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: Yes I also eat 3 meals and several snacks a day.

Eight pounds in a month (if that's what you mean below) is not so slow. But

initially rapid weight loss is common and Ok for the first few months, befor

slowing. I remember losing rapidly at first and thinking: " this is going

to be a piece of cake (pardon the pun) " . But then I hit set point and it

took several months to get below that. I remember peppering the group back

then with questions as to why I couldn't get below it (duh! it was that

" set point " we hear tell about).

on 6/10/2004 9:50 PM, karenlruss@... at karenlruss@... wrote:

> Thought I should delurk and say hello for a moment since I just

> replied to a post.


> I've got a long way to go before I will be down in true CRONie weight

> range, but started our about a month ago and have s-l-o-w-l-y (per

> Walford recommendations) lost 8 pounds so far. I've never " dieted "

> before since I have seen to many people yo-yo miserably, mostly

> winding up heavier than ever. I've always valued health more than

> appearance anyway, so was more interested in nutritious food and

> staying active than in losing weight.


> Of course, the creep of middle age does make one reconsider these

> things, and having some family members who made it to quite

> respectable ages, but who were all quite thin, made me think even

> more about it. That and the incentive of wanting to see my

> granddaughter's kids kids. ;)


> I've really appreciated all the posts about peoples menus lately,

> since this is something I am working on right now. I like a lot of

> food variety, so I am working on a series of rotating menus to avoid

> boredom. Fortunately, the only fruit or veg I ever met and didn't

> like is the dreaded rutabaga. *shudder* I've always had problems

> with blood sugar drops making me cranky and ravenous, so I am

> currently dividing food up into 3 small meals and 3 snacklets. Does

> anyone else do this?


> So anyway, wish me luck, I should be approaching my " set point " some

> time around a year from now.




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Hi . I have always had problems with blood sugar swings, both up &

down. Presently, I'm doing 4-5 meals ... the the tendency for swings

can happen easily regardless of my meal frequency. The high's are the

worst & guar gum has helped me manage those the most. Drink a bunch of

diluted tea & sometimes sip low sodium broth. Metformin has it's place

on occasion. Some foods keep things steady while others incite the


My weight has always fluctuated, so for me set point seems like fuzzy

math. I'm trying for small CR and big ON. I'm a case for " mileage

variance " , b/c my weight is not low at all, but still have low BP &

cholesterol & usually colder than everyone else around me.

karenlruss@... wrote:

>like is the dreaded rutabaga. *shudder* I've always had problems with blood

sugar drops making me cranky and ravenous, so I am currently dividing food up

into 3 small meals and 3 snacklets. Does anyone else do this?




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What was so wrong about that weight that you were " stuck " at? What made you

want to go below it?




> : Yes I also eat 3 meals and several snacks a day.


> Eight pounds in a month (if that's what you mean below) is not so

> slow. But

> initially rapid weight loss is common and Ok for the first few

> months, befor

> slowing. I remember losing rapidly at first and thinking: " this is going

> to be a piece of cake (pardon the pun) " . But then I hit set point and it

> took several months to get below that. I remember peppering the

> group back

> then with questions as to why I couldn't get below it (duh! it was that

> " set point " we hear tell about).

> >

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> : Yes I also eat 3 meals and several snacks a day.


> Eight pounds in a month (if that's what you mean below) is not so

slow. But

> initially rapid weight loss is common and Ok for the first few

months, befor

> slowing.

Sorry, I typoed - meant to put down a month and a half - so a bit

slower. I could definately lose faster if that is ok. I would

rather be safe than sorry later though. I'm using Fitday software to

keep track of calories etc. and currently at 1800/day although that

will obviously have to drop as the weight goes down.

I am putting in about 300 calories worth of exercise per day between

walking and resistance exercises and plan to gradually up that to a

top of 500 a day as I hit problems losing. My main concerns are bone

loss since I am 47, and have some risk factors. My weight probably

gives me food strong bones for now, but I don't want to lose that.

Watching my grandmother shrink was very sad.

My weight may seem quite high to be starting from (190, 5'5 " ), but

for most of my early adult life I was very thin - 107 pounds.

Lowering activity rates as I went from very active jobs to desk

jockey jobs has done me in. That and restaurant meals. (those are

right out for now) I'm kind of a reverse anorexic - a fat person who

perceives themselves as thin.

Fortunatly I do have fairly good eating habits about nutritious food,

I am having to readjust portion size, lower the amount of grains in

my diet, cut out restaurant meals entirely, lower fat consumption,

top sauteeing and concentrate on the most nutritious foods.

My goal though is definately life extension rather than a diet. I've

been one of the lucky heavy people who hasn't suffered severe health

problems from it, but I know that probably won't last. On the other

hand, I would like to LAST.

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> My weight has always fluctuated, so for me set point seems like


> math. I'm trying for small CR and big ON. I'm a case

for " mileage

> variance " , b/c my weight is not low at all, but still have low BP &

> cholesterol & usually colder than everyone else around me.


Perhaps you are one of the ob/ob mice? ;) My weight has not swung

much at all, just gradually crept up, but like you, I am fortunate

not to have suffered major health problems. But I know it could

happen, and especially since my father is a type 2 diabetic. That is

a big risk factor. It is obvious that his quality of life is far

below that of my mother who is thin, actively working in her mid 70s,

walking and clearly planning to make it to at least her 90s.

The diabetes risk is a big worry for me with the blood sugar swings.

I am really trying hard to even that out. Not only are they quite

unpleasant, but I am also more likely to break down and eat out at a

restaurant, with all the resultant extra calories, fat etc.

My current strategy for this is to NEVER skip a meal or snack, eat a

bit of protein and small amout of fat (nuts, seeds usually) near the

start of each meal, limit my grain servings (only whole grains) to 3

a day, increase more foods with lots of soluble fiber like beans, and

to concentrate on lower GI index foods. (although any thing is fair

game if its nutrient content is good enough right now.)

I used to be vegetarian and for a year vegan, but now eat fish

several times a week. Despite having used supplements, the change to

added fish has definately helped me feel better.

Living in the deep south, the lowered body temp would be a benefit

most of the year. !

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Hi Chris: nothing was " inherently " wrong but at that time, I was intent on

getting below set point. I have since learned that set point and actual

weight is not as important as calories ingested. Eventually I did lose

more weight; it just took time.

on 6/11/2004 2:28 AM, chris at motjuste@... wrote:


> Francesca,


> What was so wrong about that weight that you were " stuck " at? What made you

> want to go below it?


> (|-|ri5




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  • 7 months later...

Yes this sounds familiar, you know something is wrong but everyone else thinks

your just a over concerned. , my son has Autism and I heard about on

a program here in Canada. The information overload to wade through is

overwhelming I just wish there was a Dr. G. up here.

K <smokinoz@...> wrote:

Hi all... I hope this is what I'm supposed to do. Quick story of me

and mine...

I am Kiersten, live in SW MO, been married for almost 5 years, and we

have a 28 month old daughter.

We were just diagnosed with PDD, Aspergers , hearing loss, possible

seizures, possible fybro and arthritis. I've known something was up

since she turned a week old, but couldn't get anyone to take me

serious (even hubby and family) But at least now, 2 1/2 yrs later we

are getting some attention. She goes in for an MRI and EEG next

month. SO we really are on the ground floor. She works with

DCO/First Steps every week (has 5 people 2x a week)

I won't overload you guys with this on my first post. Here's what I

hope to gain from this group (which is the only group like this I've

found) I want to know what is a normal combination for things...

like her PDD and her sensory issues. Not sure if any of you have

theses, but it's pretty bad. And she's obsessive about things, and

has seizures and possible other things that cause her to tremble.

I just heard the words " she's autistic and mentally delayed " , so I'm

still kind of in a fog... but I'm starting to come out of this haze,

and it's being replaced with panic and questions, fear and a bit of

anger. Does any of this sound familiar to any of you? Am I

at the right group???? lol

I want/need to hear everything you guys could tell me that I need to

know.... I would love to hear some of your stories about your child.

Sorry this was so long.... Hope to hear back


Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.


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Hi Kiersten, I live in St. Louis, Mo. I have a 6 year old son with autism.

We have tried many, many things, and so- far, I think the protocol

has helped us the most. He has really made huge gains, and we have really

only been doing this for about 7 mos. My son was diagnosed with severe autism,

and now I believe he would be in the high functioning range.

If you have any questions of what we have done, feel free to e-mail me.



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firstly, I would say without a doubt you have a child...though there

may be other complications but seems to me these would be related.. go to

www.neuroimmunedr.com and www.nids.net without delay if you have not yet

done so.

The first site is Dr Goldberg's site and on there you will find his papers

and presentations that discusses most if not all of the things you are

asking about. There is also an " Ask Dr Goldberg " section where parents write

in with questions - you can search in there. The site is the focal

point for this newsgroup where again Dr Goldberg's papers are located or

linked as well as other papers and links to research that is on going. On

this news group there are now just over 25,000 posts from parents during the

last almost 6 years discussing aspects of treatments, schooling, conditions,

family issues and recovery - from all over the world. You can key word

search to make the job easier.

While on the sites and after you have read what treatment involves - look

for the bloodwork-up page which will give you an idea of what you will need

to do...then call Dr Goldbergs office 1(818) 343 1010 and make an

appointment. I don't think the waiting list is too long at this time though

has know to be over 8 months. Your daughter is young and time is on hers and

your side.

PDD or Pervasive Development Disorder is an all encompassing term for

Aspergers, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and PDD NOS (Not otherwise

specified) and others, however you will find on this group, we have

discovered that all over our children have a common underlying disease

referred to as Neuro-Immune dysfunction Syndrome or . The labels you

have are derived from mental disorders manuals and do not at all describe

medical conditions. Fybro and arthritis are medical conditions that both

have origins from dysfunctional immune systems. Hearing loss with your

daughter might be a red herring - it will be difficult for even a competent

audiologist to perform a complete and successful test on a very young child

with a PDD and sensory issues - the child may not respond to the testing

procedures appropriately. Yes sensory issues are often a feature with these

kids, together with obsessive compulsive disorders, oppositional behaviours,

speech delays (less so in " Aspergers kids). Some have seizures, some don't.

Many after treatment have recovered from many or all of these problems or

are vastly improving.

This is the right place to be - however you do need to seek treatment as

soon as possible,

hope this helps,

Newbie Intro

Hi all... I hope this is what I'm supposed to do. Quick story of me

and mine...

I am Kiersten, live in SW MO, been married for almost 5 years, and we

have a 28 month old daughter.

We were just diagnosed with PDD, Aspergers , hearing loss, possible

seizures, possible fybro and arthritis. I've known something was up

since she turned a week old, but couldn't get anyone to take me

serious (even hubby and family) But at least now, 2 1/2 yrs later we

are getting some attention. She goes in for an MRI and EEG next

month. SO we really are on the ground floor. She works with

DCO/First Steps every week (has 5 people 2x a week)

I won't overload you guys with this on my first post. Here's what I

hope to gain from this group (which is the only group like this I've

found) I want to know what is a normal combination for things...

like her PDD and her sensory issues. Not sure if any of you have

theses, but it's pretty bad. And she's obsessive about things, and

has seizures and possible other things that cause her to tremble.

I just heard the words " she's autistic and mentally delayed " , so I'm

still kind of in a fog... but I'm starting to come out of this haze,

and it's being replaced with panic and questions, fear and a bit of

anger. Does any of this sound familiar to any of you? Am I

at the right group???? lol

I want/need to hear everything you guys could tell me that I need to

know.... I would love to hear some of your stories about your child.

Sorry this was so long.... Hope to hear back


Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Welcome Sharon,

You have come to a great place to find good information, and

wonderful people. I look forward to getting to know you better, T

--- In , " sharonmacd " <omoshiroi@s...>




> Hi everyone.


> I'm Sharon and just joined. I'm feeling a little defeated lately,


> like I have no one to talk to who will understand.


> Diagnosed with RA at age 4.


> I have two small children and I'm going on 43. I was doing farily


> before the girls came along (they're adopted) but the stress of

> mommyhood has taken a drastic toll. Currently taking Enbrel,

> Methotrexate and Voltarin.


> I'm wearing an Arizona brace on my ankle and in need of one ankle

> fusion, though the second ankle doesn't seem far behind. Don't now

> when I'll be able to schedule it with two kidies.


> I started a book club, and now have a very tough time going to

> people's homes, dealing with people who want shoes taken off and


> being able to walk after stitting for three hours. (People tease me

> about being drunk, as I stumble around ;-])


> I don't remember my RA experience feeling quite so combersome and

> obvious (not to mention painful) before, so feeling a bit down.


> Any advice on ankle fusions? Fusions vs. ankle replacements?


> Thanks for this forum. It looks very supportive.


> Sharon

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Welcome Sharon. I'm in the same boat you're in. Both of my ankles

are eroded and should either be replaced or fused. I'm lucky because

one of my ankles already fused naturally. Ankle replacements just

aren't perfected enough for me to risk having it done. They are

getting better, but still don't have the success rate that hips and

knees have. I had both knees replaced 8 years ago and they are

wonderful. If I thought my ankles had the same chance, I'd be beating

down the doors to get them done. There are doctors in land and

California that are doing ankle replacements using cadaver bones and

they are working better than the traditional replacements.

I know how difficult it is to raise kids while in pain. I'm on Enbrel

too and it's helped me a lot.


On Sat, 05 Mar 2005 06:56:15 -0000, sharonmacd <omoshiroi@...> wrote:



> Hi everyone.


> I'm Sharon and just joined. I'm feeling a little defeated lately, and

> like I have no one to talk to who will understand.


> Diagnosed with RA at age 4.


> I have two small children and I'm going on 43. I was doing farily well

> before the girls came along (they're adopted) but the stress of

> mommyhood has taken a drastic toll. Currently taking Enbrel,

> Methotrexate and Voltarin.


> I'm wearing an Arizona brace on my ankle and in need of one ankle

> fusion, though the second ankle doesn't seem far behind. Don't now

> when I'll be able to schedule it with two kidies.


> I started a book club, and now have a very tough time going to

> people's homes, dealing with people who want shoes taken off and then

> being able to walk after stitting for three hours. (People tease me

> about being drunk, as I stumble around ;-])


> I don't remember my RA experience feeling quite so combersome and

> obvious (not to mention painful) before, so feeling a bit down.


> Any advice on ankle fusions? Fusions vs. ankle replacements?


> Thanks for this forum. It looks very supportive.


> Sharon










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Hi a,

Well, I guess you DO feel my pain! Do you wear any kind of splint or

brace? The Arizona brace which does help a lot, just not a fashion

DO. ;-)

My right ankle is also mostly fused, but I'm afraid it's not in the

best position possible.

I had some hope with the idea that it may be possible to have an ankle

fused and then have a replacement done when the technology is

improved. Of course while I've seen that it's possible, I already

notice I'm having trouble in the right Achilles Tendon, and wonder if

that wouldn't atrophy after a few years of fusion.

I hadn't heard about the cadaver replacements -- interesting AND

spooky, but whatever works! Who'da thought I'd be injecting myself

and happy about it!?


> >

> >

> > Hi everyone.

> >

> > I'm Sharon and just joined. I'm feeling a little defeated

lately, and

> > like I have no one to talk to who will understand.

> >

> > Diagnosed with RA at age 4.

> >

> > I have two small children and I'm going on 43. I was doing farily


> > before the girls came along (they're adopted) but the stress of

> > mommyhood has taken a drastic toll. Currently taking Enbrel,

> > Methotrexate and Voltarin.

> >

> > I'm wearing an Arizona brace on my ankle and in need of one ankle

> > fusion, though the second ankle doesn't seem far behind. Don't now

> > when I'll be able to schedule it with two kidies.

> >

> > I started a book club, and now have a very tough time going to

> > people's homes, dealing with people who want shoes taken off and then

> > being able to walk after stitting for three hours. (People tease me

> > about being drunk, as I stumble around ;-])

> >

> > I don't remember my RA experience feeling quite so combersome and

> > obvious (not to mention painful) before, so feeling a bit down.

> >

> > Any advice on ankle fusions? Fusions vs. ankle replacements?

> >

> > Thanks for this forum. It looks very supportive.

> >

> > Sharon

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Unfortunately Sharon I do feel your pain. No, I don't wear a splint

or brace. I tried them several years ago and they didn't help. I

have no side to side motion anyway, so I'm not sure a brace would

serve any purpose. I've had problems on and off with my Achilles

tendons. I had a synovectomy, which helped since my ankle was full of

nodules that pressed on the tendon. I also had bone spurs removed,

which also helped. These alograft transplant replacements are very

interesting, and I hope as they perfect it, more doctors will be doing


Here are some news articles:

Alograft ankle transplant - ankle of a cadaver to replace an ankle

damaged by arthritis or trauma


Total Ankle Allograft Transplant Replacement



On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 03:41:09 -0000, sharonmacd <omoshiroi@...> wrote:



> Hi a,


> Well, I guess you DO feel my pain! Do you wear any kind of splint or

> brace? The Arizona brace which does help a lot, just not a fashion

> DO. ;-)


> My right ankle is also mostly fused, but I'm afraid it's not in the

> best position possible.


> I had some hope with the idea that it may be possible to have an ankle

> fused and then have a replacement done when the technology is

> improved. Of course while I've seen that it's possible, I already

> notice I'm having trouble in the right Achilles Tendon, and wonder if

> that wouldn't atrophy after a few years of fusion.


> I hadn't heard about the cadaver replacements -- interesting AND

> spooky, but whatever works! Who'da thought I'd be injecting myself

> and happy about it!?


> Sharon




> > >

> > >

> > > Hi everyone.

> > >

> > > I'm Sharon and just joined. I'm feeling a little defeated

> lately, and

> > > like I have no one to talk to who will understand.

> > >

> > > Diagnosed with RA at age 4.

> > >

> > > I have two small children and I'm going on 43. I was doing farily

> well

> > > before the girls came along (they're adopted) but the stress of

> > > mommyhood has taken a drastic toll. Currently taking Enbrel,

> > > Methotrexate and Voltarin.

> > >

> > > I'm wearing an Arizona brace on my ankle and in need of one ankle

> > > fusion, though the second ankle doesn't seem far behind. Don't now

> > > when I'll be able to schedule it with two kidies.

> > >

> > > I started a book club, and now have a very tough time going to

> > > people's homes, dealing with people who want shoes taken off and then

> > > being able to walk after stitting for three hours. (People tease me

> > > about being drunk, as I stumble around ;-])

> > >

> > > I don't remember my RA experience feeling quite so combersome and

> > > obvious (not to mention painful) before, so feeling a bit down.

> > >

> > > Any advice on ankle fusions? Fusions vs. ankle replacements?

> > >

> > > Thanks for this forum. It looks very supportive.

> > >

> > > Sharon

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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  • 3 months later...
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Anita, just wanted to say that I found your e-mail address hilarious!



-God grades on the cross, not on the curve. -Anonymous

3:36: " He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that

believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. "

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

>>>At the moment, I'd like to find a low cost nutrition software programthat would help me watch my nutrient intake, as well as calorie intake,without costing an arm and a leg. Free would even be nicer, if there issuch a thing on the internet. Anybody have suggestions? Mostly I'vebeen just using a calorie guide www.fitday.com

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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>>>At the moment, I'd like to find a low cost nutrition software programthat would help me watch my nutrient intake, as well as calorie intake,without costing an arm and a leg. Free would even be nicer, if there issuch a thing on the internet. Anybody have suggestions? Mostly I'vebeen just using a calorie guide www.fitday.com

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Messenger with Voice.

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Guest guest

When you joined the group you automatically received introductory material. In that material you were pointed to our files. We have one extensive file with many free nutrient programs (including Fitday as mentioned by Jeff).

All newbies should be reading the files and links at our site!

on 5/7/2006 9:01 PM, pkinnetz@... at pkinnetz@... wrote:

I've been lurking for a little time, both here and at the CRsociety list

(having a hard time understanding a lot of the material there). I got

interested after reading the Longevity Diet and realized that I have been

a " member " off and on for most of my life, and didn't know it. And

sometimes not a very good one, indulging myself a bit more than I should.

My BMI is 19.8, currently, but am shooting for a little lower, if I


At the moment, I'd like to find a low cost nutrition software program

that would help me watch my nutrient intake, as well as calorie intake,

without costing an arm and a leg. Free would even be nicer, if there is

such a thing on the internet. Anybody have suggestions? Mostly I've

been just using a calorie guide.


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Guest guest

When you joined the group you automatically received introductory material. In that material you were pointed to our files. We have one extensive file with many free nutrient programs (including Fitday as mentioned by Jeff).

All newbies should be reading the files and links at our site!

on 5/7/2006 9:01 PM, pkinnetz@... at pkinnetz@... wrote:

I've been lurking for a little time, both here and at the CRsociety list

(having a hard time understanding a lot of the material there). I got

interested after reading the Longevity Diet and realized that I have been

a " member " off and on for most of my life, and didn't know it. And

sometimes not a very good one, indulging myself a bit more than I should.

My BMI is 19.8, currently, but am shooting for a little lower, if I


At the moment, I'd like to find a low cost nutrition software program

that would help me watch my nutrient intake, as well as calorie intake,

without costing an arm and a leg. Free would even be nicer, if there is

such a thing on the internet. Anybody have suggestions? Mostly I've

been just using a calorie guide.


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Also be sure to read our file on optimum BMI. Sounds like you are at the optimum now.

on 5/7/2006 9:22 PM, Francesca Skelton at fskelton@... wrote:

When you joined the group you automatically received introductory material. In that material you were pointed to our files. We have one extensive file with many free nutrient programs (including Fitday as mentioned by Jeff).

All newbies should be reading the files and links at our site!

on 5/7/2006 9:01 PM, pkinnetz@... at pkinnetz@... wrote:

I've been lurking for a little time, both here and at the CRsociety list

(having a hard time understanding a lot of the material there). I got

interested after reading the Longevity Diet and realized that I have been

a " member " off and on for most of my life, and didn't know it. And

sometimes not a very good one, indulging myself a bit more than I should.

My BMI is 19.8, currently, but am shooting for a little lower, if I


At the moment, I'd like to find a low cost nutrition software program

that would help me watch my nutrient intake, as well as calorie intake,

without costing an arm and a leg. Free would even be nicer, if there is

such a thing on the internet. Anybody have suggestions? Mostly I've

been just using a calorie guide.


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Guest guest

Also be sure to read our file on optimum BMI. Sounds like you are at the optimum now.

on 5/7/2006 9:22 PM, Francesca Skelton at fskelton@... wrote:

When you joined the group you automatically received introductory material. In that material you were pointed to our files. We have one extensive file with many free nutrient programs (including Fitday as mentioned by Jeff).

All newbies should be reading the files and links at our site!

on 5/7/2006 9:01 PM, pkinnetz@... at pkinnetz@... wrote:

I've been lurking for a little time, both here and at the CRsociety list

(having a hard time understanding a lot of the material there). I got

interested after reading the Longevity Diet and realized that I have been

a " member " off and on for most of my life, and didn't know it. And

sometimes not a very good one, indulging myself a bit more than I should.

My BMI is 19.8, currently, but am shooting for a little lower, if I


At the moment, I'd like to find a low cost nutrition software program

that would help me watch my nutrient intake, as well as calorie intake,

without costing an arm and a leg. Free would even be nicer, if there is

such a thing on the internet. Anybody have suggestions? Mostly I've

been just using a calorie guide.


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  • 1 year later...

I think MTX has less side effects than Enbrel in the long run. Hair

loss vs. low white blood cell count leading to more infections on top

of our already weekened immune system. I personally would prefer

using the MTX only if I could get away with it. Besides, I hate

doing injections weekly.

--- In , " Stolz " <tracyrs14@...>



> Hi Group,


> I've been lurking for a number of months and decided it was time to

> say hello :) I'm a 45 yr old single mother of a 5 yr old,


> in the past yr w/RA. Started off w/years of feet problems,


> attributed to neuromas. Many surgeries, painful scar tissue and

> opinions later, a foot/ankle orthopedic specialist finally had a

> hunch and sent me to a Rheumy, who didn't think my symptoms were RA

> til she ran tests and found my anti-CCP # was very high, even


> I had a neg. RF. So in addition to a NSAID and Prilosec, she


> me immediately on either MTX or a biologic (was giving me my

> choice). Then I realized she wasn't on my plan and it was going to

> be costly to stick w/her, so I switched to another Rheumy that she

> recommended, though I don't like him nearly as much. Fast forward


> mos...I am now on Plaquenil and I thought, along w/the NSAID, it


> keeping my feet in check and no other joint complaints. My


> rate, C Reactive protein, etc. have all been in normal range, so I

> feel I've caught this fairly on the early side (though 1 nodule in


> toe). Until 2 days ago. Now I'm waking up w/stiffness/swelling in

> one hand and slightly in the other, and I know he's going to want


> to move to MTX since he mentioned I was borderline and ready to

> switch me if anything else occured.


> Whereas the first Rheumy was very easy to talk to and very open to


> choosing MTX vs. the Enbrel/Humira route, this one seems extremely

> discouraging about starting Enbrel before first trying MTX, even

> though there is no problem w/my insurance covering it out of the

> gate. I am PETRIFIED of the MTX side effects...primarily the hair

> loss one, as I already have had years of issues w/this due to


> other than heredity (no thyroid issues). I hear Folic Acid can


> but doesn't necessarily prevent it. I know that RA can bring on a

> whole lot worse than hair loss, but that's where my head is right



> Any advice,words of wisdom, (or even tongue lashings!) appreciated,

> as most of you are way more experienced in this than I.


> Also, I am in the Wash DC/land suburbs. If anyone lives in


> area and has a Rheumy they love (or would warn against), I'd love


> hear about them.


> Thanks,



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Hi and welcome. Who was the rheum that you liked so much? I just moved

from McLean, VA and my team was at Washington U, Drs. Katz and Nayyar. I

*loved* them and nearly didn't take a new job and relocation b/c I wasn't sure I

could bear to leave them. They got me through diagnosis, found a workable

treatment plan, supported me during my miscarriage, and were all around

*wonderful*, just incredible assets to the profession of medicine. My first

attending there was Mark Gourley who is now at NIH in Bethesda. He still does

clinical practice and he's *great*. His dad died of RA, so he really gets the

emotional aspect of the disease and he said to me, " let's hit this thing with

both barrels. " Just the kind of doc you want on your side. Other GW docs are

great. I saw Dr. Curiel who is sort of goofy, but knows his stuff. Dr. Momeni

is also nice, but Dr. Nayyar and Dr. Katz are my all time faves. To get in

faster, talk to Delores, the

dept secretary. She's terrific and has some appts on hold so you don't have to

wait forever and a day to be seen.

If GW isn't in your plan, I also liked Melton in Chevy Chase, but he was

thinking of relocating, so I had a consult with him and then transferred care to

GW. If he stuck around, he'd be worth a visit. He's up on all the new

treatments, but he's been practicing for 40 years, so he knows RA like the back

of his hand. He also spent an hour with me during my initial consult.

I had a bad experience with a practice in Rockville, MD, (Dr. Maniar, I think

her attending is Dr. Fang, but I never saw her, just Maniar). They never even

told me I had RA, and at first told me that I didn't have it just based on

physical exam and no labs. All they said was " your bloodwork was positive, so

we need to be more aggressive. " Huh? This was after they kept forgetting to

order critical tests like antiCCP, so I'd come back for follow up visits and

they'd say, oops, we'll have to get more blood. Anyway, best of luck with your

search for a good rheum, please let me know whether GW might work for you. I

seriously considered flying out every few months to see them, they're that good.

I never saw anyone at town for rheumatology, but I did see their ENT dept

(the RA is in my throat joints) and opthamology and really liked them, so it

might be worth a visit there.

Big hugs, Kate F.

[ ] Newbie Intro

Hi Group,

I've been lurking for a number of months and decided it was time to

say hello :) I'm a 45 yr old single mother of a 5 yr old, diagnosed

in the past yr w/RA. Started off w/years of feet problems, primarily

attributed to neuromas. Many surgeries, painful scar tissue and

opinions later, a foot/ankle orthopedic specialist finally had a

hunch and sent me to a Rheumy, who didn't think my symptoms were RA

til she ran tests and found my anti-CCP # was very high, even though

I had a neg. RF. So in addition to a NSAID and Prilosec, she wanted

me immediately on either MTX or a biologic (was giving me my

choice). Then I realized she wasn't on my plan and it was going to

be costly to stick w/her, so I switched to another Rheumy that she

recommended, though I don't like him nearly as much. Fast forward 6

mos...I am now on Plaquenil and I thought, along w/the NSAID, it was

keeping my feet in check and no other joint complaints. My sediment

rate, C Reactive protein, etc. have all been in normal range, so I

feel I've caught this fairly on the early side (though 1 nodule in my

toe). Until 2 days ago. Now I'm waking up w/stiffness/ swelling in

one hand and slightly in the other, and I know he's going to want me

to move to MTX since he mentioned I was borderline and ready to

switch me if anything else occured.

Whereas the first Rheumy was very easy to talk to and very open to me

choosing MTX vs. the Enbrel/Humira route, this one seems extremely

discouraging about starting Enbrel before first trying MTX, even

though there is no problem w/my insurance covering it out of the

gate. I am PETRIFIED of the MTX side effects...primarily the hair

loss one, as I already have had years of issues w/this due to nothing

other than heredity (no thyroid issues). I hear Folic Acid can help

but doesn't necessarily prevent it. I know that RA can bring on a

whole lot worse than hair loss, but that's where my head is right now!

Any advice,words of wisdom, (or even tongue lashings!) appreciated,

as most of you are way more experienced in this than I.

Also, I am in the Wash DC/land suburbs. If anyone lives in this

area and has a Rheumy they love (or would warn against), I'd love to

hear about them.




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Hi and welcome!

My rheumy started me on mtx when first dx'd 6yrs ago. His rationale

was that enbrel and other biologicals are so new, long-term side

effects are still somewhat unknown. MTX is tried and true, yes can

have some side effects that will eventually go away (for me they

did), yes the hair loss is an issue, but I'd rather be well. I

believe the theory is to start with the best known most effective and

then go from there. For me the MTX and sulfasalizine(now for 4wks)

plus a combination of other things (celebrex, tried arava bad side

effects from the get-go, tried plaquenil which worked for 9mos then

the side effects got to me) is the way I choose to go right now.

This way, you're not fight the disease with the big guns first, and

if symptoms get worse there are more options.

I'm sure others will have more suggestions and experience to share on

this too.




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Hi . I am also pretty new to this whole RA diagnosis -- symptoms

started last February but diagnosis and treatment just got underway this

fall. I am on celebrex, plaquenil and minocin now. I would try the

methotrexate before I hit the biologics -- because you don't know which

side effects will really hit you on the methotrexate, but you will

definitely be suppressing your immune system on the biologics, and that

can be more dangerous.

I guess in treating this disease we have to focus more on our health

than anything, and less on the appearance issues (okay -- very gentle

tongue lashing) No -- it's not fun to lose your hair but it's worse to

not be able to move. You have a young son which is a huge

responsibility, and you can help him develop his values by leading by


On the other hand, if you are not comfortable with the doctor you should

look for another option. I really like my doc and I still got a second

opinion for another rheumie just yesterday. You will need someone to

help you manage this disease for many years and you are entitled to work

with someone who makes you feel comfortable. Take care.

Bonnie Lou


> Hi Group,


> I've been lurking for a number of months and decided it was time to

> say hello :) I'm a 45 yr old single mother of a 5 yr old, diagnosed

> in the past yr w/RA. Started off w/years of feet problems, primarily

> attributed to neuromas. Many surgeries, painful scar tissue and

> opinions later, a foot/ankle orthopedic specialist finally had a

> hunch and sent me to a Rheumy, who didn't think my symptoms were RA

> til she ran tests and found my anti-CCP # was very high, even though

> I had a neg. RF. So in addition to a NSAID and Prilosec, she wanted

> me immediately on either MTX or a biologic (was giving me my

> choice). Then I realized she wasn't on my plan and it was going to

> be costly to stick w/her, so I switched to another Rheumy that she

> recommended, though I don't like him nearly as much. Fast forward 6

> mos...I am now on Plaquenil and I thought, along w/the NSAID, it was

> keeping my feet in check and no other joint complaints. My sediment

> rate, C Reactive protein, etc. have all been in normal range, so I

> feel I've caught this fairly on the early side (though 1 nodule in my

> toe). Until 2 days ago. Now I'm waking up w/stiffness/swelling in

> one hand and slightly in the other, and I know he's going to want me

> to move to MTX since he mentioned I was borderline and ready to

> switch me if anything else occured.


> Whereas the first Rheumy was very easy to talk to and very open to me

> choosing MTX vs. the Enbrel/Humira route, this one seems extremely

> discouraging about starting Enbrel before first trying MTX, even

> though there is no problem w/my insurance covering it out of the

> gate. I am PETRIFIED of the MTX side effects...primarily the hair

> loss one, as I already have had years of issues w/this due to nothing

> other than heredity (no thyroid issues). I hear Folic Acid can help

> but doesn't necessarily prevent it. I know that RA can bring on a

> whole lot worse than hair loss, but that's where my head is right now!


> Any advice,words of wisdom, (or even tongue lashings!) appreciated,

> as most of you are way more experienced in this than I.


> Also, I am in the Wash DC/land suburbs. If anyone lives in this

> area and has a Rheumy they love (or would warn against), I'd love to

> hear about them.


> Thanks,



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