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At 17:29 19.03.99 +0100, you wrote:

>From: blente@ah.telia.no (Ole Blente)

>Do you already have 50 kg stored?

I have never search for bentonite in Norway.

I still have some small amount that I took with me two years ago from


I guess it is easy to find it in Norway, considering all the Offshore Oil

drilling companies, but I have not tried searching.

> I started inspired from the ultimate

>fast a week ago using lemonade without the bentonite, eating some fruit

>in addition.

>I experiense a problem with the salt waterenema. Drinking one liter in

>the morning nothing comes through. Is it because of the bentonite or the

>fruit or something else?

It can be that water was not enough salty.

If water is not salty enough, your body will not recognize it as a

potential problem, and your intestines may decide to absorbe it.

Make sure you make it very salty and water should be warm (36-38C). The

more salty it is, the less chances that you will absorbe it.

Maybe, your body was hungry for salt ? :-)


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  • 7 months later...

What would be wrong with mixing a soy based protein powder such a Spiroteen

with the Bentonite? Does anybody know? THis is what I intend to do when I

go on my worm-killing spree, when I find out if I have them or not. I can't

afford a doctor to tell me if I do or not.

How do you tell? I just know I'm always hungry and I keep losing weight.

Poor energy too.


Benaiah nsen

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On 10/30/99 8:08 PM, BENAMOSES@... at BENAMOSES@... wrote:

> From: BENAMOSES@...


> What would be wrong with mixing a soy based protein powder such a Spiroteen

> with the Bentonite? Does anybody know?

The only thing 'wrong' with doing this is it would be throwing money down

the drain.

Bentonite is highly absorptive, and would absorb most if not all of the

nutritional components of the drink.

Also, the soy based proteins are all highly overrated, and in fact some

studies are showing that they are not NEARLY as healthy as is being touted.

The best source of protein, believe it or not, is fresh grass juice...just

as horses, cows, elephants, giraffes, etc.



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In a message dated 10/31/99 03:19:50, cmarcus@... writes:

<< Bentonite is highly absorptive, and would absorb most if not all of the

nutritional components of the drink.


, do you have any ideas on how long it would be good to stay on

bentonite as a cleanse before it started to tax or deplete the organism, or

if in fact that would ever be the case?


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On 10/31/99 9:26 AM, RJGoldsmit@... at RJGoldsmit@... wrote:

> , do you have any ideas on how long it would be good to stay on

> bentonite as a cleanse before it started to tax or deplete the organism, or

> if in fact that would ever be the case?

> Robin

I would only use it while doing colon cleansing, and I would do that in

stages. Everyone is different. Some people may be in such shape that they

should only cleanse for 2-3 days at a time, until they get stronger, while

others may be able to go on long cleanses of 10+ days. It also depends on

dosage, etc. Bottom line is, everyone must decide for themselves. Research,

study, discuss it with a Doctor who is knowledgeable/friendly in that area,

then make up your own mind about it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 11/11/99 12:39:36 PM Central Standard Time,

kathlyc@... writes:

<< tried bentonite this summer - it was actually to cleanse my bowel - I was


drink it before eating each morning along with 1/2c aloe vera juice, 1/2c


juice, and something else that I can't remember now - I didn't notice that it

did anything. Psyllium husks on the other hand are great! They just taste

yucky! I much prefer the Lifiber that Enrich has - it has other things mixed

with the psyllium that doesn't make it taste as bad, and it really " pushes "

things out more so than just the psyllium alone...

Kath. >>


If you take bentonite...you'll need a push...very constipatong.....but so

good for



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I tried bentonite this summer - it was actually to cleanse my bowel - I was to

drink it before eating each morning along with 1/2c aloe vera juice, 1/2c apple

juice, and something else that I can't remember now - I didn't notice that it

did anything. Psyllium husks on the other hand are great! They just taste

yucky! I much prefer the Lifiber that Enrich has - it has other things mixed

with the psyllium that doesn't make it taste as bad, and it really " pushes "

things out more so than just the psyllium alone...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi #2,

I have a few recommendations. Actually they are NOT recommendations,

as I only know what has worked for me, and you may be different,

or know that these things don't fit for you or that they do.

Please follow your own guidance and wishes.

I have had NUMEROUS bouts of very itchy skin from allergic

reactions (on skin) that itch and spread. This was a more

or less regular part of life for me for a few years.

(Thankfully this almost never happens to me any more!)

a. bentonite does help with itching, but it is " messy " , so I

would probaly only use it in ceratin cases! As I've said

I've used bentonite in baths (a cup or two in the whole tub).

It feels good, and draws impurities out of you. Do NOT get

the clay-water on your hair. It has

really messed my hair up (dried it out BADLY), ends up feeling

kinda like straw. The woman I first heard about bentonite

baths from recommended them for acute or chronic illnesses.

For itchy skin, I find it relieves the itching....for maybe

a few hours or overnight. I've also put a thick paste of

bentonite onto my skin and wrapped in place with gauze.

After it dries out completely you can change it with

new clay if you wish. This is okay when one is comfortable

at home, but one does not necessarily want to go out with

big bandages all over the place, thus my comment that

it is a bit " messy " .

Bentonite is MUCH MUCH cheaper at a clay supply, so if you

are going to use a lot of it, it might be worth looking

into that. (Again, if I'm going to swallow it, I buy

the stuff at the health food store that they sell by the

ounce. I don't know if there is much difference, but I

want to be more careful with what I'm swallowing.

Besides, I'm not going to swallow very much, where I've

used many pounds externally, mostly in baths.) One nice

advantage of the bath is that it covers ALL of the skin

at one time!

b. oatmeal baths are also VERY VERY soothing for itchy

skin. Look for Aveeno brand oatmeal bath packets at the

drugstore. I try to always have some of this around.

Or you can just put actual oatmeal into your bath!

Put it into a muslin bag or something like that where the

sticky " milk " can get out but not the oatmeal fiber, so

it doesn't clog your drain too badly! This is also great

for relief for a while.

Squeeze the bundle of oatmeal to help soften it up

into the water.

(Aveeno also makes an oatmeal lotion and soap, which

I have not had great effects from, but only tired

a couple times.)

c. cortizone was only a minor help for me. What I like

better is a non-prescription lotion called " Sarna " lotion.

It has innocuous ingredients (menthol or peppermint or

something). If I put this on IMMEDIATELY at the very

first sign of itching it really helps, usually preventing

the whole thing from flaring up or becoming a problem.

By the way, Sarna Lotion is available at SOME drugstores,

but not all. Try Longs or Payless...some have it, some

don't. Probably in with the medicated lotions (rather

than with the hand lotions). I also always have Sarna

lotion around!

good luck!


>Message: 7

> Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:11:30 EST

> From: 94104@...

>Subject: Re: Bentonine


>I have a quick question I also have itchy skin on my arms, back and upper

>chest area. Does bentonine reduce the itching? I have been trying to use

>cortizone which doesn't help at all. Thanks


> #2

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In a message dated 11/23/99 07:31:51, moriam@... writes:

<< cortizone was only a minor help for me. What I like

better is a non-prescription lotion called " Sarna " lotion. >>

Did you know that " Sarna " in Spanish means mange (as in what dogs get)?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I would try to stay away from cortisone. I used this years ago (in injection

form for bursitis in my feet) and it went straight into the central nervous

system where it wreaked particular havoc, making me incredibly agitated, out

of control and actually physically violent. I had to stop and just live

hobbling on tiptoe with the pain in my heels, and this was before any

holistic awareness had made me distrustful of allopathic medicine in

principle. I also learned that cortisone was absorbed by the skin directly

into the bloodstream when applied topically, similar effects to injections

(although milder). Although I understand that in recent years cortisone

research and technology has much improved, and " they " claim that it now works

only locally-- " they " put something in it to prevent it from travelling in the

bod.-- based on my previous experiences and knowledge of toxic potential of

this drug, I would suggest out of all the allopathic drugs you want to avoid

(and hopefully it is most or all of them), put cortisone at the top of your



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  • 9 months later...

Why thank you Lori!

Although we haven't yet posted a specific section on the use of bentonite

for internal use, there is wealth of information on the website. In the

future, we do plan on adding such a section, highlighting specifically

dosage levels, and combined treatments ( internal and external ) as well as

a few precautionary notes....

Eytons' Earth



> This is is for anyone interested in bentonite. It has alot of good

> information regarding what bentonite is and the uses of it, as well as

> some scientific studies.


> Lori


> http://members.dencity.com/eytonsearth/eytonsearth.html

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  • 2 months later...


I had taken the psyllium/bentonite for years as part of my twice a year colon cleanse. I have always taken the Sonnes brand of these products since I was raised in the Kansas City area and that is where they are produced. My friend who told me about the cleanse said her naturopath told her they were the best. I started using them in the early 80's. Obviously, they don't fix the problem permanently since I have been using them so long, but they do a great job of cleaning me out twice a year. Gobs and Gobs of crud comes out on the cleanse with the enemas.

I am now older and wiser and am realizing that it doesn't have to be that way if I change the way I eat to get rid of the mucous forming foods in my diet. I had read this, but now I KNOW this. Big difference. I have also been told that the powdered bentonite actually causes clumps of clay to form in the colon. I don't know this, just been told by people who say they have been told by their colon therapists. I haven't found one to personally ask about this myself. The people who have told this to me told me that if people take bentonite at all, it should be in the liquid form.

Anyone have any personal experience with taking it in powdered form? I have only taken the Sonne's brand liquid.


~Karmahttp://loaves-n-fishes.com Vitamins, Herbs, etc. at discount prices.View my current auctions at: http://showcase.auctiva.com/Karma"Find yourself by losing yourself in service to others"~Gandhi


I was interested in the exchange re bentonite becauseI'm about to start a psyllium-bentonite program inpreparation for my next scheduled colonic irrigation.I've already started on the psyllium husks, which area good bowel mover but wonder whether I'll need enemasas well to keep the bentonite from constipating me,and if so how large and often. One of my naturalhealth books just mentions enemas as desirable.Appreciate any advice from those with experience.__________________________________________________

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Yes, I do. I am heading out the door for the evening, but will post them tomorrow.

~Karmahttp://loaves-n-fishes.com Vitamins, Herbs, etc. at discount prices.View my current auctions at: http://showcase.auctiva.com/Karma"Find yourself by losing yourself in service to others"~Gandhi

Re: Bentonite

I am now older and wiser and am realizing that it doesn't have to be that way if I change the way I eat to get rid of the mucous forming foods in my diet. I had read this, but now I KNOW this.

Hello Karma:

Do you have a list of mucous causing foods?

PamelaSubscription email: mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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I am now older and wiser and am realizing that it doesn't have to be that way if I change the way I eat to get rid of the mucous forming foods in my diet. I had read this, but now I KNOW this.

Hello Karma:

Do you have a list of mucous causing foods?


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Thank you for the reply Moria. I too have used bentonite on my skin and in my bath. I had used it for many years and wondered if that was the reason that I am having such a hard time getting my bowels regular.

Thanks again for your input. I appreciate it very much.




Hi Karma,Yes, I have taken powdered bentonite.... HOWEVER, I would**never** take it as a dry powder! Mix it in water andthen drink the mixture. (I know someone will ask howmuch--- don't recall if I used 1 TEASP or 1 TABLESPOON,but I used 1 spoonfull in 1 to 2 cups of water.)I have a book by Hobbs (herbalist) that saysit is good to mix the bentonite in water in a covered jarand put the jar in the sun for a couple of hours.I used to do that sometimes too.I also use Dr Schulze's intestinal cleansing formula#2 from time to time, and it contains bentonite (alongwith charcoal, and other things). It is ALSO mixed withwater before taking it.(Repeat: I would NEVER take bentonite as a dry powder!)I have also used bentonite on cuts, and in baths....it has many purposes.:)MoriaSubscription email: mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups

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  • 1 month later...

At 04:12 AM 1/2/2001 +0000, you wrote:

>Hi everyone...thanks to those of you who responded to my message

>yesterday...Has anyone tried Bentonite???

I asked 2 practioners about bentonite during the past year. Summarized

responses follow.

1) The clay will absorb toxins and poisons but can create problems within

the cleansing process. The user MUST (emphasis not added) be well educated

in it's use. Can effect brain chemistry. Various body reactions can occur.

2) The user must be well educated in it's use. Present day source may

differ from material used in the past. This person had problems with it

that lasted about 1 year and did not recommend at all.

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  • 4 months later...
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Carol - i always buy my bentonite in liquid form. You can take it in

powder - but you should know that bentonite will use up to 15x itself in

water in your system.... so i'm not sure the amounts to mix?



I just bought some bentonite clay at Whole Foods. I don't know how to

mix and use it. Does anyone know the " recipe " ?


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- would love to know more about this.... i have found a fair amount of

bentonite distributors on line - usually tho they advertise their bentonite

for industrial things and for cat litter (!)... i am wondering if a person

would have to first find a good mineral bentonite site and then buy it dry.

Then they would 'mix' it with pure water. This is exactly " what " my husband

and I are trying to find out. The " Attogram " products and other bentonite

marketers out there have their own packaging and are somehow making their

own bentonite.

I have found a great difference between different bentonites. The " Great

plains " brand is a milky color - and the texture is not watery. The brand

that Attogram sells with the caprol is a total different consistency and

" look " than the Great Plains brand. This must be the thing - the

'foundation' of their bentonite mixes - " where " are they getting it? and how

can they be sure of the exact amount of minerals, etc. in it.



- do you know what he is talking about? You are more up on bentonite

than I? I thought that the clay/CS blend would be helpful....

> :


> I'm certainly glad you've experienced good results with your candida

> protocol!


> To keep bentonite pricing in perspective, the reseller cost of bulk USP

> bentonite from a full production quarry is about $200.00 for 50 lb. bag.


> powder form, this would make hundreds of gallons of the similiar


> that Sonne, Yerba, and others market. The speciality companies, however,

> usually feel ( at least in their own minds! ) that their clays are

> particularly suitable for internal detoxification. Some of them certainly

> have valid points to consider - however, I should mention that we've

> received good results from American Colloids 35 mesh industrial bentonite


> well, which sells from between $15.00 - 25.00 per 50 lb bag.


> The type of bentonite one decides to use is largely a personal decision.

> USP processed clay is almost a compromise between a natural clay,


> unprocessed ( by far the most potent ) and FDA grade clay ( used in


> like Pepto Bismol ).


> I personally like V. E. Irons brand USP grade clay - I've followed their

> pioneering work in the supplement industry for quite some time, and have a

> great respect them.


> To give you an idea of the potency of the substance we're talking about

> here, I'd like to relate a very true story on how healing clays, when used

> properly, can be ONE thing a wise individual does not want to do without:


> Back in the mid-eighties, a young gentleman, motor cycle racing


> had a fairly severe accident in a race. He was rushed to the hospital


> a leg partially torn to shreds. In short order he developed an infection

> which turned gangrene, and as time passed, the infection began to spread


> worsen.


> One night, the doctor in charge of the case made the decision that the leg

> needed to be removed, and scheduled surgery for the next morning.


> Meanwhile, the gentleman's father finally arrived from out of town. The

> father, that same evening ( upon seeing the condition of the leg and


> of the doctor's decision ), picked his son up and stole him away from the

> hospital ( didn't even check him out! ). They drove about 1/2 way across

> the country to the west coast, where a particular noteworthy bentonite

> deposit which the father was familiar with was located.


> He took his son to some " oldtimers " who had long been familiar with clay

> healing. They procured a large drum, and filled it with a hydrated

> bentonite " magma " . Upon seeing that these crazy people actually were


> to put his LEG in this this drum of mud, the son strongly resisted, and it

> took six men to force the poor chap's leg into the drum.


> The resistance didn't last long - bentonite often has a tendency to remove

> pain in short order. They left the leg in the clay for four days.


> When they removed his leg from the solution, not only was the infection

> completely gone, but tissue healing had already advanced at a very rapid

> rate. Within two weeks, this lucky chap was back on the race course, leg

> healed. His initial infection was most likely a hospital derived


> resistant infection ( such occurences are becoming more and more common as

> time passes ).


> This is not an exception to the rule. Morey ( the gentleman whom oversaw

> this small miracle ) and the others involved had the complete confidence


> this treatment because they'd seen the same thing happen over and over


> for twenty plus years.


> For those who have the opportunity to experiment with bulk bentonite, even

> quarry processed, a great time to do it is when one doesn't need it. It


> be hard to believe that such a substance has many profoundly effective


> It can also be hard to experiment when yourself or a loved one has


> something tragic which needs immediate and tough decisions.


> Externally, clay can even be used to eliminate stubborn urinary tract

> infections ( clay packs to the lower abdomen ).


> For skin purposes, there is little more effective than a colloidal

> silver/bentonite combination. A bentonite magma made from ~ 20ppm CS ( no

> need to fear " over-burning " a CS batch for external use ) has many

> advantages. It would appear that the CS stays in CS form for the duration

> of it's use - if one prevents evaporation, one actually gets the benefit


> colloidal silver's properties ( once the water evaporates, as when sprayed

> on the face, the effectiveness is at best drastically reduced ).




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I have been able to find some bentonite. It is is powder form, but you mix

it with water. I will go with this as it will cost a fortune from you to

me. Hope I am not to late letting you know this, I have just sourced it 5

minutes ago. Still on for the Caprol. I feel really excited....




> I just bought some bentonite clay at Whole Foods. I don't know how to

> mix and use it. Does anyone know the " recipe " ?


> Carol




> Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to



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  • 1 month later...
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> I

> began


> a search on bentonite. >


> Liz, thanks so much for the info on bentonite. I

just received the candida purge and I'm trying to

learn as much as I can about the products. I can't

wait to start tomorrow! :o)



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  • 4 months later...

--- terhg@... wrote:

> Where can I purchase Bentonite on-line? I couldn't

> find it at my

> local health food store.

Yes, I just got back from the health food store

closest to me and they never heard of it.




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--- Ann Lutz <alutz@...> wrote:

> I get mine from vitaminshop.com they wrap a big

> piece of plastic bubble stuff around the box and

> load the box with styrofoam peanuts, I havent had a

> bottle broken yet.

How much does it cost from the vitaminshop?



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--- A Little <allists@...> wrote:

> they have several products which contain bentonite -

> Sonne #7 (liquid form)

Annie, how long have you been taking it? Do you mix

it with water? What else do you take?






> >From: terhg@...

> >Reply-candidiasis

> >candidiasis

> >Subject: Bentonite

> >Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 19:10:46 -0000

> >

> >Where can I purchase Bentonite on-line? I couldn't

> find it at my

> >local health food store.

> >

> >

> >

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I take #7 and #9 with water - tastes really vile. (I take it with a lot of

water - maybe that dilutes the taste slightly and makes it easier to take.)

I don't even try to stir it really well - the psyllium doesn't like water -

refuses to blend, and I figure once it's in my stomach it'll get sorted out.

I also take a handful of supplements - based on book about the X syndrome.

let me know if you want more details.

I'm also playing with the idea of doing a liver-friendly diet for at least a

week or 2 (which won't do the rest of my body any harm either), but my track

record with diets is dismal, so I haven't quite made up my mind.


> > they have several products which contain bentonite -

> > Sonne #7 (liquid form)


>Annie, how long have you been taking it? Do you mix

>it with water? What else do you take?




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--- A Little <allists@...> wrote:

> I also take a handful of supplements - based on

> book about the X syndrome.

> let me know if you want more details.

YES, I want EVERY detail, please. BTW, what is a

liver-friendly diet?



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