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RE: Autimmune disorders - non-CD - Endometriosis

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Another “auto immune” disorder

the ladies may want to check out is endometriosis. (Endo for short).

It is suspected to be an auto immune

disorder. On my endo board, there are a HUGE number of women with CD.

So, if you have severe pelvic pain, let me

know. I can pass along some into to you all. (It may only happen

around your period).

If you think you might have endo, you are

in luck, we have one of the top four endo docs in the country right here in the

Bay Area. Contact me offline for his info. I just had surgery with

him two and a half weeks ago & I feel great! I feel like finally all

the tuff that didn’t clear up going GF is now cleared up.

I figured if the endo population had such

a high number of women with CD, it might work the other way around too…


[mailto: ] On Behalf Of flatcat9@...

Sent: Sunday, February 03, 2008

7:12 PM

Subject: Re: [ ]

Autimmune disorders - non-CD

I found this statement on celiac.com:

" At least 1/3 of the people diagnosed with celiac disease as adults will

also have another autoimmune disease. Many report a significant improvement in

their other autoimmune disease after beginning a gluten free diet. However,

some individuals with celiac disease may develop other autoimmune diseases even

after beginning a gluten free diet. Watch for Type 1 diabetes, liver, thyroid, pancreas and adrenal diseases, peripheral and

central nervous system damage, connective tissue and other rheumatoid

inflammations. "



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