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Re: Does anyone know where I can find a list of foods that are GFCF AND YEAST FREE?

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I'm still fairly new to this group and don't know you at all, but I

wanted to mention some of the diets I've been reading about while

trying to heal my gut after learning about my non-ASD daughter's (and

my) food sensitivities. Most of these diets seem to be


Have you heard about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet? The

autism-focused version is here: www.pecanbread.com and it is GFCF,

focused on healing the gut and getting rid of yeast. GAPS (Gut and

Psychology Syndrome) is another version of the same thing, focused on

autism: www.guthealth.info.

There's also the vitamin K protocol,

VitaminK/ that is supplementing

with large doses of vitamin K2 in order to break up calcium oxalate

crystals in the body and they are claiming good success with reducing

autistic symptoms.

I hope I'm not out of line suggesting these, and that perhaps they can

be helpful to you!

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 2:41 PM, lily3031 <lily3031@...> wrote:



> I can find a lot of sites that give a list of foods in the grocery

> store that are GFCF, but nothing really on stuff that is GFCF AND YEAST

> FREE. Suggestions? I really DO feel yeast makes a difference for my

> son..Potatoes seems to make him stim, which is interesting because his

> stimming is otherwise almost non existent.(to the point that after a

> month of working with him his therapist asked me one day if anything

> had changed, because he was flapping for the first time she had ever

> seen) and to drink? Fruit juice comes to mind because my son cannot

> drink any milk substitute(is taking vitamins) but I know a yeast free

> diet, suggests no fruit. He has issues with all forms of milk

> substitutes weve tried, so I'm pulling at straws to try to figure out a

> beverage he should be drinking.



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) and to drink? Fruit juice comes to mind because my son cannot

> drink any milk substitute(is taking vitamins) but I know a yeast


> diet, suggests no fruit. He has issues with all forms of milk

> substitutes weve tried, so I'm pulling at straws to try to figure

out a

> beverage he should be drinking.


Have you tried the nut milks? You can make them yourself from the nut

or buy them premade from Pacific Foods (Almond or Hazelnut) or Thai

Kitchen and others (coconut milk).

How old is your son?

Water is the best beverage after weaning from the breast. Everything

else is just " for fun " - humans like fun. Tea is a good one if he

likes it. Does it need to be sweet? Stevia is a good non-caloric

sweetener, much better than the manufactured ones.

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