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Help me understand these measurements please,

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Can anyone help me better understand these measurements that the tech gave to my husband.

Right anterior -----> Left posterior 150 on 09-02-10

Right anterior------>Left posterior 153 on 10-07-10

" " 153 on 10-21-10

Left Anterior------->Right Posterior 130 on 09-02-10

" " 138 on 10-07-10

" " 141 on 10-21-10

Cranial Vault Asymmetry 20 on 09-02-10

" " " 15 on 10-07-10

" " " 12 on 10-21-10

Are these good results??? The cranial vault asymmetry of 20. is that considered Severe Plagiocephaly? I keep seeing people writing that their child has 6mm plagio etc. Does this mean my son started with 20mm??

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Yes to all the questions. Going from 20 to 12 is a big improvement. I don't know

if you are exiting or just get measured each time, but I'd continue treatment.

Congrats on the great results so far!


> Can anyone help me better understand these measurements that the tech gave

> to my husband.



> Right anterior -----> Left posterior 150 on 09-02-10

> Right anterior------>Left posterior 153 on 10-07-10

> " " 153 on 10-21-10



> Left Anterior------->Right Posterior 130 on 09-02-10

> " " 138 on 10-07-10

> " " 141 on 10-21-10





> Cranial Vault Asymmetry 20 on 09-02-10

> " " " 15 on 10-07-10

> " " " 12 on 10-21-10





> Are these good results??? The cranial vault asymmetry of 20. is that

> considered Severe Plagiocephaly? I keep seeing people writing that their

> child has 6mm plagio etc. Does this mean my son started with 20mm??




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to SBilliel,

Thank you for confirming what I asked. I only have gone once to Hanger because of a horrible work schedule and also their limited office hours. I will be taking him next week, but my husband can get off from work easier than me. We were told last week that he is "clinically" done, but she would rather wait until he outgrows the helmet. I am very pleased so far. Thanks again.

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