Guest guest Posted August 29, 2005 Report Share Posted August 29, 2005 I offer my left hand only; that really makes people stop and think. gentle hugs, Marcia --- Dorey <ddorey@...> wrote: > Hi Judy, I learned this from Dodie in the RED forum. When it's > necessary to > shake hands, offer your hand to shake but rather than offering your > hand in > the normal way, offer your hand with the palm down.........this will > allow > the person to notice something different and take caution when > shaking your > hand. It's worked for me SO well. > > Dorey > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: " judyinseoul " <mremmert@...> > <Rheumatoid Arthritis > > Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 4:07 AM > Subject: new to group > > > > Hi all, > > > > I haven't received a final diagnosis yet (my appointment is Tues > for blood > > work results), but the doc is quite sure I have RA. > > > > I'll have a ton of questions for all of you - especially after > Tues. > > > > In the meantime, may I ask a social question? How do you all > handle > > handshakes? A man at church today gave me a firm handshake that > about > > brought me to my knees. How do I now politely refuse handshakes, > > especially when there's no time for verbal explanations?? > > > > Thanks in advance, > > Judy R - who lives in Seoul, S. Korea - hence the moniker > above > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2006 Report Share Posted August 23, 2006 Hi Ruth, The choice is yours and many people feel very strongly about this issue but I have made the decision to formula feed and stay on my medications for RA and my other diseases. I feel that a well mom that feels good is better than a mom in pain who is breastfeeding and could have a hard time taking care of her baby. I don't mean to offend, this is just my feeling on the matter. > > Hello everyone, my name is Ruth > I was diagnosed with RA 2 yrs ago. I just recently had a baby And I > must say those 9 mos. were the best, I guess my RA went > into " remission " and I felt my very best. A month after the baby I > began to feel all the aches and pains of RA, I must say they are at > their worst, in these past two months it has progressed so badly that > the pains are waking me up at night. Im so stiff in the mornings the > pain lingers on through out the whole morning, my hands strength has > weakened immensely, I don't know what to do I take Advil and it does > nothing for me... I'm nursing my baby so I can't take anything else > like the Enbrel or the sulfasalazine that I was on before the baby. I > need some advice.. anything... I'd appreciate any of your suggestions > or advice... I'm worried that this is just the begining and that it > could be worse.. please help... thank you > Ruth > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2006 Report Share Posted August 23, 2006 Hi Ruth, It is a big decision. My experience was a little different. I developed RA right after I gave birth 7 years ago. She is my forth child. The doctor blames my pregnancy on my getting RA. I was 40 yrs. old at the time. It took several months for the doctor to figure out why I was experiencing the pain I was in. My hands swelled and my feet were always hot, red and felt like I was walking on broken glass. After numerous doctors, one finally did the right blood tests. By that time my baby girl was about 6 months old and I had been nursing her full time since birth. She had NEVER had a bottle. He wanted to start me on Methotrexate right away. But of course, I would have to stop breastfeeding right away. He put me on prednisone, which was ok to take while nursing her (per her doctor), but I just could'nt stop the breastfeeding.There's such a strong bond between mom and baby that hurts to even think of stopping. I waited another 6 months before stopping. I have 3 other children that I breast fed til they were a year old, so I felt guilty about stopping early for her because of my own problems. I was also working at the time and thought it would be best for the baby to continue that closeness we shared because it really is a once in a lifetime experience that is only shared for such a little time The benefits have been proven to be so worth-while in the long run. This is something only the two of you can share together. As it got closer to her first birthday, we began the weaning process and as we added more "food" to her diet, she slowly wanted the breast less and less. We used sippy cups since she never liked a bottle for anything. My doctor was so glad when we finally stopped breastfeening. At that time he put me on Methotrexat and Enbrel, along with various pain-killers. He actually suggested that if I got pregnant again, it could possibly change my immune system back to normal and cure me of the RA. He said the pregnancy triggered it, maybe it would set things back to normal. He could'nt give me any odds on his thoughts tho. I could'nt see the point in having another baby for those selfish it may not even work, then I'd have even more difficulties in coping with more work, more pain and who knows what else. Besides, four children felt like enought. Especially at age 40. About 3 yrs. ago I got tired of the whole treatment regimen and rebelled by stopping all my meds for a little over a year. I was living in Las Vegas at the time and as time went on I was getting hardly any relief from the meds, so why take them? We all moved to a teeny-tiny town (1700 population) to escape the hussle and meaningless life-style there and have not any regrets at all. The attitudes of people here are ones of true caring and friendlyness is just surreal. I was still of course in alot of pain most of the time and was referred to a doctor by a friend who has RA. Since I quit work, I had no insurance. I'm telling you, there's such a BIG difference in people here. This doctor saw me and treated on a monthly basis at no charge at all. He said until my disabiliy kicked in, that it would be no problem.No doctor in Vegas would ever do that. Anyway, my disability was approved within 4 months and he is of course my same doctor.He's a family doctor and whenever I have to see a rheumy I have to travel about 65 miles. I see that doctor every 3 months. Over the years I have developed nodules on the back of both ankles,elbows and always have stiff and swollen fingers and hands. Some days are good.......some are not. I recieve my Enbrel at no cost thru the Enbrel Foundation and buy the rest of my meds, Cymbalta, Klonopins, Somas, Lortabs and Methotrexate(20mg per week). I have more energy now than before, but if I get carried away with a project or think I'm superwoman, like when was pre-RA, then I suffer from it and feel like "why me?" and then the depression and the lack of self worth begin to creep up on me. So anyway, think long and hard about stopping breastfeeding. I don't have regrets on my decision to continue. Things always have a way of working out. The Lord gave us these breasts for one very important reason. Good luck to you in whatever you decide and may God bless you and your family Let me know how it goes. SHERRYL <catdelouise@...> wrote: Hi Ruth,The choice is yours and many people feel very strongly about this issue but I have made the decision to formula feed and stay on my medications for RA and my other diseases. I feel that a well mom that feels good is better than a mom in pain who is breastfeeding and could have a hard time taking care of her baby. I don't mean to offend, this is just my feeling on the matter.>> Hello everyone, my name is Ruth> I was diagnosed with RA 2 yrs ago. I just recently had a baby And I > must say those 9 mos. were the best, I guess my RA went > into "remission" and I felt my very best. A month after the baby I > began to feel all the aches and pains of RA, I must say they are at > their worst, in these past two months it has progressed so badly that > the pains are waking me up at night. Im so stiff in the mornings the > pain lingers on through out the whole morning, my hands strength has > weakened immensely, I don't know what to do I take Advil and it does > nothing for me... I'm nursing my baby so I can't take anything else > like the Enbrel or the sulfasalazine that I was on before the baby. I > need some advice.. anything... I'd appreciate any of your suggestions > or advice... I'm worried that this is just the begining and that it > could be worse.. please help... thank you> Ruth> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2006 Report Share Posted August 23, 2006 Hi , no offense taken, believe me my husband and my mom did suggest it, and like i wrote to Sierra it's hard for me to make that decision, the thought does cross my mind but so does the guilt feeling, like I should tough it out and continue nursing, but like you say I need to be healthy to care for my children. Thanks again I'll keep you posted as to what I decide.. Ruth <catdelouise@...> wrote: Hi Ruth,The choice is yours and many people feel very strongly about this issue but I have made the decision to formula feed and stay on my medications for RA and my other diseases. I feel that a well mom that feels good is better than a mom in pain who is breastfeeding and could have a hard time taking care of her baby. I don't mean to offend, this is just my feeling on the matter.>> Hello everyone, my name is Ruth> I was diagnosed with RA 2 yrs ago. I just recently had a baby And I > must say those 9 mos. were the best, I guess my RA went > into "remission" and I felt my very best. A month after the baby I > began to feel all the aches and pains of RA, I must say they are at > their worst, in these past two months it has progressed so badly that > the pains are waking me up at night. Im so stiff in the mornings the > pain lingers on through out the whole morning, my hands strength has > weakened immensely, I don't know what to do I take Advil and it does > nothing for me... I'm nursing my baby so I can't take anything else > like the Enbrel or the sulfasalazine that I was on before the baby. I > need some advice.. anything... I'd appreciate any of your suggestions > or advice... I'm worried that this is just the begining and that it > could be worse.. please help... thank you> Ruth> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2006 Report Share Posted August 23, 2006 Ruth wrote: I just recently had a baby And I > must say those 9 mos. were the best, I guess my RA went > into " remission " and I felt my very best. A month after the baby I > began to feel all the aches and pains of RA, Ardeith writes: My first rheumy told me that my last pregnancy had held off the onset of RA for me......but a couple of months after the baby was born it hit big time, both hands, both feet, knees, elbows.......I couldn't even push a diaper pin through a diaper. My fourth baby was the only one raised in disposable diapers. Loved those sticky tabs! I could work with those. Ruth wrote: I'm nursing my baby so I can't take anything else > like the Enbrel or the sulfasalazine that I was on before the baby. Ardeith writes: I nursed all four of mine......but the last one got weaned to a bottle at about seven months......the rheumy recommended it, and besides, she was biting! I just couldn't cope with her biting my nipples on top of all the other aches and pains. Yes, she was teething.....but nipples are not chewy's! She soon refused the bottle for a sippy cup....... Ruth wrote: I'm worried that this is just the begining and that it > could be worse.. please help... Ardeith writes: Of course, it could be worse......and might. But you have some things going for you that I didn't have in 1972. Doctors and researchers understand more about RA now, and there are meds that are more effective at stopping the damage now. Yes, some of them have side-effects......but Celebrex is all that kept me out of a wheel chair for several years. I was fortunate in that I was on the drug study for Celebrex, and actually on the drug. It was a double-blind study, so my doctor didn't even know what I was on.....but I could feel the relief within a couple of weeks. I've been on several drug studies....starting back in the '70's. I'm on Embrel, Celebrex, folic acid, and a pain pill now. I just use the pain pills when I know I'm going to have to be on my feet more than half an hour. I was on Methotrexate, but my doctor didn't like my liver test results and took me off it. I didn't notice any increase in pain when I came off, I figure all it did for me was damage my liver a bit. The tests now show my liver functioning properly. Whatever that means. Ardy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 23, 2006 Report Share Posted August 23, 2006 My first child I had a lot of complications and could not breast feed. It bothered me at first that I wasn't a "good mom" because I couldn't do the "best thing" for my child. My pediatrician told me that considering my medical conditions I was being a "good mom" because I had a healthy happy baby even on formula. Under the circumstances the "best thing" was for me not to breastfeed. I needed medical attention and putting my needs off would not have given me a happy baby. Babies are happy when their mommies are happy. How does your pain and condition affect your baby? That's what you need to think about. Don't try to be a "good mom" you already are. Your a "good mom" when you keep your self healthy and happy and your baby will be too. My second child I breast fed. It was a great time for both of us. I have not noticed a difference in the bonding between me and either child. Do what's best for your situation and don't worry what anyone else may say. You did your best and that's what counts. Staceyruth camacho <annabelle506@...> wrote: Hi , no offense taken, believe me my husband and my mom did suggest it, and like i wrote to Sierra it's hard for me to make that decision, the thought does cross my mind but so does the guilt feeling, like I should tough it out and continue nursing, but like you say I need to be healthy to care for my children. Thanks again I'll keep you posted as to what I decide.. Ruth <catdelouisecomcast (DOT) net> wrote: Hi Ruth,The choice is yours and many people feel very strongly about this issue but I have made the decision to formula feed and stay on my medications for RA and my other diseases. I feel that a well mom that feels good is better than a mom in pain who is breastfeeding and could have a hard time taking care of her baby. I don't mean to offend, this is just my feeling on the matter.>> Hello everyone, my name is Ruth> I was diagnosed with RA 2 yrs ago. I just recently had a baby And I > must say those 9 mos. were the best, I guess my RA went > into "remission" and I felt my very best. A month after the baby I > began to feel all the aches and pains of RA, I must say they are at > their worst, in these past two months it has progressed so badly that > the pains are waking me up at night. Im so stiff in the mornings the > pain lingers on through out the whole morning, my hands strength has > weakened immensely, I don't know what to do I take Advil and it does > nothing for me... I'm nursing my baby so I can't take anything else > like the Enbrel or the sulfasalazine that I was on before the baby. I > need some advice.. anything... I'd appreciate any of your suggestions > or advice... I'm worried that this is just the begining and that it > could be worse.. please help... thank you> Ruth> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 24, 2006 Report Share Posted August 24, 2006 Hi Ruth, I guess you just have to out weigh your options. Do you want to be there physically for your baby or do you want the benefits from breastfeeding? After I had my daughter in 2000 my RA was the worst its ever been. I couldnt do anything for my daughter. I cried alot. I didnt have to worry about breastfeeding though. I had no choice, I couldnt! I got phneumonia a week before I had her and was in ICU until I gave birth so I was already medicated for that. I wish I could do her first year all over again. Do whats you think is best and good luck !! Sherryl Swarts <sasfrankjems@...> wrote: Hi Ruth, It is a big decision. My experience was a little different. I developed RA right after I gave birth 7 years ago. She is my forth child. The doctor blames my pregnancy on my getting RA. I was 40 yrs. old at the time. It took several months for the doctor to figure out why I was experiencing the pain I was in. My hands swelled and my feet were always hot, red and felt like I was walking on broken glass. After numerous doctors, one finally did the right blood tests. By that time my baby girl was about 6 months old and I had been nursing her full time since birth. She had NEVER had a bottle. He wanted to start me on Methotrexate right away. But of course, I would have to stop breastfeeding right away. He put me on prednisone, which was ok to take while nursing her (per her doctor), but I just could'nt stop the breastfeeding.There's such a strong bond between mom and baby that hurts to even think of stopping. I waited another 6 months before stopping. I have 3 other children that I breast fed til they were a year old, so I felt guilty about stopping early for her because of my own problems. I was also working at the time and thought it would be best for the baby to continue that closeness we shared because it really is a once in a lifetime experience that is only shared for such a little time The benefits have been proven to be so worth-while in the long run. This is something only the two of you can share together. As it got closer to her first birthday, we began the weaning process and as we added more "food" to her diet, she slowly wanted the breast less and less. We used sippy cups since she never liked a bottle for anything. My doctor was so glad when we finally stopped breastfeening. At that time he put me on Methotrexat and Enbrel, along with various pain-killers. He actually suggested that if I got pregnant again, it could possibly change my immune system back to normal and cure me of the RA. He said the pregnancy triggered it, maybe it would set things back to normal. He could'nt give me any odds on his thoughts tho. I could'nt see the point in having another baby for those selfish it may not even work, then I'd have even more difficulties in coping with more work, more pain and who knows what else. Besides, four children felt like enought. Especially at age 40. About 3 yrs. ago I got tired of the whole treatment regimen and rebelled by stopping all my meds for a little over a year. I was living in Las Vegas at the time and as time went on I was getting hardly any relief from the meds, so why take them? We all moved to a teeny-tiny town (1700 population) to escape the hussle and meaningless life-style there and have not any regrets at all. The attitudes of people here are ones of true caring and friendlyness is just surreal. I was still of course in alot of pain most of the time and was referred to a doctor by a friend who has RA. Since I quit work, I had no insurance. I'm telling you, there's such a BIG difference in people here. This doctor saw me and treated on a monthly basis at no charge at all. He said until my disabiliy kicked in, that it would be no problem.No doctor in Vegas would ever do that. Anyway, my disability was approved within 4 months and he is of course my same doctor.He's a family doctor and whenever I have to see a rheumy I have to travel about 65 miles. I see that doctor every 3 months. Over the years I have developed nodules on the back of both ankles,elbows and always have stiff and swollen fingers and hands. Some days are good.......some are not. I recieve my Enbrel at no cost thru the Enbrel Foundation and buy the rest of my meds, Cymbalta, Klonopins, Somas, Lortabs and Methotrexate(20mg per week). I have more energy now than before, but if I get carried away with a project or think I'm superwoman, like when was pre-RA, then I suffer from it and feel like "why me?" and then the depression and the lack of self worth begin to creep up on me. So anyway, think long and hard about stopping breastfeeding. I don't have regrets on my decision to continue. Things always have a way of working out. The Lord gave us these breasts for one very important reason. Good luck to you in whatever you decide and may God bless you and your family Let me know how it goes. SHERRYL <catdelouisecomcast (DOT) net> wrote: Hi Ruth,The choice is yours and many people feel very strongly about this issue but I have made the decision to formula feed and stay on my medications for RA and my other diseases. I feel that a well mom that feels good is better than a mom in pain who is breastfeeding and could have a hard time taking care of her baby. I don't mean to offend, this is just my feeling on the matter.>> Hello everyone, my name is Ruth> I was diagnosed with RA 2 yrs ago. I just recently had a baby And I > must say those 9 mos. were the best, I guess my RA went > into "remission" and I felt my very best. A month after the baby I > began to feel all the aches and pains of RA, I must say they are at > their worst, in these past two months it has progressed so badly that > the pains are waking me up at night. Im so stiff in the mornings the > pain lingers on through out the whole morning, my hands strength has > weakened immensely, I don't know what to do I take Advil and it does > nothing for me... I'm nursing my baby so I can't take anything else > like the Enbrel or the sulfasalazine that I was on before the baby. I > need some advice.. anything... I'd appreciate any of your suggestions > or advice... I'm worried that this is just the begining and that it > could be worse.. please help... thank you> Ruth> All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 26, 2006 Report Share Posted August 26, 2006 ***So anyway, think long and hard about stopping breastfeeding. I don't have regrets on my decision to continue. Things always have a way of working out. The Lord gave us these breasts for one very important reason. Good luck to you in whatever you decide and may God bless you and your family*** It's been interesting to read the comments about bfeeding verses taking RA meds. My dd was 5 months when I started having severe RA symptoms. I felt blessed the Lord gave me RA meds to use, so I could get out of bed in the morning, lift my infant, snap her clothes, and screw on the bottle tops. I couldn't do any of those things without taking my meds. I was also grateful for formula which was available to feed by dd when I wasn't able to nurse. I do agree that each mother who has the ability to bfeed has to decide what is best for her and her baby. It's not the same for each family. I just wanted to point out that I felt the Lord had a hand in RA meds being developed so we could use them for our benefit. I'm not saying that means each mother should stop bfeeding. I just wanted to give another perspective. Good luck to all the moms in choosing what is the best thing for their family! I also wanted to warn moms that you might (like I have) get a lot of people questioning/judging why you aren't bfeeding. It's become a real sore spot with me as I don't think I should have to share my private info with someone I dont' even know. Ok, so that's another topic. Jean Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 31, 2006 Report Share Posted August 31, 2006 Hi, All - Just wanted to introduce myself - I am " FaithInScienceToo " over at - just learned about this group :-) Hope I can contribute, and also hope to get to meet some of you along the way - Best wishes, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 31, 2006 Report Share Posted August 31, 2006 Hi ! I'm hineini over at Nice to meet you!Isaiah Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 1, 2006 Report Share Posted September 1, 2006 Welcome ! Glad you joined the group! Lillyth From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of ginareynolds164 Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:51 AM Subject: [ ] New to group Hi, All - Just wanted to introduce myself - I am " FaithInScienceToo " over at - just learned about this group :-) Hope I can contribute, and also hope to get to meet some of you along the way - Best wishes, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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