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RE: Anyone in the group have endo autoimmune diseases

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I'm sorry for your difficulties. I know it mus seeming overwhelming.

Many people with one autoimmune disease develop another. I can't remember the statistics right now, but it happens very frequently.

It's good to hear that doctors were able to identify and treat your problem.

Best wishes.


In a message dated 2/28/08 11:48:56 PM, sweetmoonbay@... writes:

Has anyone in the group had another auto-immune disease show up with


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Oh dear, this sounds terrible. I know a few people who were experiencing mass failure of glands, not exactly like yours, but similar system-wide shutdown. They found that the Specific Carbohydrate Diet helped. Perhaps it would help you as well.Another possibility would be a raw diet, but that's definitely quite a lifestyle change.Good luck to you!On Feb 28, 2008, at 11:48 PM, mamahalfmoonbay wrote:Hello fellow Celiacs:I have posted to this group a few times, mostly in connection withSweet Moon Bay GF Bakery that I am hoping to make successful one day.But that is not what I am posting about today. Last summer I became acutely ill (again) and actually lostconsciousness one day and found myself as a patient at StanfordHospital again. After many sophisticated tests, my diagnosis:poly-glandular autoimmune disease. In English, this means anauto-immune related failure of most of my endocrine system. I have total adrenal failure ('s Disease), pituitary failure,ovarian failure and hyperthyroid. My treatment so far has beenreplacement cortisol therapy to compensate for failed adrenals, but amslowly getting replacement meds onboard for the other failed glands. The cortisol has made me gain 40 lbs in only 4 months. I'm afraid Iwon't be able to lose the weight.Has anyone in the group had another auto-immune disease show up withCeliac? It's overwhelming to me to deal with so many things goingwrong at one time! My diet now is not only GF, but I have to managemy sodium, fat and fiber levels with every meal.I would appreciate any comments regarding my situation. I have been aCeliac for over 10 years. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^me: Stiavettimail: steph@...eats: http://www.wasabimon.comthe words of the prophetsare written on the subway wallsand tenement halls

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, have you considered taking calcium citrate instead of Tums? I've spoken with several doctors (and nurses); all said that calcium citrate has major advantages over other forms of calcium. I use Citracal with Vitamin D. Perhaps it isn't a good fit with your prescription vitamin D, though.

I also take didronel to repair bone loss. It was prescribed by an endocrinologist at my HMO; she said was particularly suitable for me, as it doesn't cause stomach irritation and bypasses the liver (important for me, as I have autoimmune liver disease.)


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Connie, I'm in awe of you and your knowledge!


In a message dated 2/29/08 11:01:47 AM, connie@... writes:

And Tums is known to increase food sensitivities.  It may keep the zonulin holding open the gut pores longer.


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CitraCal is available now in "petites"; perhaps they'd be easier for you to swallow. Also, you may have used the version with magnesium; it has a considerable laxative effect for some people.

Good luck.


In a message dated 2/29/08 11:04:54 AM, AWallace@... writes:

Thank-you for the calcium citrate suggestion, I will for sure give it a try!  As for the Citracal, I tried that before I was diagnosed and just couldn’t stomach it…but maybe I’ll give it a go again.  I appreciate all the insight, it’s very helpful.

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If you try something other that Tums: avoid oyster shell calcium. My GI says it's far too rough on one's innards.


In a message dated 2/29/08 11:04:54 AM, AWallace@... writes:

Thank-you for the calcium citrate suggestion, I will for sure give it a try!  As for the Citracal, I tried that before I was diagnosed and just couldn’t stomach it…but maybe I’ll give it a go again.  I appreciate all the insight, it’s very helpful.

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I talked with my doctor about this last year. She said that, as yet, it must be administered in a hospital setting.

Earlier, I'd asked my pharmacist about it, and he'd never heard of it.


In a message dated 2/29/08 11:24:33 AM, skweiner@... writes:

For messed up calcium regulation, have you heard about supplementing

with vitamin K2 (MK-4)?  In a study in Japan, they were able to

reverse osteoporosis.  There's also an group where they're using

it to control autism.  The theory is that K2 is needed in order for

the cells to use vitamin D and calcium.  So if you don't have enough,

the cells keep calling for more, and it ends up as calcium oxalate

crystals instead of bone or tooth tissue.  Supplementing with K2

breaks up the crystals and kind of cleans up your body, putting the

calcium back where it belongs.  It's a new research topic, so it's

kind of hard to find info, but might be worth looking into.  The

researchers didn't notice any side effects at all with huge doses


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Probably I'm mistaken about the term. About a year ago, I found a study of osteoporosis on-line in a medical journal. The study found something new to me -- K2? -- as being effective. I brought the abstract to my doctor and a pharmacist. I no longer have the abstract, and it's likely, that it was something similar to K2 but different.

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. When I next see my hepatologist, who is treating me for osteoporosis caused by years of Prednisone, I'll see if she can tell me anything about it.



In a message dated 2/29/08 11:53:57 AM, skweiner@... writes:

I wonder why... I was able to buy my own from vitacost.com. I'm

following the protocol on the vitamin K group (for me, basically

vitamin K2, liver, sunshine, and VSL3 probiotics) in an effort to stop

dd's cavities. She had 3 already at 13 months! I blame undiagnosed

food sensitivities/ food sensitivities/<wbr>gluten intolerance in me

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Hi –

I’m sorry you’re going through

some overwhelming times. Being GF alone can consume you when it comes to

eating. As for the weight gain, make sure you focus on your therapy and

getting better and tell yourself you’re going to loose the weight as soon

has your health improves. It’s a lot to think about the after when

you’re still so much on the before. As for other related issues,

when you were first seeing an Endocrinologist, did you have calcium or vitamin

D issues? I saw an Endocrinologist 2 years after I was diagnosed with CD

(diagnosed in Fall of ’04.) I had been GF and DF but still not

feeling great. My calcium level was at a 160 and normal was between 12

and 65 (but my Vitamin D levels were completely normal.) I had secondary

hyperparathyroidism. Because of obvious intestinal damage my body wasn’t

absorbing calcium and therefore grabbing it in large quantities from my bones.

I’ve been on prescription Vitamin D for a year and 2 months now. I

take 50,000mg every other Sunday (it used to be every Sunday) and a Tums with

breakfast and dinner. The Vitamin D helped jump start the calcium absorption

and my levels returned to normal. My endo passed my blood work monitoring

to my GI. He’s never really seen a case where calcium was high and

vitamin D not (usually they’re high or low together) and he basically had

no answer for me and told me I stumped him. That he only ever dealt with

one other similar case but in the reverse (his patient had high vitamin D and normal

calcium.) So I guess I have to keep an eye on my levels to ward off Osteoporosis

and to help monitor any other endocrine related situations. Has anyone

else come across this?

Are you seeing a nutritionist to help take some of the stress out of

monitoring your diet? Have you gone the holistic route? I’m an

advocate of acupuncture, yoga and a few other alternative means. They’ve

helped me in major ways. Best of luck to you!


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of mamahalfmoonbay

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008

11:48 PM

Subject: [ ] Anyone in

the group have endo autoimmune diseases

Hello fellow Celiacs:

I have posted to this group a few times, mostly in connection with

Sweet Moon Bay GF Bakery that I am hoping to make successful one day.

But that is not what I am posting about today.

Last summer I became acutely ill (again) and actually lost

consciousness one day and found myself as a patient at Stanford

Hospital again. After many sophisticated tests, my diagnosis:

poly-glandular autoimmune disease. In English, this means an

auto-immune related failure of most of my endocrine system.

I have total adrenal failure ('s Disease), pituitary failure,

ovarian failure and hyperthyroid. My treatment so far has been

replacement cortisol therapy to compensate for failed adrenals, but am

slowly getting replacement meds onboard for the other failed glands.

The cortisol has made me gain 40 lbs in only 4 months. I'm afraid I

won't be able to lose the weight.

Has anyone in the group had another auto-immune disease show up with

Celiac? It's overwhelming to me to deal with so many things going

wrong at one time! My diet now is not only GF, but I have to manage

my sodium, fat and fiber levels with every meal.

I would appreciate any comments regarding my situation. I have been a

Celiac for over 10 years.

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And Tums is known to increase food

sensitivities. It may keep the zonulin holding open the gut pores longer.



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of flatcat9@...

Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008

10:54 AM

Subject: Re: [ ]

Anyone in the group have endo autoimmune diseases

, have you considered taking calcium

citrate instead of Tums? I've spoken with several doctors (and nurses); all

said that calcium citrate has major advantages over other forms of calcium. I

use Citracal with Vitamin D. Perhaps it isn't a good fit with your prescription

vitamin D, though.

I also take didronel to repair bone loss. It was prescribed by an

endocrinologist at my HMO; she said was particularly suitable for me, as it

doesn't cause stomach irritation and bypasses the liver (important for me, as I

have autoimmune liver disease.)



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Thank-you for the calcium citrate

suggestion, I will for sure give it a try! As for the Citracal, I tried that

before I was diagnosed and just couldn’t stomach it…but maybe I’ll

give it a go again. I appreciate all the insight, it’s very helpful.

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of flatcat9@...

Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008

10:54 AM

Subject: Re: [ ]

Anyone in the group have endo autoimmune diseases

, have you considered taking calcium

citrate instead of Tums? I've spoken with several doctors (and nurses); all

said that calcium citrate has major advantages over other forms of calcium. I

use Citracal with Vitamin D. Perhaps it isn't a good fit with your prescription

vitamin D, though.

I also take didronel to repair bone loss. It was prescribed by an

endocrinologist at my HMO; she said was particularly suitable for me, as it

doesn't cause stomach irritation and bypasses the liver (important for me, as I

have autoimmune liver disease.)



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Yikes! I had no idea…in awe as

well, thank-you!

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of flatcat9@...

Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008

11:03 AM

Subject: Re: [ ]

Anyone in the group have endo autoimmune diseases

Connie, I'm in awe of

you and your knowledge!


In a message dated 2/29/08 11:01:47 AM, conniehampton-research


And Tums is known to

increase food sensitivities. It may keep the zonulin holding open the gut

pores longer.



It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & Finance.


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Interesting, and alarming, since I have been using Tums. What's the

source of your information?



--- In , " Connie Hampton " <connie@...>





> And Tums is known to increase food sensitivities. It may keep the


> holding open the gut pores longer.


> Connie




> _____


> From:

[mailto: ]

> On Behalf Of flatcat9@...

> Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:54 AM


> Subject: Re: [ ] Anyone in the group have endo


> diseases




> , have you considered taking calcium citrate instead of

Tums? I've

> spoken with several doctors (and nurses); all said that calcium

citrate has

> major advantages over other forms of calcium. I use Citracal with

Vitamin D.

> Perhaps it isn't a good fit with your prescription vitamin D,



> I also take didronel to repair bone loss. It was prescribed by an

> endocrinologist at my HMO; she said was particularly suitable for

me, as it

> doesn't cause stomach irritation and bypasses the liver (important

for me,

> as I have autoimmune liver disease.)


> H.





> **************

> It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & Finance.

> (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)


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I'm still new at this celiac business (don't even have a diagnosis

yet...) but I've come across a bunch of stuff in my research of food

sensitivities for dd (14mo).

For messed up calcium regulation, have you heard about supplementing

with vitamin K2 (MK-4)? In a study in Japan, they were able to

reverse osteoporosis. There's also an group where they're using

it to control autism. The theory is that K2 is needed in order for

the cells to use vitamin D and calcium. So if you don't have enough,

the cells keep calling for more, and it ends up as calcium oxalate

crystals instead of bone or tooth tissue. Supplementing with K2

breaks up the crystals and kind of cleans up your body, putting the

calcium back where it belongs. It's a new research topic, so it's

kind of hard to find info, but might be worth looking into. The

researchers didn't notice any side effects at all with huge doses


On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Wallace

<AWallace@...> wrote:


> Hi –




> I'm sorry you're going through some overwhelming times. Being GF alone can

> consume you when it comes to eating. As for the weight gain, make sure you

> focus on your therapy and getting better and tell yourself you're going to

> loose the weight as soon has your health improves. It's a lot to think

> about the after when you're still so much on the before. As for other

> related issues, when you were first seeing an Endocrinologist, did you have

> calcium or vitamin D issues? I saw an Endocrinologist 2 years after I was

> diagnosed with CD (diagnosed in Fall of '04.) I had been GF and DF but

> still not feeling great. My calcium level was at a 160 and normal was

> between 12 and 65 (but my Vitamin D levels were completely normal.) I had

> secondary hyperparathyroidism. Because of obvious intestinal damage my body

> wasn't absorbing calcium and therefore grabbing it in large quantities from

> my bones. I've been on prescription Vitamin D for a year and 2 months now.

> I take 50,000mg every other Sunday (it used to be every Sunday) and a Tums

> with breakfast and dinner. The Vitamin D helped jump start the calcium

> absorption and my levels returned to normal. My endo passed my blood work

> monitoring to my GI. He's never really seen a case where calcium was high

> and vitamin D not (usually they're high or low together) and he basically

> had no answer for me and told me I stumped him. That he only ever dealt

> with one other similar case but in the reverse (his patient had high vitamin

> D and normal calcium.) So I guess I have to keep an eye on my levels to

> ward off Osteoporosis and to help monitor any other endocrine related

> situations. Has anyone else come across this?




> Are you seeing a nutritionist to help take some of the stress out of

> monitoring your diet? Have you gone the holistic route? I'm an advocate of

> acupuncture, yoga and a few other alternative means. They've helped me in

> major ways. Best of luck to you!




> -


> ________________________________



> From: [mailto: ]

> On Behalf Of mamahalfmoonbay

> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:48 PM


> Subject: [ ] Anyone in the group have endo autoimmune diseases








> Hello fellow Celiacs:

> I have posted to this group a few times, mostly in connection with

> Sweet Moon Bay GF Bakery that I am hoping to make successful one day.


> But that is not what I am posting about today.


> Last summer I became acutely ill (again) and actually lost

> consciousness one day and found myself as a patient at Stanford

> Hospital again. After many sophisticated tests, my diagnosis:

> poly-glandular autoimmune disease. In English, this means an

> auto-immune related failure of most of my endocrine system.


> I have total adrenal failure ('s Disease), pituitary failure,

> ovarian failure and hyperthyroid. My treatment so far has been

> replacement cortisol therapy to compensate for failed adrenals, but am

> slowly getting replacement meds onboard for the other failed glands.

> The cortisol has made me gain 40 lbs in only 4 months. I'm afraid I

> won't be able to lose the weight.


> Has anyone in the group had another auto-immune disease show up with

> Celiac? It's overwhelming to me to deal with so many things going

> wrong at one time! My diet now is not only GF, but I have to manage

> my sodium, fat and fiber levels with every meal.


> I would appreciate any comments regarding my situation. I have been a

> Celiac for over 10 years.





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Come join the source – GFCFNN group

on the . Some excellent researchers who post links to the

scientific papers. I’m only reporting what they have posted.



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of flatcat9@...

Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008

11:03 AM

Subject: Re: [ ]

Anyone in the group have endo autoimmune diseases

Connie, I'm in awe of

you and your knowledge!


In a message dated 2/29/08 11:01:47 AM, conniehampton-research


And Tums is known to

increase food sensitivities. It may keep the zonulin holding open the gut

pores longer.



It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & Finance.


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A paper on K2




-----Original Message-----

From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of Weiner

Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 11:24 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Anyone in the group have endo autoimmune


I'm still new at this celiac business (don't even have a diagnosis

yet...) but I've come across a bunch of stuff in my research of food

sensitivities for dd (14mo).

For messed up calcium regulation, have you heard about supplementing

with vitamin K2 (MK-4)? In a study in Japan, they were able to

reverse osteoporosis. There's also an group where they're using

it to control autism. The theory is that K2 is needed in order for

the cells to use vitamin D and calcium. So if you don't have enough,

the cells keep calling for more, and it ends up as calcium oxalate

crystals instead of bone or tooth tissue. Supplementing with K2

breaks up the crystals and kind of cleans up your body, putting the

calcium back where it belongs. It's a new research topic, so it's

kind of hard to find info, but might be worth looking into. The

researchers didn't notice any side effects at all with huge doses


On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 10:31 AM, Wallace

<AWallace@...> wrote:


> Hi -




> I'm sorry you're going through some overwhelming times. Being GF alone


> consume you when it comes to eating. As for the weight gain, make sure


> focus on your therapy and getting better and tell yourself you're going to

> loose the weight as soon has your health improves. It's a lot to think

> about the after when you're still so much on the before. As for other

> related issues, when you were first seeing an Endocrinologist, did you


> calcium or vitamin D issues? I saw an Endocrinologist 2 years after I was

> diagnosed with CD (diagnosed in Fall of '04.) I had been GF and DF but

> still not feeling great. My calcium level was at a 160 and normal was

> between 12 and 65 (but my Vitamin D levels were completely normal.) I had

> secondary hyperparathyroidism. Because of obvious intestinal damage my


> wasn't absorbing calcium and therefore grabbing it in large quantities


> my bones. I've been on prescription Vitamin D for a year and 2 months


> I take 50,000mg every other Sunday (it used to be every Sunday) and a Tums

> with breakfast and dinner. The Vitamin D helped jump start the calcium

> absorption and my levels returned to normal. My endo passed my blood work

> monitoring to my GI. He's never really seen a case where calcium was high

> and vitamin D not (usually they're high or low together) and he basically

> had no answer for me and told me I stumped him. That he only ever dealt

> with one other similar case but in the reverse (his patient had high


> D and normal calcium.) So I guess I have to keep an eye on my levels to

> ward off Osteoporosis and to help monitor any other endocrine related

> situations. Has anyone else come across this?




> Are you seeing a nutritionist to help take some of the stress out of

> monitoring your diet? Have you gone the holistic route? I'm an advocate


> acupuncture, yoga and a few other alternative means. They've helped me in

> major ways. Best of luck to you!




> -


> ________________________________



> From: [mailto: ]

> On Behalf Of mamahalfmoonbay

> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 11:48 PM


> Subject: [ ] Anyone in the group have endo autoimmune









> Hello fellow Celiacs:

> I have posted to this group a few times, mostly in connection with

> Sweet Moon Bay GF Bakery that I am hoping to make successful one day.


> But that is not what I am posting about today.


> Last summer I became acutely ill (again) and actually lost

> consciousness one day and found myself as a patient at Stanford

> Hospital again. After many sophisticated tests, my diagnosis:

> poly-glandular autoimmune disease. In English, this means an

> auto-immune related failure of most of my endocrine system.


> I have total adrenal failure ('s Disease), pituitary failure,

> ovarian failure and hyperthyroid. My treatment so far has been

> replacement cortisol therapy to compensate for failed adrenals, but am

> slowly getting replacement meds onboard for the other failed glands.

> The cortisol has made me gain 40 lbs in only 4 months. I'm afraid I

> won't be able to lose the weight.


> Has anyone in the group had another auto-immune disease show up with

> Celiac? It's overwhelming to me to deal with so many things going

> wrong at one time! My diet now is not only GF, but I have to manage

> my sodium, fat and fiber levels with every meal.


> I would appreciate any comments regarding my situation. I have been a

> Celiac for over 10 years.





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I wonder why... I was able to buy my own from vitacost.com. I'm

following the protocol on the vitamin K group (for me, basically

vitamin K2, liver, sunshine, and VSL3 probiotics) in an effort to stop

dd's cavities. She had 3 already at 13 months! I blame undiagnosed

food sensitivities/gluten intolerance in me while I was pg with her.

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 11:48 AM, <flatcat9@...> wrote:


> I talked with my doctor about this last year. She said that, as yet, it

> must be administered in a hospital setting.


> Earlier, I'd asked my pharmacist about it, and he'd never heard of it.


> H.



> In a message dated 2/29/08 11:24:33 AM, skweiner@... writes:




> For messed up calcium regulation, have you heard about supplementing

> with vitamin K2 (MK-4)? In a study in Japan, they were able to

> reverse osteoporosis. There's also an group where they're using

> it to control autism. The theory is that K2 is needed in order for

> the cells to use vitamin D and calcium. So if you don't have enough,

> the cells keep calling for more, and it ends up as calcium oxalate

> crystals instead of bone or tooth tissue. Supplementing with K2

> breaks up the crystals and kind of cleans up your body, putting the

> calcium back where it belongs. It's a new research topic, so it's

> kind of hard to find info, but might be worth looking into. The

> researchers didn't notice any side effects at all with huge doses

> (45mg/day)









> **************

> It's Tax Time! Get tips, forms, and advice on AOL Money & Finance.

> (http://money.aol.com/tax?NCID=aolprf00030000000001)

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Guest guest

I have endometriosis (endo for short),

which is also viewed as an auto-immune disorder. It is a disease where

tissue similar to that of the uterine lining grows on other organs in the


Do you have any pain or other reproductive

symptoms associated with your ovarian failure? You might want to take a

look at my Reproductive Endocrinologist, Dr. Cook. While he is an endo

surgeon, he also treats other reproductive issues as well. I don’t

know if he can help you or not, but being that he deals with the endocrine

system I think he might be able to – his website is www.drcook.com.

He is the freakin’ bomb. Maybe

he can help you.


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of mamahalfmoonbay

Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008

11:48 PM

Subject: [ ] Anyone in

the group have endo autoimmune diseases

Hello fellow Celiacs:

I have posted to this group a few times, mostly in connection with

Sweet Moon Bay GF Bakery that I am hoping to make successful one day.

But that is not what I am posting about today.

Last summer I became acutely ill (again) and actually lost

consciousness one day and found myself as a patient at Stanford

Hospital again. After many sophisticated tests, my diagnosis:

poly-glandular autoimmune disease. In English, this means an

auto-immune related failure of most of my endocrine system.

I have total adrenal failure ('s Disease), pituitary failure,

ovarian failure and hyperthyroid. My treatment so far has been

replacement cortisol therapy to compensate for failed adrenals, but am

slowly getting replacement meds onboard for the other failed glands.

The cortisol has made me gain 40 lbs in only 4 months. I'm afraid I

won't be able to lose the weight.

Has anyone in the group had another auto-immune disease show up with

Celiac? It's overwhelming to me to deal with so many things going

wrong at one time! My diet now is not only GF, but I have to manage

my sodium, fat and fiber levels with every meal.

I would appreciate any comments regarding my situation. I have been a

Celiac for over 10 years.

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Guest guest


I'm very sorry to hear that you are having these difficulties. I have

hypothyroidism, which is fairly common with CD. Are you hyperthyroid?

That may be more rare.

I've started to read books by Dr. Rodney Ford, who believes that CD

attacks the nervous system, not just the intestines. I have some

experience of this, I think, with things like rapid heart rate. Has

anyone every met a doctor in the Bay Area who looks at CD as more than

a disease of the gut?

I hope you're feeling better,



> Hello fellow Celiacs:

> I have posted to this group a few times, mostly in connection with

> Sweet Moon Bay GF Bakery that I am hoping to make successful one day.


> But that is not what I am posting about today.


> Last summer I became acutely ill (again) and actually lost

> consciousness one day and found myself as a patient at Stanford

> Hospital again. After many sophisticated tests, my diagnosis:

> poly-glandular autoimmune disease. In English, this means an

> auto-immune related failure of most of my endocrine system.


> I have total adrenal failure ('s Disease), pituitary failure,

> ovarian failure and hyperthyroid. My treatment so far has been

> replacement cortisol therapy to compensate for failed adrenals, but am

> slowly getting replacement meds onboard for the other failed glands.

> The cortisol has made me gain 40 lbs in only 4 months. I'm afraid I

> won't be able to lose the weight.


> Has anyone in the group had another auto-immune disease show up with

> Celiac? It's overwhelming to me to deal with so many things going

> wrong at one time! My diet now is not only GF, but I have to manage

> my sodium, fat and fiber levels with every meal.


> I would appreciate any comments regarding my situation. I have been a

> Celiac for over 10 years.




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I have had rapid heart rate too. And, numbness in my mouth and some slurring, the day after accidental ingestion.----- Original Message -----From: < > < >Sent: Sat Mar 01 10:46:03 2008Subject: [ ] Re: Anyone in the group have endo autoimmune diseasesHello,I'm very sorry to hear that you are having these difficulties. I havehypothyroidism, which is fairly common with CD. Are you hyperthyroid?That may be more rare.I've started to read books by Dr. Rodney Ford, who believes that CDattacks the nervous system, not just the intestines. I have someexperience of this, I think, with things like rapid heart rate. Hasanyone every met a doctor in the Bay Area who looks at CD as more thana disease of the gut?I hope you're feeling better,Eula>> Hello fellow Celiacs:> I have posted to this group a few times, mostly in connection with> Sweet Moon Bay GF Bakery that I am hoping to make successful one day.>> But that is not what I am posting about today. >> Last summer I became acutely ill (again) and actually lost> consciousness one day and found myself as a patient at Stanford> Hospital again. After many sophisticated tests, my diagnosis:> poly-glandular autoimmune disease. In English, this means an> auto-immune related failure of most of my endocrine system. >> I have total adrenal failure ('s Disease), pituitary failure,> ovarian failure and hyperthyroid. My treatment so far has been> replacement cortisol therapy to compensate for failed adrenals, but am> slowly getting replacement meds onboard for the other failed glands.> The cortisol has made me gain 40 lbs in only 4 months. I'm afraid I> won't be able to lose the weight.>> Has anyone in the group had another auto-immune disease show up with> Celiac? It's overwhelming to me to deal with so many things going> wrong at one time! My diet now is not only GF, but I have to manage> my sodium, fat and fiber levels with every meal.>> I would appreciate any comments regarding my situation. I have been a> Celiac for over 10 years.>> >

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