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Olive Oil Crackers

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Heidi over at 101cookbooks recently posted a recipe for olive oil crackers:http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/olive-oil-crackers-recipe.htmlThere are several GFers in the comments asking for a gluten free recipes (myself included) and she's asked the GF readers of her blog to come up with a recipe that works, which she will link back to. This recipe sounds DIVINE and I'm really hoping to have some tasty crackers to enjoy by next weekend, if it's even possible to replace the wheat.I'd like to know if any of you have any tips for making this recipe gluten free. It calls for semolina flour as well as whole wheat, and having never used semolina flour, I'm at a loss for what to replace it with. If you have any ideas on how to make this work, I'd love to hear them!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Here's the recipe:Olive Oil Crackers 1 1/2 cups semolina flour 1 1/2 cups white whole wheat flour (or all-purpose flour) 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup warm water 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil special equipment: pasta machine (optional)Whisk together the flours and salt. Add the water and olive oil. Using a mixer with a dough hook attachment mix the dough at medium speed for about 5 - 7 minutes. Alternately, feel free to mix and then knead by hand on a floured countertop. The dough should be just a bit tacky - not too dry, not too sticky to work with. If you need to add a bit more water (or flour) do so.When you are done mixing, shape the dough into a large ball. Now cut into twelve equal-sized pieces. Gently rub each piece with a bit of olive oil, shape into a small ball and place on a plate. Cover with a clean dishtowel or plastic wrap and let rest at room temperature for 30 - 60 minutes.While the dough is resting, preheat your oven to 450F degrees. Insert a pizza stone if you have one.When the dough is done resting, flatten one dough ball. Using a rolling pin or a pasta machine, shape into a flat strip of dough - I can usually get down to the 4 setting on my pasta machine w/o trouble. Pull the dough out a bit thinner by hand (the way you might pull pizza dough). You can also cut the dough into whatever shape you like at this point. Set dough on a floured (or cornmeal dusted) baking sheet, add any extra toppings, and slide into the oven (onto the pizza stone). Repeat the process for the remaining dough balls, baking in small batches. If you don't have a pizza stone, bake crackers a few at a time on baking sheets.Bake until deeply golden, and let cool before eating - you will get more crackery snap.Makes a dozen extra large crackers. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^me: Stiavettimail: steph@...eats: http://www.wasabimon.comI may not have gone where I intended to go,but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.douglas adams

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