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Dang, I just signed up for this group and therefore just found out abouttonight's event (doesn't the phrase " GF Cooking Spree " make you warm allover?!) so of course I have other plans for tonight but I'm hoping thatthis group doesn't need some national org to come along in order to havea big GF cookout or party, right? Please say I'm right.I'm 51 and have been gf for over 3 years (also have been vegetarian fordecades, but that's a different Group). Happily, my non-gf husbandcooperates nicely by supporting me in my purge of cookware andappliances and all the contents of our kitchen cabinets 3 years ago, bykeeping his occasionally-purchased hotdog buns sequestered away fromeverything else, and by not expecting me to be enthusiastic about goingout to eat at restaurants. Yayy!  (I figure, if he tolerated mygluten-induced depression and moodiness for years, I can allow a coupleof hotdog buns in a Tupperware in the corner of the kitchen five times ayear.) After going gluten-free, I can joyously say that I'm now almost thehealthiest person that I know. With setbacks: I get gluten poisoningabout twice a year, usually at restaurants through my own carelessnessor the ignorance of the waitperson. That's why I mentioned the cookoutin my first sentence above. I cook and eat at home, mostly. That's fine,but with our disease/condition/lifestyle/whatever-you-wanna-call-it,it's so essential to have Community, to know that you're not alone! Enough intro. Feel free to email me: kat@... or visit mywebsite at www.katmulkey.com and if you're near Lafayette (Contra CostaCounty), I'm often available for a hike. Happy Eating,kat mulkey


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