When I made that comment to , I wasn't referring to my post about my

family...I sort of mean it in jest, and in a general way. I was meaning that I

whine about little things...but never in front of people I don't know well...it

takes me, oh, I don't know, maybe five minutes to warm up before I start

in....hahahaha And as for thinking Lorraine was shell shocked after a

few hours in her " funny farm " all I can say is, I'll fit right in....lol

I posted what I did in here because I know there are many who would understand

the pain that I was feeling and the support I've received has made me feel

strong...I'm ready to go...

I know the dynamics of my family will chance...I look forward to watching....

Thanks Pandy, for your words of encouragement


I saw no whining at all in your post. I saw only the pain that so many of us

go through when dealing with our families. Our families *should be* the most

loving, supportive, caring folks in our lives, but they're often the ones

who hurt us the most. That's why my FRIENDS are my family. =)

Don't belittle your valid concerns. It isn't whining. You are sharing with

us, and there are many of us who appreciate seeing in print what we feel in

our hearts but don't often say out loud. Don't belittle yourself. Your

friends obviously see the true, wonderful you, as my friends see the true,

wonderful me (no, I don't quite believe that part about me, but I'm hoping

that if I say it enough I'll actually believe it like my friends do!

Family dynamics *do* change as we gain self esteem and confidence. Friend

dynamics do, too. Our roles change, and change is very scary for people. Our

families are usually sure they know what's better/best for us, and they

don't trust our judgment enough (and neither do we). Over time, I think we

*do* trust our own judgment more.

I'm so jealous of you going to spend time with mom! I think I'll schedule a

revision with Dr. Oh just so I can, too!



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