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I have been on both pills and MTX injections and have notice some hair thinning

but nothing major. My main thing is I want to be able to walk without or with

little pain and be able to

function at my job. The big guns like Enbrel and Humira may not cause hair

loss but they have just as bad a side effects.

I would try it first if you notice a lot of hair loss you can always go off it

and try the other.


Stolz <tracyrs14@...> wrote:

Hi Group,

I've been lurking for a number of months and decided it was time to

say hello :) I'm a 45 yr old single mother of a 5 yr old, diagnosed

in the past yr w/RA. Started off w/years of feet problems, primarily

attributed to neuromas. Many surgeries, painful scar tissue and

opinions later, a foot/ankle orthopedic specialist finally had a

hunch and sent me to a Rheumy, who didn't think my symptoms were RA

til she ran tests and found my anti-CCP # was very high, even though

I had a neg. RF. So in addition to a NSAID and Prilosec, she wanted

me immediately on either MTX or a biologic (was giving me my

choice). Then I realized she wasn't on my plan and it was going to

be costly to stick w/her, so I switched to another Rheumy that she

recommended, though I don't like him nearly as much. Fast forward 6

mos...I am now on Plaquenil and I thought, along w/the NSAID, it was

keeping my feet in check and no other joint complaints. My sediment

rate, C Reactive protein, etc. have all been in normal range, so I

feel I've caught this fairly on the early side (though 1 nodule in my

toe). Until 2 days ago. Now I'm waking up w/stiffness/swelling in

one hand and slightly in the other, and I know he's going to want me

to move to MTX since he mentioned I was borderline and ready to

switch me if anything else occured.

Whereas the first Rheumy was very easy to talk to and very open to me

choosing MTX vs. the Enbrel/Humira route, this one seems extremely

discouraging about starting Enbrel before first trying MTX, even

though there is no problem w/my insurance covering it out of the

gate. I am PETRIFIED of the MTX side effects...primarily the hair

loss one, as I already have had years of issues w/this due to nothing

other than heredity (no thyroid issues). I hear Folic Acid can help

but doesn't necessarily prevent it. I know that RA can bring on a

whole lot worse than hair loss, but that's where my head is right now!

Any advice,words of wisdom, (or even tongue lashings!) appreciated,

as most of you are way more experienced in this than I.

Also, I am in the Wash DC/land suburbs. If anyone lives in this

area and has a Rheumy they love (or would warn against), I'd love to

hear about them.


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Question, I am new at this just was diagnosed last week and it has been a

very bad can't hardly get out of the bed in the morning. out of all the drugs

out there for RA, which one do you think works the best? I have so many

question I haven't got to see my Ra Dr yet they haven't call with the apt. I


don't know where to start all I know is right now it is a chore to get up

every morning and make my self go to work they have me on naproxen right now


it isn't much help


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Hi ,

Nice to meet you- I am Diane, I am 36, 2 kids, with RA that causes me a bunch of



I am in your area- DC, suburban land. I have been diagnosed for about 3

years now

with RA, like you I am seronegative (although I did pop the RF 15 years ago once


this came on).

I can highly recommend Knitzer in Olney- he, and his office staff, are


I have to go to someone else now (insurance issue), but they are not as good.

If you email me directly I can go into more detail.

Take care,



> Hi Group,


> I've been lurking for a number of months and decided it was time to

> say hello :) I'm a 45 yr old single mother of a 5 yr old, diagnosed

> in the past yr w/RA. Started off w/years of feet problems, primarily

> attributed to neuromas. Many surgeries, painful scar tissue and

> opinions later, a foot/ankle orthopedic specialist finally had a

> hunch and sent me to a Rheumy, who didn't think my symptoms were RA

> til she ran tests and found my anti-CCP # was very high, even though

> I had a neg. RF. So in addition to a NSAID and Prilosec, she wanted

> me immediately on either MTX or a biologic (was giving me my

> choice). Then I realized she wasn't on my plan and it was going to

> be costly to stick w/her, so I switched to another Rheumy that she

> recommended, though I don't like him nearly as much. Fast forward 6

> mos...I am now on Plaquenil and I thought, along w/the NSAID, it was

> keeping my feet in check and no other joint complaints. My sediment

> rate, C Reactive protein, etc. have all been in normal range, so I

> feel I've caught this fairly on the early side (though 1 nodule in my

> toe). Until 2 days ago. Now I'm waking up w/stiffness/swelling in

> one hand and slightly in the other, and I know he's going to want me

> to move to MTX since he mentioned I was borderline and ready to

> switch me if anything else occured.


> Whereas the first Rheumy was very easy to talk to and very open to me

> choosing MTX vs. the Enbrel/Humira route, this one seems extremely

> discouraging about starting Enbrel before first trying MTX, even

> though there is no problem w/my insurance covering it out of the

> gate. I am PETRIFIED of the MTX side effects...primarily the hair

> loss one, as I already have had years of issues w/this due to nothing

> other than heredity (no thyroid issues). I hear Folic Acid can help

> but doesn't necessarily prevent it. I know that RA can bring on a

> whole lot worse than hair loss, but that's where my head is right now!


> Any advice,words of wisdom, (or even tongue lashings!) appreciated,

> as most of you are way more experienced in this than I.


> Also, I am in the Wash DC/land suburbs. If anyone lives in this

> area and has a Rheumy they love (or would warn against), I'd love to

> hear about them.


> Thanks,



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  • 1 month later...

Okay, okay, I'll stop lurking and post already!

I'm 28 and very newly gluten-free. I tested out a GF diet beginning around

September, with

amazing results, and am in the process of a diagnosis. I had negative blood

tests last week--

after several months of GF eating, I could only handle a week and a half on

small amounts of

gluten (I was so sickand am still paying for it!), so I doubt I ate nearly

enough for a positive

screen. My dr has just refered me to a gastroenterologist, so I'll be getting my



While I can now see celiac symptoms starting after puberty, they flared up

significantly after

my pregnancy three years ago. I blamed the symptoms on post-pregnancy bodily


and just getting older...so I dealt with it....until now.

Going gluten-free (and possibly dealing with celiac disease...) has been easier

than I

expected, thanks to the great resources in the area for both food and

information. I'm having

a blast re-learning how to cook, and more importantly, learning how to take care

of myself!

I'm glad to have found another great resource here, and will be talking with all

of you often!

Alameda/Oakland/San Francisco

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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Fiona.  My name is Colene.  I'm also a newly diagnosed RA gal.  I've found

taking omega 3 by Carlson's lab (Inflammation formula) twice a day has really

helped.  I came upon this after reading the " Inflammation Syndrome " .  There

seems to be wealth of information out there regarding diet with many auto-immune

disorders that may help. 


God Bless.



From: Fiona Oosthuizen <grompot.n.gatvol@...>

Subject: [ ] newbie intro

Date: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 11:07 PM


Good morning all -

I am Fiona a housewife and homeschooling mom living in Africa - I was diagnosed

last year October with RA . I unfortunately have only one kidney and not a very

healthy one at that - so I cannot take many of the meds used to treat RA . I

found a site on the internet today and it gave a long list of possible drugs ,

and sadly none of them I can use .

So I take am on Celicoxib when I am in totaly agony as diclofenac isnt working

very well at the moment .

and I use Ice man gel -which is a menthol gel used for horses when they sprain

their legs in a race - it helps a bit . I have limited movement in my right hand

, very sore wrist joints .

Yours Fiona

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Hi Fiona.


I am sorry you have RA, and that you are in a lot of pain.  Can you take

Prednisone?  If so, that helps with the flares and pain.  Are you taking any

RX pain medicine?  If not, that helps a great deal too.


I so hope you can find a drug for your RA that you can take successfully.


I wish you better days ahead, and to also be pain free.


Welcome to our wonderful group.




From: Fiona Oosthuizen <grompot.n.gatvol@...>

Subject: [ ] newbie intro

Date: Sunday, March 20, 2011, 1:07 AM


Good morning all -

I am Fiona a housewife and homeschooling mom living in Africa - I was diagnosed

last year October with RA . I unfortunately have only one kidney and not a very

healthy one at that - so I cannot take many of the meds used to treat RA . I

found a site on the internet today and it gave a long list of possible drugs ,

and sadly none of them I can use .

So I take am on Celicoxib when I am in totaly agony as diclofenac isnt working

very well at the moment .

and I use Ice man gel -which is a menthol gel used for horses when they sprain

their legs in a race - it helps a bit . I have limited movement in my right hand

, very sore wrist joints .

Yours Fiona

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